Monitoring and evaluating pavements condition have a multi benefits that
can be employed in maximizing network performance. It is used to evaluate
the applied maintenance strategies, generating prediction models that
describe performance trend in the future, and determining the trigger
threshold values for maintenance and rehabilitation (M, R) actions. Also, it
can be used for evaluating the quality of paving process and the design
criteria. A detailed distresses and traffic surveys were conducted for 60km of
urban roads of Sohag city in Upper Egypt. The geographical information
system GIS is used as a tool for storing the data. The overlay date of the
segments was obtained from the highway and bridges institute of Sohag. The
distresses recorded are raveling, bleeding, deformation (rutting and shoving),
longitudinal cracking, patching, and cut areas. The statistics analysis was
used to examine the relationship between each distress and the variables that
may affect in the appearance and propagation of it. Results showed that
raveling distress is function of traffic, age, and bleeding. However, bleeding
distress hasn’t any relationship with age or traffic. For deformation and
cracking, they are function only in bleeding. Results showed also, there is no
relationship between the appearances or propagation of bleeding,
deformation, cracking and different independent variables (age, cumulative
number of vehicles, cumulative weights of vehicles). In the other hand,a new
model for predicting raveling deduct value in housing cities in Upper Egypt.