المراجع الأساسية لموضوع البحث بعنوان "فن النحت في عصر الدولة الوسطى" ضمن الموضوعات المقترحة لأبحاث الآثار المصرية لطلاب السنة التمهيدية للماجستير:

  • Aldred, Cyril, Middle Kingdom Art in ancient Egypt 2300-1590 B.C., London, 1950.
  • Aldred, Cyril, “Some Royal Portraits of the Middle Kingdom in Ancient Egypt”, Metropolitan Museum Journal, New York 3 (1970), 27-50.
  • Aldred, Cyril, Egyptian Art in the Days of the Pharaohs. 3100-320 BC, London, 1980.
  • Smith, W. Stevenson, The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, revised edition, New York, 1998.
  • Bothmer, Bernard V., “Block Statues of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. I. Ipepy's Funerary Monument”, The Brooklyn Museum Bulletin 20 No. 4 (1959), 11-26.
  • Bothmer, Bernard V., “Block Statues Of The Egyptian Middle Kingdom. II. The Sculpture of Teta's Son”, The Brooklyn Museum Annual 2·3 (1960-1962), 1963, 18-35.