
Prof.Dr. Abelbaset Abudeif

Professor - Professor of applied geophysics and vice dean of Faculty of Science for Community and Environmental Development , Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.

Faculty of science

Address: 33 Belal Ben Rabah, Nacer City, Sohag, Egypt



Welcome to Prof.Dr. Abelbaset Abudeif Web Page

2018-12-03 17:40:29
تاجيل مجلس قسم الجيولجيا الى يوم الاربعاء الموافق 5/12/ 2018
تاجيل مجلس قسم الجيولجيا الى يوم الاربعاء الموافق 5/12/ 2018 Read more

2018-12-03 17:38:35
نكتونية الارض
ندعوكم لحضورة ورشة عمل بعنوان تكتونية الارض والتلى يحاضر فيها الاستاذ الدكتور فريد مكروم الاستاذ بجامعة المنصورة Read more

2018-12-03 17:35:53
اهرامات الجيزة( الحقيقة بينالعلم ونظريات البناء)
غدا ورشة عمل عن أهرامات الجيزه بعلوم سوهاج ينظم قسم الجيولوجيا بكلية العلوم جامعه سوهاج ورشه عمل بعنوان اهرامات الجيزه "الحقيقه بين المشاهدات ونظريات البناء "وذلك غدا الثلاثاء الموافق 4ديسمبر الساعه الحادية عشر صباحا بالقاعه الزجاجيه بمقر الجامعه القديم. صرح بذلك الدكتور احمد سليمان عميد كليه العلوم. وقال الدكتور عبدالباسط محمد ابوضيف رئيس قسم الجيولوجيا ان ا الندوه قد تعرض ... Read more

2018-11-15 17:05:52 | Keywords Subsurface, Gravity, Magnetic,
Estimation of site effect using microtremor technique at 15th May City, Helwan, Egypt
Local site effect is an important feature of seismic hazards, which often causes amplification of ground motions and results in increasing the damage potential of earthquake. This paper presents an experimental study of microtremor data to investigate the dynamic characteristics of soil and structures at the 15th May City, southeast Cairo, Egypt. This city was constructed on Eocene sedimentary rocks ... Read more

2018-11-15 17:41:44 | Keywords
Hydrocarbone type estimation using the synthetic logs: A case study in Baba member, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
Lack of pressure data and/or one curve of the essential well logs such as density, neutron, sonic, resistivity and gamma ray curves in some reservoirs, is not preferred situation for the petrophysict, which will affect the petrophysical evaluation process and the reservoir characterization study. Four wells (A, B, C and D), in the area of interest, penetrated Baba sandstone zone ... Read more

2018-11-15 17:27:44 | Keywords
Engineering Applications of 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (TRT) For the proposed New Akhmim City, Sohag, Egypt.
Land reclaimed from water bodies or its equivalent (swamp, flood zones and abandon river channel) usually contain certain mechanically unstable geological formations (e.g. peat and clay) which are inimical to the foundation of engineering structures. Concerted effort must therefore be ensured to determine depth to competent layer (bedrock) across the proposed site as against conventional geotechnical test which is a ... Read more

2018-11-15 17:30:12 | Keywords
Detection of basaltic intrusion using geomagnetic survey on Kolit Fahdi, Eastern Desert, Egypt).
The aim of this study is to delineate the areal extent of and estimate depths to a basaltic intrusion –Fahdi domal structure (FDS) – in the western desert of Egypt. The study also shed light on the different phases of deformations associated with this intrusion. For this purpose, we integrate total field ground magnetic data and aeromagnetic data, collected for ... Read more

2018-11-15 17:36:37 | Keywords
Estimation of Site Effect Using Microtremor Technique at 15 th May City, Helwan, Egypt
This technique was originally proposed by Nogoshi and Igarashi (J Seism Soc Japan 24:26–40, 1971) and modified by Nakamura (Railway Tech Res Inst (RTRI) Q Rep 30:25–33, 1989). Read more