
Amr Abdelhamed Ali Yousef

Lecturer - Lecturer, Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology

Faculty of medicine

Address: Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University.



Publications Which contain the keyword: GIT

2018-10-19 01:06:36 Keywords GIT, SSc,
GIT manifestations of systemic         sclerosis as the most frequent. is it the most irritant too?
Gastrointestinal involvement (GI) in systemic sclerosis (SSc) is one of the most frequent symptoms in SSc and include a wide range of symptoms from gastro-oesophageal reflux to faecal incontinence. These have a negative impact on patient quality of life. The SSc_GIT 1.0 is a disease-specific HRQOL instrument for patients with SSc to assess their GIT-related activity and severity, High-resolution manometry ... Read more

2018-10-19 01:13:39 Keywords UCLA, GIT, SSc,
High-resolutionmanometrycomparedwiththeUniversityof California, LosAngelesSclerodermaClinicalTrialsConsortium GIT 2.0inSystemicSclerosis
Objectives: Tostudyesophagealhighresolutionmanometry(HRM)insystemicsclerosis(SSc)patients and thecorrelationof findings toTheUniversityofCalifornia,LosAngelesSclerodermaClinicalTrials Consortiumgastrointestinaltract2.0(UCLASCTC_GIT2.0). Methods: FortySScpatientswereadministeredtotheUCLASCTCGIT2.0.PatientsunderwentHRMstudy (Solar GIMMS).HRMdatawerecomparedwith15healthyvolunteers. Results: Forty patientswithmeanage46 7 7 yearsanddiseaseduration9.3 7 7 yearsreportedupper (85.7%),lowerGIsymptoms(75%),while5%reportednosymptoms.Mean 7 SD scoresofUCLA SCTC_GIT2.0itemswereasfollows:reflux 1.2 7 0.8, distention1.6 7 1.2,fecalsoiling0.3 7 0.9, diarrhea 0.8 7 1,social1 7 1,emotional1 7 1.1,constipation0.5 7 0.9, andtotalGITscore0.9 7 0.6. Lower esophagealsphincter(LES)pressureanddistalesophagealamplitudeweresignificantly lowerin SSc patientsthancontrols.Mainmanometric findings weredecreasedLESrestingpressure(40%)and aperistalsis(40%).RegressionanalysesshoweddistalesophagealamplitudeandLESrestingpressure negativelycorrelatedwithreflux score(r ¼ −0.64; p ¼ ... Read more

2018-09-27 04:14:00 Keywords GIT, Endoscopy, pediatrics,
Upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy in children attending Sohag University Hospital: Indications and results
BACKGROUND: The development of endoscopic instruments to evaluate different parts of the gastrointestinal tract improved significantly the information about diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, and its management. METHODS: The study included 197 children referred for endoscopic examination during the period of October 2002 to September 2005, aged from 3 months to 16 years (average 5.7 years) and 55% of them ... Read more

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