
Mohamed Ebeed Hussein

Lecturer - Power systems& Electrical Machines

Faculty of engineering

Address: Sohag university- Faculty of engineering- Electrical Engineering Department




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Mohamed Ebeed Hussein

Electrical engineering department

Faculty of engineering 


2018-12-29 23:49:46
تحميل كتب هندسية  لاي تخصص
#Online Library #Engineering #save post 1- المكتبة الخاصة بقسم الهندسة الكهربية تحتوي علي حوالي 6.3 جيجا كتب ومراجع علمية عبارة :- * عن الكتب والمراجع التي تم تدريسها علي مدار الخمس سنوات الماضية طبقا للائحة الكلية الجديدة *مكتبة خاصة لشعبة القوي والالات الكهربية * قسم لاسئلة المقابلات الشخصية والاختيار من متعدد سواء ان كانت عربية اة اجنبية * بعض الكورسات ... Read more

2018-11-21 15:38:16
بشان قيام الجامعة بالاشتراك مع جامعة عين شمس والمركز العربى للتعليم والتنمية بتنظيم المؤتمر الدولى الحادى عشر بعنوان مستقبل المكون المعرفى للتنمية المستدامه (التعليم والبحث العلمى نموذجا) فى الفترة 16-18 فبراير 2019م
بشان قيام الجامعة بالاشتراك مع جامعة عين شمس والمركز العربى للتعليم والتنمية بتنظيم المؤتمر الدولى الحادى عشر بعنوان مستقبل المكون المعرفى للتنمية المستدامه (التعليم والبحث العلمى نموذجا) فى الفترة 16-18 فبراير 2019م Read more

2018-11-09 14:19:07
Properties of   Electrical Materials (خواص المواد الكهربية)
Lecture 5 Magnetic Properties of matrials Read more

2018-10-18 09:05:23
Special Machines book down load Read more

2018-09-22 22:05:36
دعوة لحضور المؤتمر الاول للابتكار (مبتكري الجنوب)
برعاية الاستاذ الدكتور رئيس الجامعة تتشرف مكاتب نقل وتسويق التكنولوجيا بدعوتكم لحضور المؤتمر الاول للابتكار مبتكري الجنوب وذلك يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 2/10/208 بالفاعة الزجاجية السادة المهندسين خريجي عام ٢٠١٨ هيتم عرض مشروعات تخرجكم في هذا المؤتمر فيا ريت تحضروا كلكم واي من الطلاب عنده أفكار بناءة ممكن يتواصل معانا او يتواصل مباشرة واحنا نوصلها للقائمين علي المؤتمر Read more

An improved moth‐flame optimization algorithm for solving optimal power flow problem
This paper proposes an improved moth flame optimization (IMFO) algorithm to effectively solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problems. The concept of moth flame optimization (MFO) is inspired from the movement of moth towards the moon direction. IMFO is mainly based on the concept of MFO with modifying the path of moths in new spirals around the flame. Standard IEEE ... Read more

2018-09-20 13:53:43 | Keywords Distributed Generation; Optimi,
An efficient hybrid approach for optimal allocation of DG in radial distribution networks
This paper proposes a hybrid method to determine the optimal locations and sizes of renewable Distributed Generation (DG) sources in radial distribution system (RDS). The proposed method is based on Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm (MFO) and the loss sensitivity factor (LSF). The most candidate locations for incorporating of DG are determined using LSF while MFO algorithm is employed to find the ... Read more

2018-09-20 13:44:54 | Keywords Optimal power flowEvolution al,
Chapter 7 - Optimal Power Flow Using Recent Optimization Techniques
Optimal power flow solution gives the best secure operating point according to certain objective functions and satisfying the operation constraints of the system. Different objective functions in power systems can be optimizely achieved. These objectives can be; the total losses of transmission lines, total generation cost, FACTS cost, voltage deviations, total of power transfer capability, voltage stability, emission of generation ... Read more

2018-09-20 13:28:34 | Keywords UPQC, D-FACTS , Capacitor,
Optimal Allocation of Compensators
Electric distribution networks mainly deliver the electric power from the high-voltage transmission system to the consumers. In these networks, the R/X ratio is significantly high compared to transmission systems hence power loss is high (about 10–13% of the generated power). Moreover, poor quality of power including the voltage profile and voltage stability issues may arise. The inclusion of shunt capacitors ... Read more

2018-09-20 10:39:32 | Keywords Center-node unified power flow, FACTS, Newton-Raphson, Load flow,
A comprehensive model of C-UPFC with innovative constraint enforcement techniques in load flow analysis
Center-node Unified Power Flow Controller (C-UPFC) is a recent developed Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) device. C-UPFC is a combined shunt-series controller that connected at the midpoint of transmission lines to control various parameters such as, voltage magnitude at midpoint of line, active and reactive powers flow at both ends of line. This paper proposed an efficient modelling with handling ... Read more

Special Machines (المحركات الخاصة)
COURSE OBJECTIVES * To know the importance, usage advantages and disadvantages of special machines. * To define the type of special machine needed for each application based on the characteristics of each. * Treatment all the problem which may occur in practice and introduce the solution * Distinguish between the conventional and special eclectic machines. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME By the ... Read more

Properties of   Electrical Materials
COURSE OBJECTIVES Help the students to understand of Electrical materials and their characteristics. Electrical materials application in electrical equipment. Teach the student the physical bases of the superconductivity of some materials. Teach the student the characteristics of Conductors, semiconductors and dielectric Teach the student the magnetic and optical properties of materials INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME :By the end of this course ... Read more