2. 2.  FOOD CHEMISTRY  Food Chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non- biological components of foods  It covers the basic composition, structure and properties of foods and the chemistry changes occurring during processing and utilization  It also covers the chemistry of water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes nizamkm@live.com
  3. 3.  BASIC CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD  FOOD is any substance usually composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water etc that can be eaten or drunk by human for nutrition  The constituents of foods are divided into two MAJOR MINOR Carbohydrates Vitamins Fats Minerals Proteins Enzymes Pigments Flavors & Acids nizamkm@live.com
  4. 4.  There is also the ever present and important constituent is Water  All these constituents are arranged in foods to give the foods their:-  Structure  Texture  Flavor  Colour  & Nutritive value nizamkm@live.com
  5. 5.  CLASSIFICATION OF FOODS  Foods are classified, according to their functions in the body  Energy Yielding Foods  This group includes foods rich in carbohydrates & fats  1 gm of CHO yields 4 calories  1gm of fat yields 9 calories  It is divided into two:-  Pure Carbohydrates like sugar, fats & oils  Cereals, pulses, roots & tubers nizamkm@live.com
  6. 6.  Sugars provide energy & Fats and oils also provide concentrated source of energy  Cereals provide in addition to energy large amounts of proteins, minerals and vitamins in the diet  Pulses also give proteins and vitamins besides giving energy to the body  Roots & tubers mainly provide energy but they also contribute to some extent vitamins & minerals nizamkm@live.com
  7. 7.  Body Building Foods  Foods rich in proteins are called Body Building Foods  They are classified into two groups  Milk, Meat, Egg & Fish: – They are rich in proteins of high biological value. These proteins have all the essential amino acids in correct proportions for the synthesis of body tissues  Pulses, Oil-seeds & Nuts: - They are rich in protein but may not contain all the essential amino acids required by the human body nizamkm@live.com
  8. 8.  Protection & Regulation  Foods rich in proteins, vitamins & minerals have regulatory functions in the body  E.g. maintaining heart beat, body temperature, clotting of blood & excretion of wastes  Protective foods are classified into two groups:-  Foods rich in vitamins, minerals & proteins of high biological value  E.g. Milk, egg, fish & liver  Foods rich in certain vitamins & minerals only  E.g. Green leafy vegetables & some fruits nizamkm@live.com
  9. 9.  WATER  Water is an essential constituent of any foods  It may occur as……….  an intracellular or extracellular component in vegetable & animal products  as a dispersing medium or solvent in many foods & as the dispersed phase in some emulsified products such as butter, margarine  & as a minor constituent in some foods nizamkm@live.com
  10. 10.  The presence of water in food is described as the moisture content or water activity (aw) of the food  Moisture refers to the amount of water present in food while water activity (aw) refers to the form in which water exist in the food nizamkm@live.com
  11. 11.  WATER CONTENT OF SOME SELECTED FOODS PRODUCTS WATER % PRODUCTS WATER % Tomato 95 % Cheese 37% Lettuce 95 % Bread 35% Cabbage 92 % Jam 28% Orange 87 % Honey 20% Apple 87 % Butter & margarine 16% Milk 87% Wheat flour 12% Potato 78 % Rice 12% Banana 75% Coffee beans roasted 5% Chicken 70% Milk powder 4% Meat 65% Shortening 0% nizamkm@live.com
  12. 12.  FORMS OF WATER IN FOODS  Water exists in 3 forms in foods:-  Free water  Absorbed water  Bound water  Chemically, each form of water is the same (H2O), but differences exist in the physical & chemical conditions in which water can exist  The form in which water occurs in foods determines the physical properties of the food  For e.g. Fluid milk & apples contain approximately the same amount of water but have different physical structures nizamkm@live.com
  13. 13.  FREE WATER  Most water in foods is called free water  Free water is lightly entrapped & therefore easily pressed from food  It acts as a dispersing agent & solvent & can be removed by drying foods  ADSORBED WATER  This water associates in layer through intermolecular hydrogen bonds around hydrophilic food molecules  i.e. the water is held tightly in cell walls or protoplasm & is held tightly to proteins nizamkm@live.com
