
Ali Mohammed Youssef

Teadching-Assistant -

Faculty of science

Address: قسم الرياضيات



Special Functions

2019-02-08 18:56:57 |

Special functions

This course is scheduled for the physics department students, third year

In the field of mathematics there are functions in different forms and attributes.  Sometimes the functions share certain attributes and at other times the functions have their own qualities which are not shared by other functions and are therefore called special function.

These functions are highly capable of simplifying scientific issues towards finding solutions

In this course we will discuss some of the basic concepts and points that the course requires, then we turn to study two types of special functions:

The first  type that is useful and practical is to find solutions to real integrations difficult and complex and may be complementary integrations on one hand or more in an easy and simple way to know the characteristics of these functions as:

Gamma function-

 The beta function -

 Second, we discuss some of the functions that are a solution to a difficult differential equation that we solve using the series (Frobenis method) and the functions we will discuss

- Bessel function

- Hermite function

 Lagender function-

Lager function -

Gaussian function (geometric function) -

Chepchev function -

Good luck for everbody

Ali Elhelaly

2019-05-21 08:15:09 Special Functions
الدوال الخاصة ارفق لكم حلول بعض الامتحانات السابقة الخاصة بطلاب الفرقة الثالثة علوم فيزياء Read more

2020-02-08 08:08:45 Special Functions
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