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استاذ - وكيل كلية الآداب لشؤون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الآداب

العنوان: سوهاج - كلية الآداب - قسم الفلسفة


The Concept of Mimesis: Evolution From Plato to Longinus
Scholarly literature on Socrates and the Socratics is growing constantly and steadily. The number of editions, translations, monographs, collections and articles is increasing from year to year,1 contributing to a boost of knowledge about Socrates and his pupils as well as to new ways of interpreting such knowledge. Well established hermeneutical paradigms spanning from Olof Gigon’s ‘skeptic’ approach to Gregory ... إقراء المزيد

Introducing Christian Philosophy
Establishing a new philosophical school of thought in the course of its development naturally generates the need for understandable introductions. The new philosophical movement, initially known as “De Wijsbegeerte der Wetdsidee” (the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea), is no exception. After its main contours took shape during the twenties and thirties of the previous century, its innovating and penetrating systematic ... إقراء المزيد

الفكر الشرقي القديم بين الرفض والقبول
انقسم المؤرخون نحو العلم اليوناني إلي قسمين : قسم يقول بالمعجزة اليونانية وان اليونان هم أصحاب الفضل الأول في تشييد معالم هذا العلم ، وفريق أخر يقول بالآصول الشرقية للعلم اليوناني وأنه لولا انجازات الحضارات الشرقية ما ظهر هذا العلم اليوناني . والمؤلف يحاول هنا معالجة ادلة كل فريق منهما .. ثم ينتهي إلي الرأي الذي يميل إليه . إقراء المزيد

في السعادة
قام فريدريك لونوار في هذا الكتاب برحلة فلسفية شيقة حول السعادة وطرق الوصول إليها . إقراء المزيد

2013 | الكلمات المفتاحية
Socrates’ atopia , his ‘strangeness’, confronts modern readers most acutely in the religious attitudes and experiences we encounter in Plato’s dialogues, where Socrates is subject to influences and forces less familiar to us than they were to his contemporaries. All we have in the case of Socrates, whatever his private experiences may have been, are representations by writers, mainly Plato ... إقراء المزيد

Philosophical Theology and the Christian Tradition
The papers contained in this volume were presented at a conference entitled “Philosophical Theology and the Christian Tradition: Russian and Western Perspectives” held at Moscow State University, June 1-3, 2010. The conference was sponsored jointly by the Philosophy Department of Moscow State University, the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Biblical-Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, ... إقراء المزيد

2012 | الكلمات المفتاحية كسينوفون, سقراط, المذكرات, الاخلاق,
Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Enquiry
Xenophon presents a unique opportunity. As the author of Hellenic history, campaign record, biography, encomium, Socratic dialogues, constitutional analysis, economic treatise and training manuals, his repertoire is diverse in its interests and forms. His personal history places him successively (where he grew to early adulthood through the twenty-seven years of the Peloponnesian War and became part of the circle around ... إقراء المزيد

السعادة - نصوص مختارة
كانت السعادة ولا تزال حلما يرواد البشرية عبر عصورها المختلفة .. فكل إنسان منا يتمني بلوغ السعادة وقهر ما يكابده من مشاق ... والكتاب الحالى ترجمة لما قاله المفكرون الغرب والعرب من تصورات حول السعادة وطرق اكتسابها . إقراء المزيد

2012 | الكلمات المفتاحية افلاطون, أرسطو, الاستطيقا, المحاكاة, فلسفة الفن,
The Meaning in Mimesis: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Acting Theory
Theatre as mimesis, the actor as mimic: can we still think in these terms, two and a half millennia after antiquity? The Meaning in Mimesis puts canonical texts of acting theory by Plato, Diderot, Stanislavsky, Brecht, and others back into conversation with their informing paradigms in philosophy and aesthetics, in order to trace the recurring impulse to theorize the actor’s ... إقراء المزيد

The Two Apologies: A Comparison of the Defense Speeches of Plato and Xenophon
Another aspect1 of Socrates that I think worth recording is what decisions heIf one were to mention The Apology, most likely the work that would come to mind is The Apology of Plato. However, there is another Apology, not so well-known as Plato’s, yet equally valuable. Plato’s contemporary, the historian Xenophon, also wrote an Apology of Socrates, as well as ... إقراء المزيد