
Elnisr Rashed Mohamed Saber

Assistant Professor - Assisstant professor

Faculty of medicine

Address: 2. El-Tahreer Street, Administrative Prosecution Tower, in Front of Police station of help. 8th Floor, Elzahraa, Sohag, Egypt, Postal code 82519



اهلا وسهلا بكم في موقعى بجامعة سوهاج, كلية الطب

دكتور النسر راشد محمد صابر الشريف خريج كلية الطب, جامعة سوهاج, دفعة 1998 وهي رابع دفعة لكلية طب سوهاج بعد صدور قرار افتتاحها وكان ترتيبي الثاني في الدفعة بتفدير جيد جدا مع مرتية الشرف.

بعد انتهاء سنة التدريب تم تعييني طبيب مقيم بقسم المسالك البوليه حسب رغبتي لمدة ثلاث سنوات بعدها حصلت علي المجستير في جراحة ومناظير المسالك البوليه بتقدير امتياز مع مرتبة الشرف في عام 2003. بعد ذلك سافرت بعثة اشراف مشترك لدولة اليابانلمدة عامين في عام 2006 للحصول علي الدكتوراه, و بعدها حصلت علي الدكتوراه عام 2009,واعمل الان استاذ مساعد مناظير وجراحات المسالك البولية بقسم المسالك البوليه, كلية طب سوهاج.



2018-10-29 14:35:51 | Keywords Hypospadias · Flap,
A novel technique for repair of mid‑penile hypospadias using a preputial skin flap: results of 110 patients
Background: Several techniques have been used to repair mid-penile hypospadias; however, high failure rates and major complications have been reported. In this study, we describe a novel technique using a well-vascularized flap of the inner and outer preputial skin. Methods: A total of 110 male children with hypospadias underwent repair by our technique between 2008 and 2015. The inclusion criteria ... Read more

2018-10-28 17:19:27 | Keywords solitary kidney, st, Pediatric,
Pediatric retrograde intra‑renal surgery for renal stones <2 cm in solitary kidney
Introduction: Management of renal stones in children with a solitary kidney is a challenge. In the current study, the efficacy and safety of retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) in these children were determined. Patients and Methods: Records of children with renal stones who were treated at our institute between August 2011 and August 2014 were retrospectively assessed. Inclusion criteria were: Children ... Read more

2018-10-28 17:41:03 | Keywords Erectile dysfunction; Malleabl,
Surgical outcomes and complications of Tube (Promedon) malleable penile prostheses in diabetic versus non-diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction
Objective: To evaluate surgical outcome, complications, and patients satisfaction with the Tube (Promedon, Cordoba, Argentina) malleable penile prosthesis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with refractory erectile dysfunction (ED). Patients and methods: The records of 128 eligible patients who received Tube malleable penile prostheses at our institute between September 2008 and October 2015 were reviewed. Results: Of the 128 patients, who ... Read more

2018-10-28 17:32:07 | Keywords
Urethroplasty for treatment of long anterior urethral stricture: buccal mucosa graft versus penile skin graft—does the stricture length matter?
Purpose: To investigate the surgical outcomes of dorsal onlay urethroplasty (DOU) using buccal mucosa graft (BMG) or penile skin graft (PSG) and to assess the effect of stricture length in men with anterior urethral strictures. Methods: A prospective cohort included men with anterior urethral strictures between 2008 and 2015. Patients underwent DOU using PSG or BMG. Patients had urethrography and ... Read more

2018-10-27 22:36:57 | Keywords erythropoietin-producing hepat,
Reduced expression of erythropoietin-producing hepatocyte B6 receptor tyrosine kinase in prostate cancer
Abstract. Loss of erythropoietin‑producing hepatocyte (Eph) B6 gene expression is associated with poor prognosis in neuroblastoma, melanoma and other tumors. The present study evaluated the expression of EphB6 receptor tyrosine kinase in normal and prostate cancer tissue using immunohistochemistry. The association between EphB6 expression, clinicopathological findings, proliferating‑cell nuclear antigen (PCNA; another prognostic marker) and progression of prostate cancer was analyzed. ... Read more