
Abeer farid Abdelnaeem

مدرس مساعد - مدرس مساعد بقسم التشريح البشرى وعلم الاجنه

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج الحويتى



مدرس مساعد بقسم التشريح البشرى والاجنه بكلية الطب بجامعة سوهاج للتدريس للصف الاول والثانى لطلبة كلية الطب وكذلك كلية التمريض والصيدله ومعهد فنى صحى

2018-10-19 21:56:57 | الكلمات المفتاحية Jugular foramen, internal jugu,
A Morphologic and Morphometric Study of the jugular foramen of the adult human skulls: an osteological study in Upper Egypt.
A Morphologic and Morphometric Study of the jugular foramen of the adult human skulls: an osteological study in Upper Egypt. By Mohammed, A.Desouky (a),Salwa, M. Ouies (b) and Abeer,F. Abd EL Naeem (c). (a) Professor of anatomy & Embryology. Faculty of Medicine. Al-Minia University. (b) Lecturer of anatomy& Embryology. Faculty of Medicine .Sohag University. (c) Assistant lecturer.Anatomy & Embryology department. ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-19 21:59:34 | الكلمات المفتاحية greater palatine foramen, 3rd,
A Morphologic and Morphometric Study of the greater palatine foramen:   An osteological study in Upper Egypt
A MORPHOLOGIC AND MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF THE GREATER PALATINE FORAMEN: AN OSTEOLOGICAL STUDY IN UPPER EGYPT By MOHAMMED, A.DESOUKY (A), SALWA, M. OUIES (B) AND ABEER,F. ABD EL NAEEM (C). (a) Professor of anatomy & Embryology. Faculty of Medicine. Al-Minia University. (b) Lecturer of anatomy& Embryology. Faculty of Medicine .Sohag University. (c) Assistant lecturer.Anatomy & Embryology department. Sohag University. ……………………………………………………………… ... إقراء المزيد