

Lecturer - lecturer

Faculty of engineering

Address: Electrical Engineering Dept"4th Floor"-Room 442



Mostafa Salah received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and PHD Degrees in electrical engineering, from Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt in 2003, 2010 and 2018 respectively. From Oct. 2014 till Dec. 2017, he is an assistant lecturer at Electronics and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sohag University. His interests include mobile wireless communications, embedding super-resolution and compressive sensing in single/multi-carrier modulation, indexed modulation and aggregation of millimeter wave with cellular mobile systems.

2018-10-05 17:59:13
Vodafone supporting graduation projects
Since 2005 Vodafone Graduation Project Program has sponsored various graduation projects for students at universities across Egypt aiming to enrich the student’s academic life with professional experience to prepare them for starting a successful career. We look for brilliant and enthusiastic students who want to make a difference in the telecommunication field through their projects. Vodafone Egypt R&D sponsor graduation ... Read more

Compressive Sensing Approach in Multicarrier  Sparsely Indexing Modulation Systems
recently the indexed modulation (IM) technique in conjunction with the multi-carrier modulation gains an increasing attention. It conveys additional information on the subcarrier indices by activating specific subcarriers in the frequency domain besides the conventional amplitude-phase modulation of the activated subcarriers. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with IM (OFDM-IM) is deeply compared with the classical OFDM. It leads to an ... Read more

Integrated reader and tag anti-collision protocol in  RFID systems based on similar topology trees
This paper describes a new fast anti-collision algorithm for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. In this paper, an efficient protocol is introduced for anti-collision of tags and readers in multi-tag multi-reader environment. The proposed anti-collision protocol is based on constructing Similar Binary Trees Topology (STT) for all readers in the collision domain. The novelty of our protocol is the Parallel ... Read more

Tag Anti-collision Algorithm for RFID Systems  with Minimum Overhead Information  in the Identification Process
This paper describes a new tree based anti-collision algorithm for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. The proposed technique is based on fast parallel binary splitting (FPBS) technique. It follows a new identification path through the binary tree. The main advantage of the proposed protocol is the simple dialog between the reader and tags. It needs only one bit tag response ... Read more

2018-10-01 22:11:20 | Keywords anti-collision protocols, radio frequency identification,
Fast and Simple Anti-collision Protocol based on Up-down Counter and one Bit Reader Response.
This paper describes a simple fast protocol of counter based anti-collision approaches. The tag processing is depending on one depth counter and conflict pointer to determine its position from the identification state. The main advantage of the proposed protocol is the simple one bit reader response in the identification process. The one bit reader response will provide the tags all ... Read more

Parallel binary tree splitting protocol for tag anti-collision in RFID systems
This paper describes new tree based anti-collision algorithm for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The proposed algorithm is based on parallel binary splitting (PBS) technique to follow new identification path through the binary tree. The dialog between the reader and tags needs only one bit tag response followed by one bit reader reply (one-toone bit dialog). The proposed scheme does not ... Read more

2018-10-05 16:58:14 | Digital Signal Processing
DSP Course specifications
The attached file provides Course specifications. Read more