Colostrum consider a substituted for other topical agents for umbilical cord care in which some
women apply expressed breast milk (colostrum) on the cord stump. Aim: To compare the efficacy of colostrum
versus alcohol application on cord separation among newborns. The study design was quasi- experimental study
was conducted in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit at Sohag , maternal and child health center (Dar El –Salam
Abed- Allah health center) at Sohag city and EL-Fayoum University Hospitals on 200 newborns that were
randomly selected post admission to the postpartum unit. This sample was randomly assigned to two equal groups.
The first group (colostrum group) they were received cord care with colostrum; the second group (alcohol group)
they were received cord care with alcohol. A structured interview questionnaire and follow-up checklist to monitor
signs of infection, bleeding, healing cord and separation. The result umbilical cord was earlier separated among the
newborn colostrum groups versus alcoholic groups. 80% of the colostrum group babies had a cord separation from 5
to 6 day of age. A significant difference was found in all signs of Inflammation of the navel in the 3rd day.
Conclusion and recommendations, colostrum application was an effective method to promote healing and cord
separation. Nurses and mothers must be aware and well educated about evidence-based practice in cord care by