
الأستاذ الدكتور/ محمد عبد الرءوف الجوهري

استاذ - وكيل كلية الآثار للدراسات العليا والبحوث - مؤسس ومدير مركز النشر العلمى بجامعة سوهاج - مؤسس ورئيس تحرير المجلة المصرية الدولية لدراسات الأثار والترميم (EJARS)

كلية الاثار

العنوان: مكتب وكيل كلية الآثار للدراسات العليا والبحوث - الدور الرابع - مبني كلية الآثار - الكوامل


2011 | الكلمات المفتاحية Inherent, salinity, Crusts, Efflorescence, weathering,
16.	Chemical deterioration of Egyptian limestone affected by saline water I
Salt forms are aggressive deterioration problems, which occur on all stone surfaces, mortars and renderings through saline solutions transferred to the stone pores. Deterioration of Egyptian limestone is primarily due to water-soluble salts. The formation of these salts on calcareous stone is the most important chemical reaction involving saline water to cause stone degradation. The study explains the different deterioration ... إقراء المزيد

2011 | الكلمات المفتاحية XRD, EDX, Red spots, weathering, deterioration, Granite,
15.	Analytical investigations of disintegrated granite surface from the Un-finished obelisk in Aswan  Int. J. of ArchaeoScience, Vol. 35
The deterioration of natural stone monuments is subjected to different external reasons that take place through different weathering factors, in addition to other several factors concerning the stone itself “internal reasons” mainly pore structure and permeability index. All of these factors lead to the formation of altered surface layers, then damaging the original stone components. Here, red weathering, one of ... إقراء المزيد

2010 | الكلمات المفتاحية Crusting, Flaking, Limestone, Pitting, Scaling, Soiling, weathering,
17.	Investigation on limestone weathering of El-Tuba Minaret El-Mahalla, Egypt: A case study
The weathering phenomena that have affected El‐TUBA Minaret, one of the most important Islamic stone minarets in middle delta in Egypt; that has suffered from several factors of deterioration due to weathering phenomenon. The present investigations concern the weathering factors that may have affected the minaret via the following methods and techniques: a) Contact‐free methods used to study the chemical ... إقراء المزيد

2010 | الكلمات المفتاحية Basalt, Jordan, Exfoliation, Climatic conditions, Decay products, deterioration,
The impact of the climatic conditions on the decaying of Jordanian basalt: Exfoliation as a major deterioration symptom
Climatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity, wind blowing and rainfall) are the main factor of deterioration affecting the archaeological building in Jordan. The annual averages of climatic elements in the Umm Qeis area during the last 30 years are 15.49 Co temperature, 24.63% relative humidity, 283 mm rainfall and 16.63 knots for the wind speed. These factors represent some of the ... إقراء المزيد

2010 | الكلمات المفتاحية Nektenebo II, Bahbit El-Hagar,
26.	The environmental factors affecting the archaeological buildings in Egypt, Part-II, "Deterioration by severe seismic actions"
This article is a diagnostic study and it is the 2nd in a series of scientific articles which study the environmental factors that affect the archaeological buildings all over the country. The current research aims at studying the Nektenebo II temple in Bahbit El-Hagar, which is considered one of the most important archeological sites in Pharaonic Egypt. It was chosen ... إقراء المزيد

4.	الترميم المعمارى للمبانى الأثرية
يتناول هذا الكتاب أهم الأسس العلمية والتطبيقية المتبعة فى علاج وصيانة المبانى والعمائر الأثرية حيث لوحظ من خلال العديد من الدراسات والأبحاث العلمية أن هناك العديد من العناصر الهامة الواجب وضعها فى الإعتبار عند التعرض للأسس التى تحكم عمليات ترميم وعلاج العمائر الأثرية ومن أهمها مايلى: 1) دراسة الخلفية التاريخية والأثرية للمبنى الأثرى تحت الدراسة. 2) الوصف الطوبغرافى و الإستراتجرافى ... إقراء المزيد

2009 | الكلمات المفتاحية Red weathering, Poultice, Ultrasonic, Petro-filler, Gap filling, Strengthening, Stabilizing,
19.	Experimental tests used for treatment of red weathering crusts in disintegrated granite
Rock weathering is defined as the process of rocks alteration as a result of the adjustment of its internal constituents by the action of physical, chemical and biological factors, to the prevailing conditions of the atmosphere and in the environment. In humid polluted areas “red weathering” is one of the major deterioration forms that characterize most granitic rocks. Several intervention ... إقراء المزيد

2009 | الكلمات المفتاحية Brick, External casing, Deterioration problems, EDX, XRD, SEM,
20.	 Characterization of brick used in the external casing of Roman bath walls "Gedara-Jordan" x
The use of sub-soil materials have been used in buildings long time ago, for more than 10,000 years. This study investigates the different characteristics of brick units used in one of the Roman baths in Gadara archaeological site. This is achieved by studying the raw materials and the different technological measurements of brick units: shapes, dimensions and visual description. Moreover, ... إقراء المزيد

3.	ترميم وصيانة المبانى الأثرية
يمثل هذا الكتاب مرجعا هاما لكل العاملين فى حقل ترميم الأثار خاصة العاملين منهم فى المواقع الأثرية ويحتوى على أربعة فصول منفصلة متصة و هى: 1) ويهتم بدراسة الخصائص (العامة) الكيميائية والفيزيائية والميكانيكية لأحجار المنشآت الأثرية. 2) وخصص لدراسة العوامل والقوى المتلفة المؤثرة على أحجار المنشآت الاثرية. 3) وبه دراسات عن أهم الطرق العلمية المستخدمة فى فحص ودراسة الخواص الكيميائية ... إقراء المزيد

2008 | الكلمات المفتاحية Air pollution, Pollutants, Decomposition, TSP, Stereo M\, Stereo M, ICP-OES,
21.	Air pollution and aspects of degradation "Umayyad Liwãn-Amman citadel as a case study"
Many natural stone monuments have suffered from serious damages that due to natural weathering, pollution and other factors of deterioration and using insufficient maintenance of susceptible materials or inappropriate conservation. Considerable attention has been paid in recent years to the decay of carbonate building stones [Limestone and Marble] especially in aggressive polluted environments, moreover, color changes, patina, blacking of rock's ... إقراء المزيد