Thirtv couples with history  of unexplained primary  infenility were  the subject  of this  studv. All husbands showed  normal  spennogratn  by the conventional  semen   analysis.   All   wifes showed normal reproductive functions.  Semen samples were  examined by Scanning  Electron microscopy(SEM).   The following  structural defects were defined:    head   anomalies.  the most  common   (round.   tapering.   long,  short, amorphous  and    vacuoles    in   head):    other anomalies such  as rail coiled  towards middle piece,  tail  binding  towards head.  (long,  double and  coiled  tail).  Abnormal   semen  samples (>50% of  the  examined spermatozoa  in each specimen showed  sperm  anomalies) were  detected  in  30%  of  cases.   In  the  light  of  SEM study,  the  quality and  infonnation  exactness increases significantly in  comparison to conventional  semen  analysis.