Course Specification of Dermatology for the 5th year Undergraduates

Sohag University                                                                                   Faculty of Medicine

Course Specifications

1. Program(s) on which the course is given: MBBCh

  1. Major element of program                                                  
  2. Department offering the program: the whole faculty                               
  3. Department offering the course:     Departments of Internal Medicine, Neurology and Psychiatry, Tropical medicine, Chest diseases, Dermatology, Veneriology  and  Andrology, Radiodiagnosis, and Clinical and Chemical Pathology                                                                                                                                                    
  4. Academic year / Level: Fifth and sixth years / undergraduate level for old bylaw and fifth year only for new bylaw
  5. Date of specification approval: 17/11/2008, 27/9/2010, 16/1/2012
  • Last date of specification approval: 17/3/2014.
  1. Basic Information

Title:  Internal Medicine for undergraduate students     

Code: IMED500 (IMED510, IMED520, IMED530, IMED540, IMED550, IMED560,IMED570,  IMED580, IMED590, IMED591, IMED592, IMED593, IMED594)




6 hrs. /W X 36 weeks             = 216 hrs


18hrs /W X 24weaks in turn  = 432 hrs


                                                   648 hrs


  1. Professional Information
  2. Overall Aims of Course

By the end of the course of Internal Medicine, the student should be qualified as a general practitioner, who is able to:

  • To understand the etiology; the pathogenesis; and the clinical, laboratory and pathologic manifestations of the diseases or medical conditions they are likely to confront in the practice of their specialty.
  • To provide care to individual patients
  • To obtain from their patients an accurate medical history that contains all relevant information; to perform in an ethicaly highly skilled manner a complete organ system specific, physical examination; to perform skillfully those diagnostic procedures warranted by their patients’ conditions and for which they have been trained
  • To obtain, interpret properly, and manage information from laboratory and radiology studies that relate to the patients’ conditions, and seek consultation from other physicians and other health professionals when indicated
  • To communicate with patients and patients’ families about all of their concerns regarding the patients’ health and well-being
  • To understand the economic, psychological, occupational, social, and cultural factors that contribute to the development and/or prognosis of medical conditions that impair health
  • To apply the principles of evidence-based medicine and cost effectiveness in making decisions about the utilization of limited medical resources
  1. Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
  2. Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of the course, students should he able to:


  • Grasp the spectrum of clinical symptomatology related to different body systems.
  • Appreciate the clinical spectrum of common medical conditions with multisystem reflections.
  • Describe the concept of emergency management of acute medical disorders.
  1. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course, students should he able to:

  • Interpret the most important symptoms and signs of disease in Internal Medicine patients.
  • Formulate appropriate management plans for individual patients presenting with the most common medical disorders.
  • Make decisions regarding common clinical situations using appropriate problem solving skills.
  • Interpret X-ray and CT films, blood gas and blood picture reports covering the most important medical conditions.
  • Demonstrate appropriate professional attitudes and behaviors in different practice situations.
  1. Professional and Practical Skills:

By the end of the course, students should he able to:

  • Take a good medical history.
  • Measure vital signs adequately.
  • Conduct a proper general examination and identify normal and major abnormal physical signs.
  • Conduct proper regional examination of the skin.
  • Develop and present a comprehensive medical sheet including history and physical examination.
  • Identify the appropriate supportive investigations relevant to a particular patient and adequately interpret the results.
  • Integrate the patient’s symptomatology, historic data, abnormal physical signs and investigations into a comprehensive differential diagnosis.
  • Identify adequate logistics for further patient assessment and management.
  • Become acquainted with special approach to the diagnosis of common medical conditions related to the specialty.
  • Get exposed to less common medical disorders within the domain of specialty.
  • Get updated information about and demonstrations on modern diagnostic tools within the specialty.
  • Get acquainted with special therapeutic and interventional techniques related to the specialty.
  • Identify a clear priority plan in the patient’s management.
  • Recognize the indications for consulting higher levels or reference to other disciplines.
  1. General and Transferable Skills:

By the end of the course, students should he able to:

  • Gaining of professional behavior, team work capabilities and skills of communications with fellows .
  • Communication effectively with patients and their families.
  • Dealing perfectly with the computer and gaining informations through the internet
  1. Contents

        I- Lectures:





II-Practical: (Total 54 hrs)

     Dermatology:.3 (hrs) × 6 (days) ×3 (weeks)=54hrs



- Dermatology teaching
  24 hours lectures


No of lecturers

Pyogenic infections of skin


Viral infections of skin


Fungal infections of skin


Parasitic skin diseases


Mycobacterial infections


Eczema and hypersensitivity


Erythemato-squamous diseases


Collagen vascular disorders


Acne vulgaris


Milliaria / Disorders of melanin pigmentation


Diseases of hair




Syphilis and genital ulcers




Male sexual dysfunction


Male infertility


Clinical teaching: (3 hrs × 6days ×3weeks=54 hrs)
  1. Teaching and Learning Methods

4.1- Self-learning

4.2- Cooperative Learning

4.3- Lecture

4.4- Group Discussion

4.5- case study

4.6- Problem Solving

4.7- Brainstorming

4.8- Role-playing

4.9- Simulation Models


4.11- Learning cycle


  1. Student Assessment Methods & schedule:

The assessed ILOs

Method of assessment


-  general transferable skills


-general transferable skills, intellectual skills

- general transferable skills, intellectual skills

- general transferable skills, intellectual skills

1.a. Appliance to assess attendance & Absenteeism (5%).

1.b. Learning activities (5%):

1.b.1. Assignments

1.b.2. Case Presentation during clinical training

1.b.3. Field training



- intellectual skills

- Practical skills, intellectual skills

2.a. Written Exams (MCQ) (5%):

2.b. OSCE (5%)

Mid-term (10%)