
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abu-Dief

Professor - Professor of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Faculty of science

Address: Behind hospital of Sohag University - Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Street



Publications Which contain the keyword:

"النص" والافادة فى البحث فى "الشهادة قراءة أثارية فى بحث بعنوان Early versions of the Shahada, A tombstone from Aswan of 71 A.H * The Dome of Rock , and contemporary coinage. ‫‬
هذا العمل مراجعة لما جاء فى البحث المعنون Early versions of the Shahada, A tombstone from Aswan of 71 A.H * The Dome of Rock , and contemporary coinage. Read more

2018-09-05 06:06:59 Keywords Action Recognition, Fuzzy Log-Polar Histogram , SVM, ,
An Action Recognition Scheme Using Fuzzy Log-Polar Histogram and Temporal Self-Similarity
Temporal shape variations intuitively appear to provide a good cue for human activity modeling. In this paper, we lay out a novel framework for human action recognition based on fuzzy log-polar histograms and temporal self-similarities. At first, a set of reliable keypoints are extracted from a video clip (i.e., action snippet). The local descriptors characterizing the temporal shape variations of ... Read more

G of Neeochemistry and petrogenesisoproterozoic Nuqara Dokhan volcanics, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
The Neoproterozoic Nuqara Dokhan volcanics are distinguished into two main groups: a) intermediate volcanics that comprised basaltic andesites, andesites and their associated pyroclastics, b) felsic volcanics, consisting of dacite, rhyodacite, rhyolites and ignimbrites.. Their major and trace elements have a wide ranges in which SiO2 (76-54%), CaO (8.95-0.2%), TiO2 (1.6-0.4%), Sr (97-52 ppm), Zr (40-160 ppm), Cr (231-4 ppm), and ... Read more

Back-Arc ophiolitic rocks at Wadi El-Markh, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
El Markh ophiolitic sequence is formed mainly of imbricated and dismembered ultramafic-mafic rocks including serpentinites, metagabbros, boninitic metagabbros and metabasalts. The major and trace elements data indicate that the serpentinites and the metagabbroic-basaltic association are not related to each other by fractional crystallization of a common parental magma, but represent independently generated magmas. The gabbroic-basaltic association were produced by the ... Read more

Polycystic ovary syndrome and diabetes screening: a survey of gynecologists and reproductive endocrinologists
OBJECTIVES Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study was to assess self-reported methods used by specialists in obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) and in reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) to screen for type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS. STUDY DESIGN We analyzed responses to a web-based ... Read more

2018-09-06 13:56:12 Keywords , SVM, Fuzzy Log-Polar Histogram , Action Recognition,
Chord-Length Shape Features for Human Activity Recognition
Despite their high stability and compactness, chord-length shape features have received relatively little attention in the human action recognition literature. In this paper, we present a new approach for human activity recognition, based on chord-length shape features. The most interesting contribution of this paper is twofold.We first show how a compact, computationally efficient shape descriptor; the chord-length shape features are ... Read more

المساندة الاجتماعية في علاقتها ببعض المتغيرات النفسية لدى أمهات الأطفال المتخلفيـن عقلياً القابليـن للتعلم وأداء أطفالهن المدرسي
رسالة ماجستير المساندة الاجتماعية في علاقتها ببعض المتغيرات النفسية لدى أمهات الأطفال المتخلفيـن عقلياً القابليـن للتعلم وأداء أطفالهن المدرسي إعداد الباحثة/ إيمان إبراهيم عبد الفتاح حرب مصر جامعة الدول العربية المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم معهد البحوث والدراسات العربية - قسم التربية القاهرة تخصص "علم نفس الفئات الخاصة" 2009م تفضلوا المستخلص في المرفقات وبالتوفيق Read more

Abstract Schistosomiasis is a chronic granulomatous inflammation that affects many systems in the body in-cluding the gastrointestinal tract. Appendiceal schistosomiasis is also described and can be a precursor lesion of schistosomal appendicitis. The present study was done to make a retrospective analysis of histopathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract affected by Schistosoma mansoni among patients attending Sohag University Hospital, Sohag ... Read more

The hydrothermal alteration patterns associating with the gold prospect hosted by shear zone along the contact between the granites and Dokhan volcanis in the Hamad area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, were .investigated in order to assign their relationship to mineralization Read more

المحددات الشخصية لسلوك إدارة الوقت وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات الدراسية لدي طلاب الجامعة  "دراسة عاملية"
رسالة ماجستير المحددات الشخصية لسلوك إدارة الوقت وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات الدراسية لدي طلاب الجامعة "دراسة عاملية" إعداد الباحثة / زينب محمد أمين القوصي مصر - جامعة أسوان مصر - جامعة أسوان كلية التربية - قسم علم النفس التربوي كلية التربية - قسم علم النفس التربوي تخصص علم نفس تربوي 2013م تفضلوا المستخلص في المرفقات وبالتوفيق Read more