  14. 14.  BOUND WATER  Bound water is the water that remains unfrozen at temperature below 0⁰C usually −20⁰C  Also it is the amount of water in a food that is unavailable as a solvent  The amount of unfreezable water, based on protein content, vary from one food to another  For E.g., About 8-10 % of the total water in animal tissue is unavailable for ice formation. Egg white, egg yolk, meat & fish all contain approximately 0.4gm of unfreezable water/g of dry protein. Most fruits & vegetables contain less than 6% unfreezable water nizamkm@live.com
  15. 15.  DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT  The ease at which H2O is removed from a food by evaporation depends on its interaction with other component present  Free water is most easily removed from foods by evaporation, where as more severe conditions are needed to remove bound water  Some methods include:-  Oven drying methods  Vaccum oven  Distillation methods nizamkm@live.com
  16. 16.  OVEN DRYING METHODS  The Sample is weighed. The sample is usually weighed into a flat bottom shallow dish made up of aluminium or similar material which will not react with the food nor pick up water readily  Weighed samples are placed in an oven for a specified time & temperature. The oven temperature is usually set at 100°C or 105°C & the time varies depending on the sample  They are dried until they reach constant mass. The difference in weight is the water which has evaporated  % Moisture = Wt of wet sample – Wt of dry sample X 100 Wt of wet sample nizamkm@live.com
  17. 17.  Vaccum oven methods  Weighed samples are placed under reduced pressure (typically 25 – 100mm Hg) in a vaccum oven for a specified time & temperature & their dried mass is determined  The boiling point of water is reduced when it is placed under vaccum  The thermal energy used to evaporate the water is applied directly to the sample through the metallic shelf  There is an air inlet & outlet to carry the moisture lost from the sample out of the vaccum oven, which prevents the accumulation of moisture within the oven nizamkm@live.com
  18. 18.  Advantage of vaccum oven over conventional oven drying techniques:-  If the sample is heated at the same temperature, drying can be carried out much quicker  Lower temperature can be used to remove the moisture (e.g., 70º C instead of 100º C) & so problems associated with degradation of heat labile substances can be reduced nizamkm@live.com
  19. 19.  DISTILLATION METHODS  Distillation methods are based on direct measurement of the amount of water removed from a food simply by evaporation  Distillation methods are illustrated by the Dean & stark method  A known weight of food is placed in a flask with an organic solvent such as xylene or toluene nizamkm@live.com
  20. 20.  Toluene with a B.P of 110.6º C  Xylene with a B.P of 137º – 140º C  THE ORGANIC SOLVENT MUST BE:….  Insoluble with water  Have a higher boiling point than water  Be less dense than water  & be safe to use nizamkm@live.com
  21. 21.  The flask containing the sample & the organic solvent is attached to a condenser & a graduated glass tube  Then the mixture is heated  The water in the sample evaporates & moves up into the condenser where it is cooled & converted back into liquid water which is collected into the graduated tube  When no more water is collected in the graduated tube, distillation is stopped & the volume of water is read from the tube nizamkm@live.com
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  23. 23. WATER ACTIVITY nizamkm@live.com
  24. 24.  WATER ACTIVITY  Water Activity is the measure of the availability of water molecule to enter into microbial, enzymatic or chemical reactions  It can be represented by the symbol aw  The availability determines the shelf life of food  Regarding the forms of water, bound water is inversely related to water activity  As the % of bound water in a food increases the aw decreases nizamkm@live.com
  25. 25.  aw is calculated as ratio of the water vapour pressure of the substance divided by the vapour pressure of pure water at same temperature  Vapour pressure can be measured by using a manometer nizamkm@live.com
