
The main objective of this paper is to give a wide study on the conformable fractional
Legendre polynomials (CFLPs). This study is assumed to be a generalization and refinement, in
an easy way, of the scalar case into the context of the conformable fractional differentiation. We
introduce the CFLPs via different generating functions and provide some of their main properties
and convergence results. Subsequently, some pure recurrence and differential recurrence relations,
Laplace’s first integral formula, and orthogonal properties are then developed for CFLPs. We
append our study by presenting shifted CFLPs and describing an applicable scheme using the collocation method to solve some fractional differential equations (FDEs) in the sense of conformable
derivative. Some useful examples of FDEs are treated to support our theoretical results and examine their exact and approximate solutions. To the best of our knowledge, the obtained results are
.newly presented and could enrich the fractional theory of special functions.