
Fawzy Abbas Badawy Saleem

Lecturer - Chief of the pain relieve unit

Faculty of medicine

Address: Sohag faculty of medecine - anesthesia,icu and pain relieve department



Alsalam alaicome

It gives me greate pleasure to introduce my page for staff members in sohag university

2018-10-11 22:26:16
pain relieve lecturer
يوم الاحدالموافق 14-10-2018 بقسم التخدير و العناية المركزة Read more

2018-10-11 22:22:49 | Keywords fibroptic,
comparative study between different methods for fibroptic intubation in patients difficult to intubate
use of flexable fibroptic bronchoscopy for awake nasotracheal intubation under local anesthesia or using sedation with propofol or sevofluran and glycopyrolate premedication is associated with good condition for intubation, high rates of successful intubation, over all good heamodynamic stability and good patient confort and acceptance Read more