
Hany Mahmoud Abdel Hamid Abd Allah

Lecturer - مدرس بقسم طب وجراحة العيون

Faculty of medicine

Address: سوهاج شارع الجمهورية برج ضيف الله


2018-10-12 23:26:55 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
normal position of the eye ocular deviations causes diagnosis treatment Read more

2018-10-12 23:25:19 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
refractive surgery
different modalities of refractive surgeries such as LASIK and Femto LASIK Read more

2018-10-12 23:24:02 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
basics of scleritis Read more

2018-10-12 23:23:03 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
ocular tumors
basics of ocular tumors and their managment Read more

2018-10-12 23:22:09 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
basics of iridocyclitis and uveitis Read more

2018-10-12 23:21:20 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
basics of orbit anatomy and diseases Read more


2018-10-12 23:19:00 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
anatomy functions diseases surgeries Read more

2018-10-12 23:18:08 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
anatomy of the retina physiology of the retina different diseases of the retina Read more

2018-10-12 23:16:56 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
basics of glaucoma diagnosis and different methods for its treatment are essential to undergraduate students. the students have to know the different types of glaucoma and the pathophysiology of each type. the must be aware of its bad impact on the quality of life and society production the improve their skills with interactive learning Read more

2018-10-12 23:13:23 | 0 | طب العين وجراحتها
the cornea is precious part of the eye . we give introduction about its function ,physiology and pathology.we simplify the types of corneal infections and the mode of their treatment . we give special importance to the most common cornea surgeries such as LASIK and keratoplasty. the students examine normal corneas and see videos and operations of different coeneal procedures. ... Read more