
Safaa Abdelaziz Rashed Mohamed

Lecturer - lecturer at nursing administration department - administrator of graduate follow-up unit

Faculty of Nursing

Address: Sohag University- Faculty of Nursing


Special Informations: Safaa Abdelaziz Rashed Mohamed
Full Name Safaa Abdelaziz Rashed Mohamed
Gender Female
birth date 1975-07-21
Faculty Faculty of Nursing
Degree Lecturer
Address Sohag University- Faculty of Nursing
Current Position lecturer at nursing administration department - administrator of graduate follow-up unit
Academic Information
General Specialization Nursing administration
Specialization Nursing administration
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic تاثير السلوكيات القيادية لمشرفات التمريض على الرضا والالتزام الوظيفى بمستشفى اسيوط الجامعى
Title of Master's Thesis in English effect of leadership behaviors of head nurses on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses at assiut university hospital
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic اداء الوظائف الادارية لرئيسات التمريض وتاثيره على انتاجية الممرضات بمستشفى اسيوط الجامعى
Title of PhD thesis in English performance of head nurses management functions and its effect on nurses productivityat assiut universty hospital
Supervisory and administrative functions Aministrator of graduate follow-up unit
Phone 1009777941
Mobile 01009777941
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A brief about me

 Dr.Safaa abdelaziz Rashed Mohamed

  Adress:Faculity of nursing Sohag university
