Several surgical modalities were advocated to improve the results of
hemorrhoidectomy. Ligasure is one of the recent techniques to optimize the outcome of
hemorrhoidectomy. But until now, conventional Milligan and Morgan diathermy hemorrhoidectomy
age of
(P= 0.183). The mean operative time for CH was (30.34±8.51 minutes) and for LH (18.43±5.51
minutes) which was statistically significant (P=0.027). The intraoperative blood loss and postoperative
pain were signific
among ligasure group. Also, the return to work was earlier in LH(P=0.001).
such as re
hospital stay and early return to
used when available.
Copyright©2017, Wael Barakaat Ahmed Mohamed et al
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
ISSN: 0975-833X

Citation: Wael Barakaat Ahmed Mohamed, Omar Ab
Hemorrhoidectomy?”, International Journal of Current
This was a prospective comparative multicenter study. The study populations
Hospitals between October 2013 and April 2017. The patients were classified into two
. Demographic data and surgical outcome were compared in both g
185 patients had fulfilled our inclusion criteria and were included in this study. 93 patients
(CH) and 92 had Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy
both groups were41.55±10.36 and 39.50±8.59 years respectively without significant P value
antly lower in LH(P=0.001). Hospital stay was significantly shorter (P=0.001)
Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy had many advantages over conventional hemorrhoidectomy
duction of operative time, less intraoperative blood loss, less postoperative pain, shorter
work. So it is safe substitute to conventional technique and should be
. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
to the degree of prolapse
Hemorrhoids is one of the most frequently diagnosed clinical
cases in the surgical outpatient clinic, with estimated
prevalence about 39% of the population worldwide (Riss
et al.,
2012). Goligher classified internal hemorrhoid into four grades
according to the degree of prolapse (Salvati, 1999).
Hemorrhoidectomy indicated mainly for grade III and grade IV
hemorrhoids. Conventional hemorrhoidectomy (CH) (Milligan
and Morgan) till now is considered the gold standard operation
for hemorrhoids, although it had significant postoperative pain
and discharge (Jayaraman
et al., 2006). Several surgical
techniques were involved in the last decades to optimize the
results of hemorrhoidectomy such as Ligasure,
harmonicscalpel, bipolar diathermy and staplers. Ligasure is
adevice used to achieve vessel sealing via combination of
pressure and electrocoagulation with a minimal thermal
spread so it was used safely for hemorrhoidectomy (Filingeri
et al., 2005).
*Corresponding author: Omar Abdrheem,
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, South
Valley University, Egypt.
International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 9, Issue, 10, pp.59834-59837, October, 2017
delraheem and Mohammed A. Omar, 2017. “Does the use of ligasure improve the outcome of
Research, 9, (10), 59834-59837.
Available online at
1Wael Barakaat Ahmed Mohamed, *1Omar Abdelraheem and 2Mohammed A. Omar
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University1, South Valley University2, Egypt
Background: Several surgical modalities were advocated to improve the results of
hemorrhoidectomy. Ligasure is one of the recent techniques to optimize the outcome of
hemorrhoidectomy. But until now, conventional Milligan and Morgan diathermy hemorrhoidectomy
is still the standard ope
is still the standard ope