
Dr Eman Mokhtar Shaker

Assistant Professor - head of departement

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Address: Egypt -Sohag University -Faculty Veterinary Medicine - Department Food hygiene


Special Informations: Dr Eman Mokhtar Shaker
Full Name Dr Eman Mokhtar Shaker
Email D.eman@vet.sohag.edu.eg
Gender Female
birth date 2018-09-12
Faculty Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Degree Assistant Professor
Address Egypt -Sohag University -Faculty Veterinary Medicine - Department Food hygiene
Current Position head of departement
Academic Information
General Specialization Food Hygiene
Specialization Milk Hygiene
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic مدى تواجد ميكروبات الهليكوباكتر فى اللبن وبعض منتجاته بمدينة سوهاج مع الاهتمام بميكروب الهليكوباكتر بيلورى
Title of Master's Thesis in English Incidence of Helicobacter species in milk and some milk products in Sohag city with special reference to H. pylori
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic مدى تواجد ميكروبات الأركوباكتر فى اللبن الخام وبعض منتجاته فى مدينة أسيوط
Title of PhD thesis in English Surveillance of Arcobacter Species in raw milk and some milk products in Assiut city
Supervisory and administrative functions head departement
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