  26. 26.  In simpler terms aw is a measure of relative humidity (RH)  By multiplying aw by 100, the relative humidity (RH ) of the atmosphere in equilibrium with the food (RH % or ERH) is obtained  The ERH of a product is defined as the relative humidity of the air surrounding the food at which the product neither gains nor loses its natural moisture & is in equilibrium with the environment RH (%) = 100 X aw = ERH 100 nizamkm@live.com
  27. 27.  WATER ACTIVITY OF SOME FOODS FOOD aw Pure water 1 Fresh meat 0.985 Milk 0.97 Bread 0.96 Potato chips 0.80 Flour 0.72 Raisins 0.60 Macaroni 0.45 Some foods are stable at low moisture content where as others are stable at relatively high moisture content E.g.: Peanut oil deteriorates at moisture content above 0.6% where as potato starch is stable at 20% moisture nizamkm@live.com
  28. 28.  Water activity is related to moisture content in a non- linear relationship known as moisture sorption isotherm curve  The relationship between water content & aw is indicated by the sorption isotherm of a food  The plotting of the uptake termed adsorption or the loss of water termed desorption provides a record of aw of a particular food at a particular temperature over varying levels of humidity in the environment  The plot of adsorption is not identical with the plot of desorption nizamkm@live.com
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  30. 30.  Water activity has an important role in food preservation  Each microorganism has a critical aw below which the growth cannot occur  For e.g.: Pathogenic microorganisms cannot grow at aw below 0.86, Yeast & molds are tolerant & usually no growth occurs at or below 0.62  So aw is important in foods and it is a major factor in food spoilage & safety  Decreased aw retards the growth of microorganisms, slows enzyme catalyzed reactions & retards non enzymatic browning  Lipid oxidation rates are high in aw values from a minimum at 0.3 – 0.4 to a maximum at aw 0.8 nizamkm@live.com
  31. 31. Relationship of Food Deterioration Rate as a Function of Water Activity nizamkm@live.com
  32. 32.  With aw at 0.3, the product is most stable with respect to lipid oxidation, non enzymatic browning, enzymatic activity & the various microbial parameters  As aw increases towards the right the probability of the food product deterioration increases  For decreasing aw & thus improving the shelf life of food is by the use additives with high water binding capacity (humectants)  In addition to common salt, glycerol, & sucrose have the potential as humectants nizamkm@live.com
  33. 33. CARBOHYDRATES nizamkm@live.com
  34. 34.  CARBOHYDRATES  Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen  Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones and their derivatives  Commonly, the hydrogen & oxygen in the carbohydrates are present in 2:1 ratio as in water, from which the name carbohydrate (carbon Hydrate) was derived nizamkm@live.com
  35. 35.  CHO are some times referred as saccharides meaning sugar  Simple CHO are called sugars  One of the simplest carbohydrates is glucose (C6H12O6) or monosaccharide & they link together to form more complex carbohydrates (oligo or polysaccharides )  The names of most CHO are characterized by ending “OSE”  E.g., Glucose  Lactose - Milk Sugar  Maltose- Malt sugar  Fructose- Fruit Sugar nizamkm@live.com
  36. 36.  CHO occur in many plant & animal tissues as well as microorganisms  In animal organism the main sugar is glucose & storage CHO is glycogen, in milk the main sugar is the disaccharide lactose  In plant organism a wide variety of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides occur & the storage carbohydrate is starch. The structural polysaccharide of plant is cellulose  The gums are a group of polysaccharides obtained from plants, seaweeds, and microorganisms nizamkm@live.com
  37. 37. CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES nizamkm@live.com
  38. 38.  CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES  DIGESTABLE & INDIGESTIBLE CHO  Dietary carbohydrates may be categorized as digestible & Indigestible based on their ability to digest by enzymes present in saliva, stomach or intestine  DIGESTIBLE:- Dietary CHO may be categorized as digestible by enzymes present in the saliva, stomach or intestine or absorbable without digestion  E.g., Lactose, Sucrose, Human milk, Vegetable starch, Oligosaccharides  INDIGESTIBLE:- E.g., Dietary fibers found in cereals, Vegetables & fruits & fructo oligosaccharides such as inulin, present in certain vegetables & processed foods nizamkm@live.com
