abstract :methotexate is awidley used chemotheraby used in treatment of rheumatoid disease, methotrexate known to cause gasterointestinal injury.barley is an ancient grain which posseses an antioxidant ,antiradical and antiulcerative activities.

aim of the work:to investigate the potential protective effects of barley grains on methotrexate induced jujenal mucosal injury.

material and methods:thirty adult male albino ratsweighting 250:300 gram divided into 3 groups:

group 1:conrol group,group2: recivingmethotrexate at dose 6mg/kg/day for 5 days inraperitonealingection,group3 :receiving barley at dose 200 mg /kg / day as a usual food  for 30 days with   methotrexate intrapeitoneal injection at day 25 for 5 days

at dose of 6 mg/kg/day then cervical dislocation the jejunal samples are prepared for light and scanning microscopies.