
أد/ عبدالرحيم عبد ربه صادق محمد

Professor - أستاذ بقسم طب الأطفال -مشرف على وحدة اعصاب الاطفال-قسم طب الأطفال -كلية الطب-جامعة سوهاج

Faculty of medicine

Address: سوهاج-حي غرب



أهلا وسهلا بكم في الموقع الشخصي للأستاذ الدكتور/ عبدالرحيم عبدربه صادق 

أستاذ طب الأطفال والمشرف علي وحدة أعصاب الأطفال -قسم طب الأطفال-كلية الطب-جامعة سوهاج

التحق بكلية الطب -جامعة أسيوط  عام 1989 واستمر حتى الفرقة الرابعة حيث انتقل الي كلية الطب يسوهاج عام 1993 وتخرج منها عام 1995 بتقدير جيد جدا وتم تعيينه طبيبا مقيما بقسم طب الأطفال عام 1997 ثم معيدا ومدرسا مساعدا 2001 ثم مدرسا 2008 ثم استاذ مساعد 2013 ثم وافقت لجنة الترقيات في اكتوبر 2018 علي الترقي للأستاذية

ذهب سيادته في بعثة اشراف مشترك الي جامعة تورفيرجاتا روما لمدة عام في سبتمبر 2006

حضر العديد من المؤتمرات

2018-11-01 01:32:24
The Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry
This Conference will be held In Shaa ALLAH in Alexandria April 2019 Read more

2018-11-01 01:27:13
7th Upper Egypt Neuroscince Conference
conference held in Luxor 7-10 November 2018 I am Speaker in the conference Read more

2018-11-01 03:07:22 | Keywords Oxidative stress . Essential t,
Metabolic profile of oxidative stress and trace elements in febrile seizures among children
Abstract Febrile seizures (FS) are frequent convulsive disorders, occurring in infants and young children. The present study aims to assess and compare the serum levels of oxidative stress markers and some essential trace minerals in FS with normal or abnormal EEG and evaluate the effect of antioxidant therapy on the clinical outcome. This study has been carried out on 80 ... Read more

2018-11-01 03:56:51 | Keywords
Genetic variants in components of the NALCN-UNC80-UNC79 ion channel complex cause a broad clinical phenotype (NALCN channelopathies).
Abstract NALCN is a conserved cation channel, which conducts a permanent sodium leak current and regulates resting membrane potential and neuronal excitability. It is part of a large ion channel complex, the “NALCN channelosome”, consisting of multiple proteins including UNC80 and UNC79. The predominant neuronal expression pattern and its function suggest an important role in neuronal function and disease. So ... Read more

2018-11-01 00:53:02 | Keywords Str, Self-inflicted eye injury,
Pediatric self-inflicted eye trauma due to a major depressive disorder
Abstract Self-inflicted eye trauma is a serious form of self-harm as it may lead to irreversible visual disability. Diagnosing self-inflicted ocular injuries, in all its forms, can be quite challenging. In this report, we are presenting a 5-yearold girl presented to Sohag University Outpatient Clinic with a history of repeated attacks of bilateral eye redness with blood-tinged strands removed from ... Read more

2018-11-01 02:23:27 | Keywords Autism; MTHFR; Genotype; Pheno,
Study of the C677T and 1298AC polymorphic genotypes of MTHFR Gene in autism spectrum disorder
Abstract Background: Autism is currently known as "a behaviorally defined syndrome” manifested as impairment in social communication, repetitive routines and restricted interests. There is an increased risk of ASDs associated with common mutations affecting the folate/methylation cycle. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify C677T and 1298AC polymorphic genotypes of MTHFR gene among a sample of Egyptian children ... Read more

2018-11-01 01:36:14 | Keywords Registry – Cerebral palsy – Ph,
Physical Therapy Registry for Establishment of Cerebral Palsy in Sohag City
Abstract Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) registers appear to be appropriate tools for answering quastions regarding the prev-alence and characteristics of this common childhood disability. Aim: This study was conducted to establish database about CP in Sohag City in Sohag Governorate. Subjects and Methods: CP childern in general, health insurance and University Hospital, Physical Therapy Private Centers, Neuro Pediatric Clinics and ... Read more