  39. 39.  Depending upon whether or not they undergo HYDROLYSIS Monosaccharides Disaccharides Trisaccharides Polysaccharides Made up of 2- 6 carbon units Glucose Fructose Galactose Made up of 2 monosaccharides Sucrose (Glucose+Fructose) Maltose (Glucose+Glucose) Lactose (Glucose+Galactos) Made up of 3 monosaccharides  Raffinose Contain 10 or more monosaccharide units  Dextrin  Starch  Cellulose  Hemicellulose Pectin Gums nizamkm@live.com
  40. 40.  MONOSACCHARIDES  It consists of a single polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone group and is commonly known as simple sugars  These can’t be hydrolyzed into simpler forms  Serve as the building blocks of complex sugars and polysaccharides  E.g. Glucose, Fructose, Galactose  The general formula is (CH2O)n where n is 3 to 7  Monosaccharides with 5 & 6 carbon atoms are more common nizamkm@live.com
  41. 41.  All the carbon atoms contain one hydroxyl (–OH ) group and except one carbonyl oxygen (as in –CHO, or C=O)  Based on functional group monosaccharides are classified in 2 types-  ALDOSES  KETOSES nizamkm@live.com
  42. 42.  ALDOSES  If the carbonyl oxygen group is present at the terminal position, the monosaccharide is an aldehyde derivative and the sugar is called aldose sugar  Eg. Glucose  The aldoses contain an aldehyde ( ) group  The aldoses may be represented by the general formula……….. nizamkm@live.com
  43. 43.  KETOSES  If it is present in any other position, the monosaccharide is a ketone derivative that is known as ketoses  E.g., Fructose  Ketoses which contain a ketone ( )group  The ketoses may be represented by the general formula……… nizamkm@live.com
  44. 44.  Numbering of carbon atoms in Monosaccharides  The carbon atoms are numbered as ……………… C - 1 is an aldehyde functional group & C- 2 is a ketone functional group GLUCOSE FRUCTOSE nizamkm@live.com
  45. 45.  Monosaccharides can further be divided on the basis of the number of carbon atoms they possess  The number of carbon atoms in an aldose or ketose may be specified by  Triose  Tetrose  Pentose  Hexoses  For ex. Glucose with six carbon atom is an aldohexose Fructose with six carbon atom is a ketohexose nizamkm@live.com
  46. 46.  DIFFERENT TYPES OF MONOSACCHARIDES Monosaccharide Specific Example No. Carbon atoms Called as Aldoses Ketoses 3 Triose 4 Tetrose nizamkm@live.com
  47. 47. 5 Pentoses 6 Hexoses nizamkm@live.com
  48. 48. ISOMERISM OF MONOSACCHARIDES nizamkm@live.com
  49. 49.  ISOMERISM OF MONOSACCHARIDES  Existence of different compounds having same molecular formula but different structural forms are isomers  Monosaccharides exhibit a variety of isomerism such as  Aldose- Ketose isomerism  Sterio isomerism  Optical isomerism nizamkm@live.com
  50. 50.  ALDOSE- KETOSE ISOMERISM  In a monosaccharide either an aldehyde or a ketone group is present. The former is called aldose while the latter is known as Ketose  Glucose & fructose both have a formula C6H12O6 but glucose is an aldohexose (aldehyde bearing hexose) & fructose is a Ketohexose (Ketone bearing hexose), so they are isomers to one another nizamkm@live.com
  51. 51.  OPTICAL ISOMERISM  A compound is said to have optical activity when it rotates the plane polarized light passing through it  Two compounds having similar formula may have different optical activity  When a optically active substance rotates the plane of polarized light in a clockwise direction, it is called as dextrorotatory or ‘d- isomer’ & when it rotates the plane polarized light in the anticlockwise direction, it is laevorotatory or ‘l- isomer’ of the substance  The d & l isomers are also expressed as (+) & (-) respectively nizamkm@live.com
  52. 52.  The two forms of glyceraldehydes (d & l forms) rotate the plane of polarized light in the opposite direction by the same amount  As it turns out D- Glyceraldehyde rotates the plane of polarized light to the right & is therefore dextrorotatory labelled as (+) & rotates the plane of polarized light to the left & is therefore laevorotatory labelled as (-) nizamkm@live.com
