
Ramy Kamal Amin Sayed

Lecturer - Lecturer of Veterinary Anatomy and Embryology

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Address: Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sohag University


Palate of Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): Gross Anatomical, Light and Scanning Electron Microscopical Study
This investigation aimed to determine the morphological characteristics of the palate of bronze black turkey by gross anatomy, light and scanning electron microscopy. The oral roof (palate) constitutes 87.73% of the oropharyngeal roof length, comprising two parts; rostral and caudal. The rostral part is characterized by the presence of median palatine ridge, rostral and caudal lateral palatine ridges, narrow part ... Read more

2014 | Keywords morphology, Upper beak, SEM, Turkey,
Morphological Studies on the Upper Beak of Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
This study was carried out to provide a detailed description about the upper beak of turkey, regarding its gross anatomical, light and scanning electron microscopic morphology. The upper beak extends in a hook like infront of the lower beak. It measures 53.80 mm long. The height and width of the upper beak increase caudalwards. SEM shows that the tip and ... Read more