
Ahmed Elsaman Mohamed

مدرس مساعد - مدرس مساعد بقسم الأشعة التشخيصية والتداخلية

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج



الهدف و الرؤية الواضحة و القرارات السليمة هم عنوان اي تقدم. البحث العلمي هو العمود الفقري لتقدم الدول. أن السبب في تأخر دولة ليس في فقر الموارد, لكنه فقر في الادارة, وفي الخيال السياسي, والابتكار والتجويد, وإنتاج الأفكار, وملازمة ذلك لحياة ديمقراطية حقيقية, تستقطب فيها الدولة, أفضل ما لديها من عقول, دون تمييز لأصحاب الولاء, علي أصحاب العلم والمعرفة والخبرة والتخصص.

2018-10-17 18:48:28
BGO 2018 Annual Conference
Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to welcome you to the National Cancer Institute BGO 2018 Annual Conference in Cairo, Egypt from 7th to 9th of November, 2018. This conference will bring together the entire spectrum of Egyptian, international Scientists, researchers and clinicians fostering collaborations in cancer management worldwide. As in previous conferences, we are ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-17 19:26:49 | الكلمات المفتاحية BIRADS, Elastography, Strain ratio, Elastacity score, ultrasound,
.(Role of Ultrasound Elastography in Characterization of Indeterminate Breast lesions (BIRADS 3&4 lesions
_ABSTRACT_ With the expanded role of screening breast ultrasonography and accumulating clinical experience, the American College of Radiology (ACR) has established the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) ultrasonography lexicon to standardize terminology for description and management recommendations according to stratified risks. It has been established that probably benign (BI-RADS category 3) lesions having a malignancy rate of less ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-17 19:33:41 | Radiological Anatomy
Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy
This definitive atlas views normal anatomy through the complete range of imaging modalities. The 3rd edition has been updated to reflect advances in imaging technology, particularly in terms of CT, MR and ultrasound imaging. In all, 200 new diagnostic images have been added, and in response to user feedback, 25 new line diagrams have been added to aid interpretation of ... إقراء المزيد