  53. 53.  STERIO IOSMERISM  It occurs when the same compound due to different spatial arrangement of the groups attached to its asymmetric carbon atom exists in more than one form  When any carbon atom of a compound is attached with four different groups or atoms, it is called an asymmetric carbon atom nizamkm@live.com
  54. 54.  In the case of Glyceraldehyde the carbon atom C-2 is unique since it has four different groups (OH, CHO, H, CH2OH) attached & is therefore an asymmetric carbon. The C-2 atom is called Chiral carbon atom  According to this observation monosaccharide have two different forms namely D- sugars & L- sugars, depending on their relation to the direction of the –OH group on the number 2 carbon atom nizamkm@live.com
  55. 55.  The D- form will have the –OH group next to the bottom carbon atom (primary Alcohol group) on the right side, while the L- form will have it on the left side  i.e., the D- form will have the –OH group on the right side of the penultimate C- atom (C- atom away from functional group & near to terminal C- atom) , while the L- form will have it on the left side of the penultimate C- atom nizamkm@live.com
  56. 56.  Another type of sterioisomerism known as epimerism  Two sugars which differ from one another only in the configuration around a single C- atom is said to be epimers  A pair of diasteriomers (optical isomers that are not mirror images are called diasteriomers) that differ only in the configuration around a single carbon atom are said to be epimers  These are structural isomers i.e. They have same molecular formula of C6H12O6 but different structural formula & consequently they differ in their physical & chemical properties nizamkm@live.com
  57. 57.  Actually these isomers are formed as a result of interchange of the – OH & - H on carbon atom 2, 3 & 4 of glucose  Glucose & Galactose differ in the configuration of a single carbon atom i.e, carbon atom 4, while glucose & mannose differ in a C- atom 2, Compound that differ in this manner are called as epimers nizamkm@live.com
  58. 58.  Enantiomers:  The Non super impossible mirror images of stereo isomers are known as enantiomers nizamkm@live.com
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  60. 60. STRUCTURE OF CARBOHYDRATES nizamkm@live.com
  61. 61.  STRUCTURE OF CARBOHYDRATES  Carbohydrates are represented by three types  Fischer Projection  Haworth Cyclic Structure  Conformational formula nizamkm@live.com
  62. 62.  FISCHER PROJECTION nizamkm@live.com
  63. 63. CYCLIC HEMIACETAL FORMS OF D-GLUCOSE  Aldohexose, Ketohexose & aldo pentose in solution undergo cyclisation when treated with equivalent amounts of alcohol & form a Hemiacetal or hemiketal in the aldose & Ketose respectively  The glucose structure contains an aldehyde group & five hydroxyl group in the same molecule nizamkm@live.com
  64. 64.  Consequently their can be intramolecular interaction between the carbonyl group & one of the hydroxyl group  The hydroxyl group on C5 is able to react with the carbonyl group on C1 to produce a closed pyranose ring  The reaction results in a ring i.e., the product is cyclic hemiacetal  i.e., linking the carbonyl carbon atom with the other carbon atom by a C-O-C linkage nizamkm@live.com
  65. 65.  As a result of cyclisation, carbon one becomes asymmetric resulting in the formation of two isomers  The isomers having the hydroxyl group to the right of the C-1 is designated as α- D glucose and the one having the hydroxyl group on the left of C-1 is designated as β-D glucose  The α & β sugars are known as anomers i.e., anomers differ only in the configuration around C-1 & this carbon is referred to as anomeric carbon nizamkm@live.com
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  67. 67.  HAWORTH CYCLIC STRUCTURE  The Fischer projection don’t accurately describe the true shape of the cyclic hemiacetal forms of glucose  So W. N. Haworth (English Chemist) suggested a new formulation, in which rings are written as flat or planar hexagons, is more correct nizamkm@live.com
  68. 68.  The six membered ring shown for α & β- D glucose is known as pyran ring because pyran is the name of a heterocyclic compound whose ring consists of five carbon atoms & one oxygen atom  Any CHO containing a six membered ring is called pyranose & its glycosides are called pyranosides nizamkm@live.com
