
أ.د/طلعت على أحمد على عبد الواحد

استاذ - قائم بعمل وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الهندسة

العنوان: شارع الشريف -سوهاج



Railway Engineering هندسة السكك الحديدية

2018-09-24 23:00:30 |

The main objective of this course is to:

-          Demonstration of the knowledge and understanding of the importance of railway systems.

-          Definition of the different elements of the rail.

-          Define the components of railway base

-          Identify causes of failure of railway base.

-          Planning of railway stations

-          Familiarize with different techniques of railway planning.

-          Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the railway switches and turnout's technology and operation.

-          Design the railway signals according to their types.