
Ahmed Elsayed Ali othman

مدرس - مدرس بوحدة أمراض التخاطب

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاج الحويتى


المعلومات الشخصية: Ahmed Elsayed Ali othman
الاسم بالكامل Ahmed Elsayed Ali othman
البريد الإلكتروني Ahmed.othman@med.sohag.edu.eg
النوع ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد 1982-10-13
الكلية كلية الطب
الدرجة الوظيفية مدرس
العنوان سوهاج الحويتى
المنصب الحالي مدرس بوحدة أمراض التخاطب
البيانات الأكاديمية
التخصص العام كلية الطب البشرىَ قسم الانف والاذن والحنجره
التخصص الدقيق أمراض التخاطب
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة العربية تأثير التعرض للعناصر الثقيله على اللغه
عنوان رسالة الماجستير باللغة الإنجليزية Effect of exposure to heavy metals on language
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة العربية العائد على الكلام بعد إطالة سقف الحلق بشريحة من العضله المبوقه مع الواحه خلفيه لعضلات سقف الحلق العلاج الثانوى القصور الشديد للصمام اللهائى عند الأطفال المصابين بشق فى سقف الحلق
عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه باللغة الإنجليزية Speech outcome of Buccinator flap palatal lengthening with muscle reteropostioning in treatment of severe velopharyngeal valvein incompetence in cleft palate patient
الوظائف الإشرافية و الإدارية عضو بمجلس إدارة الوحده ذات الطابع الخاص لامراض التخاطب بمستشفى سوهاج الجامعى
رقم الهاتف 1008475526
الفاكس 4602963
رقم الجوال 01008475526
رابط صفحة الفيس بوك Dr.Ahmedgelaney2011@yahoo.com
رابط صفحة تويتر Dr.Ahmedgelaney2007@yahoo.com
رابط قناة اليوتيوب لا يوجد
رابط صفحة جوجل بلس Ahmedgelaney5@gmail.com
Google Scholar Dr.Ahmedgelaney5@gmail.com
Linked Dr. Ahmedgelaney
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نبذه مختصرة


Ahmed El Sayed Ali



Personal Information




Name:                                  Ahmed El Sayed Ali Othman Gelaney     

Nationality:                          Egyptian

Date of Birth:                      13/10/1982                                                

Place of Birth:                     Sohag

Sex:                                      Male

Marital Status:                     Married

Religion:                              Muslim

Military Status:                    Finally Exempted


Contact Details



Address:                              Sohag – El hewity – Naga Tork , No. 36.

Tel:                                    +2/0932155040

Mob:                                 +2 /01008475526 - 01119061211

Email:                                Dr.Ahmedgelaney2007@yahoo.com




Lecturer of Phoniatrics – Otolaryngeology department – Sohag University.






- Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University (2005).

   Graduation Grade: Very good

- Master degree in Phoniatrics (2010 – Degree:  Good )

- Doctoral degree in phoniatrics (2017)






English:                        Very good – Pass TOEFL Test

Arabic:                          Mother tongue


Computer Skills



- Having ICDL (International Computer Driving License Certif



Work Experience



In Sohag University Faculty of medicine and Sohag University hospital:

 Resident in Phoniatric unit. ENT deparment from may 2007 to may 2010:

Duties include:

- Assessment of language disorders including MR, HI, Autism, ADHD, SLI, BDMH, dysphasia………

- Management of language disorders (Language therapy and family counseling).

- Assessment of speech disorders (Stuttering, Dysarthria, Hypernasality and Dyslalia).

- Management of speech disorders (Speech therapy)

- Assessment of voice disorders (Using diagnostic flexible fibrooptic nasopharynglaryngeocopies or rigid laryngeoscope).

- Management of voice disorders (voive therapy)

- Assessment of swallowing disorders.

- Management of swallowing disorders.

- Assessment of learning disabilities.

- Management of learning disabilities.


 Assisstant lecturer in Phoniatric unit ENT department from may 2010 to October 2017:


Duties include: the previous duties in addition to

-          Using videofluroscopy for assessment and management of hypernasality and swallowing disorders.

-          Surgical intervention for management of organic laryngeal lesions that needs direct laryngoscopy.

-          Part of the Sohag multidisplinary cleft team for diagnosis and management of different resonance disorders.

-          Management of cochlear implanted children.

-          Organization of different workshops in cleft palate disorders and cochlear implant.


 Lecturer in Phoniatric unit ENT department from October 2017 till currently:


Duties include: the previous duties in addition to

-          Teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate.


Saving Projects & Achievements






 Thesis in Doctaral degree in hypernasality assessment and management and the title was (Speech Outcome of Buccinator Flap Palatal Lengthening with Muscle Retropostioning in Treatment of Severe Secondary Velopharyngeal Incompetence in Cleft Palate Patients).

 Essay in master degree in language disorders and the title was (Effect of exposure to heavy metals on language).

 Two researches in hypernasality were puplished in Sohag Medical Journal Vol. 21 No. 2 July 2017 under titles (Subjective and Objective Assessment of Lateral videofluroscopy for patients with velopharyngeal valve incompetence) and (Phoniatric Protocol for assessment of nasality used in Sohag multidisplinary cleft clinic).  


Training & other courses




- Sohag 3rd Multidisplinary cleft workshop

- Sohag 4th Multidisplinary cleft lip and palate workshop.

- Sohag 5th  Multidisplinary cleft workshop

- Sohag 6th  Multidisplinary cleft workshop

-  Sohag 7th  Sommerlad Multidisplinary cleft workshop.

-  Sohag 8th  Sommerlad Multidisplinary cleft workshop.

- Speech/Resonance Disorders due to cleft palate, Craniofacial anomalies, and dysfunction Evaluation and treatment (Ann Kummer , Mansoura University October 2015).


-  1st Cairo Cochlear implant congress

- OTO Alex" 17 U& Egyptian society for CI (ESFCI).

- MED-EL Rehabilitation workshop Coclear implants and Early Education-         preparing the child for  academic challenges.


- Spotlights on Autism Intervention Workshop.

- Cancer larynx scientific day.

- Selected Topics in head and neck Surgery.


- 3rd annual national congress of the Egyptian sociaty of Phoniatrics and Logopedics.

- 4th annual national congress of the Egyptian sociaty of Phoniatrics and Logopedics.

- 5th annual national congress of the Egyptian sociaty of Phoniatrics and Logopedics.

- 6th annual national congress of the Egyptian sociaty of Phoniatrics and Logopedics.

- 7th annual national congress of the Egyptian sociaty of Phoniatrics and Logopedics.






●  Fishing

● Computer Programs.





● Ping pong and Football.

