
Dr. ahmed askalany

Lecturer -

Faculty of industrial education

Address: برج الحمد - دماريس - المنيا


2013 | Keywords Cooling,
Adsorption Isotherms and Heat of Adsorption of Difluoromethane on Activated Carbons
Experimental adsorption data of difluoromethane (HFC-32) on activated carbon in powder (ACP) and fiber (ACF) forms over a range of (25 to 75)°C and pressures up to 1400 kPa are reported. The data are fitted to Tóth and Dubinin− Astakhov isotherm equations. Adsorbed phase volume is derived from the data. Isosteric heats of adsorption are extracted, and their dependence on ... Read more

2013 | Keywords Cooling,
Adsorption cooling system employing granular activated carboneR134a pair for renewable energy applications
An adsorption cooling system has been designed and built employing granular activated carbon (GAC)eR134a as adsorbenterefrigerant pair. The performance of the system has been determined using a cycle simulation computer program written in Fortran. The performance of the system has been determined varying driving heat source inlet temperatures and delivered evaporator temperatures. The maximum driving heat source temperature is kept ... Read more

2013 | Keywords Cooling,
An overview on adsorption pairs for cooling
This studyisasurveyforworkingadsorbent–refrigerantpairsandthenewpairsforpotential applications.Thestudyintroducesaclassificationfortheadsorptioncoolingsystemsandacomparison betweenthembasedontheemployedadsorptionpairs.Thecomparisonisonthebasisofthelimitsof use suchascoefficientofperformance(COP),drivingtemperature,evaporationtemperatureand specificcoolingpower(SCP).Thestudyalsointroducesareviewofthemostpromisingnewadsorption pairs.Thenewpairsareintroducedfromthepointofviewofitsadsorptioncharacteristics.Finally,the studyconcludedthatthefutureofadsorptioncoolingcouldbemorepopularasitwillofferanswersfor the existingchallenges. Read more

2012 | Keywords Cooling,
Hybrid adsorption cooling systems–An overview
With sharprisingglobalenergydemandposingarapiddevelopmentinsustainablecoolingsystemsis required.Hybridadsorptioncoolingcycleisconsideredasoneofthesustainablecoolingsystems. The presentstudyintroducesasurveyofhybridadsorptioncoolingsystemsinordertostandonitsfact and clarifythefuturetrend.Thesurveysectionedthehybridadsorptionsystemsintothreesections; (i)assistedtechnology,(ii)application,and(iii)heatsourcetype.Thehybridsystemwhichusesvapor compressionwithadsorptionemployingactivatedcarbon/CO2 pair wasfoundtohavethehighestvalueof thecoefficientofperformance(COP).Onthecontrary,vaporcompression-hybridcoolingsystemusing activatedcarbon/R134aastheadsorbent/refrigerantpairhasthelowestCOPvalueandsubstantialresearch developmentanddemonstration(RD&D)isrequiredtomeettheglobalchallengeofenergyconservation. Read more

2012 | Keywords Cooling,
A review on adsorption cooling systems with adsorbent carbon
This study introduces a review for the potential cooling systems which uses carbon materials as an adsorbent. Also, the adsorption carbon pairs (pairs where the carbon is the adsorbent) which is still under researches were reviewed. The maximum COP (coefficient of performance) of the cooling systems was 0.8 for activated carbon/ethanol pair. The study concluded that the performances of the ... Read more

2012 | Keywords Cooling,
Experimental study on adsorption-desorption characteristics of granular activated carbon/R134a pair
Experimental runs were done to estimate the adsorption characteristics of granular activated carbon (GAC)/R134a pair. A laboratory scale test rig was designed and built to run the experiments. The adsorption capacity of the GAC was studied at different temperatures 25 C, 35 C, 45 C and 65 C. Pressure and time were recorded during the experiments. The maximum adsorption capacity ... Read more

2009 | Keywords Biomass,
Experimental study on Egyptian biomass combustion in circulating fluidized bed
The present study investigates the combustion of four kinds of biomass in a circulating fluidized bed. The combustion chamber is a steel cylinder with 145 mm inner diameter and 2 m height. Tests were conducted on wheat straw, sawdust-wood, cottonseed burs, and corncobs. Excess air was varied for each fuel. Temperature, heat flux and gas emissions were measured along the ... Read more