The aim of the study is to determine the effect of nursing education program of Standard Precautions
practice on nursing performance to minimize infection for haemodialysis patients. Subjects and
methods: Aquasi-experimental research design was conducted to meet the aim of the study; the
sample included all convenient nursing staff working with Hemodialysis patients (30 nurses) and 60
adult patient This study conducted at kidney dialysis unit at Sohag University Hospital Four tools used
for collecting data Tool one is a Pre/post test hemodialysis Knowledge questionnaire sheet for nurses.
Tool two is a Hemodialysis standard precaution Observational checklist for nurses. Tool three is a
Patients' Assessment Sheet. Tool four is a) Educational Nursing Program. Results show a good
improvement in the knowledge & practice scores after implementing educational nursing program. A
positive correlation between nurse's knowledge and practice scores after implementing educational
nursing program. Conclusion of this study illustrated that the implementing of the educational nursing
program on nurse's knowledge and practice regarding Hemodialysis patients shows a significant
improvement in nurses' performance's. Also Improving nurses' knowledge and practice can favorable
affect the incidence of patient complication. The study recommended Periodic training programs and
refreshing courses for nurses to improve their knowledge which will reflect into their performance and
minimize the risk of transmission of infection.
Key Words: “Standard Precautions practice”, “nursing educational program”, and
“nursing performance”