  69. 69.  The Haworth formula for α– D glucose shows the C1 - OH group below the plane of the pyranose ring, for β- D glucose C1 alcohol pointing above the plane of pyranose ring nizamkm@live.com
  70. 70.  i.e., the α- form has the – OH group on the opposite side from the – CH2OH & β- form has the –OH group on the same side as the CH2OH group nizamkm@live.com
  71. 71.  A carbohydrate containing a five membered ring is called furanose because furan is the name of a heterocyclic compound whose ring consists of four carbon & one oxygen atom  The glycosides of furanose are called furanosides nizamkm@live.com
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  74. 74.  CONFORMATIONAL FORMULA  The sugar ring in the Haworth structure is not planar & therefore it does not represent the correct conformation of monosaccharide. So conformational formula’s are used  There are two types  Boat Conformer  Chair Conformer  The chair conformer is more stable than boat form nizamkm@live.com
  75. 75.  The stable chair conformational formula of α-D glucose & β- D glucose are…… nizamkm@live.com
  76. 76. β-D-Glucose(boat form)α-D glucose (boat form) BOAT CONFORMER nizamkm@live.com
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  78. 78.  PROPERTIES OF MONOSACCHARIDES:  The taste is sweet  They are solid at room temperature  They are soluble in water because of the hydroxyl group; the very concentrated solutions are thick  E.g.: Honey nizamkm@live.com
  79. 79.  They are reducing sugars containing potential reducing group such as free aldehydes or ketone have the ability to reduce Fehling’s solution & Tollen’s reagent are referred to as reducing sugars  E.g.; glucose & fructose  Aldoses have an aldehyde (CHO) group can be easily oxidised to COOH (Carboxylic group). For this reason they are called reducing sugars CHO COOH  Ketose have a hydroxyl (–OH) group on the carbon next to the carbonyl group which can be oxidised & they are called reducing sugars nizamkm@live.com
  80. 80.  MUTAROTATION  D- glucose can be obtained in two forms - α form & β form  α form has a melting point 146° C & a specific rotation of +113º  β form has a melting point of 150° C & a specific rotation of +19º  If either form of these crystalline form is dissolved in water & allowed to stand, the specific rotation of the solution so prepared changes gradually until a final value of +53° is obtained  Its spontaneous change of this kind in the specific rotation of a solution of an optically active compound is called mutarotation nizamkm@live.com
  81. 81.  Ability to exists either a linear or ring structure  In monosaccharide 5 carbon atom mainly exist in cyclic form  6 membered ring is called pyranose ring & five membered rings are called furanose ring 6 5 nizamkm@live.com
  82. 82.  Optical Rotation (Refer)  These sugars are readily fermented by microorganisms  They prevent the growth of microorganisms in high concentration so they may be used as preservatives nizamkm@live.com
  83. 83.  CARAMELIZATION  It is non- enzymatic browning  Caramelization occurs during dry heating and roasting of foods with a high concentration of carbohydrates (sugars)  When sugars are subjected to heat in the absence of water or are heated in concentrated solutions a series of reactions occur that finally leads to caramel formation  Typical caramel flavor is the result of a number of sugar fragmentation reactions (flavour production) & dehydration products, including diacetyl, acetic acid & formic acid  Caramelization results from the action of the heat on sugars at about 175° C nizamkm@live.com
  84. 84.  At high temperature sugars dehydrate, break down & polymerize (polymerization reactions, colour production) into viscous caramels, the chemical changes associated with melting sugars result in a deep brown amber color & new flavors  E.g., is the Browning of bread- when toasted in which, caramelization takes place under the oven heat & the sugar adds golden brown, flavorful & slightly crisp surface that tastes great & helps retain moisture in the product  Once the melting point has been obtained the sugars will caramelize nizamkm@live.com
  85. 85.  Each sugar has its own caramelization temperature  Galactose  Sucrose Caramelize at about 160° C  & glucose  But fructose caramelizes at 110° C  & maltose caramelizes at about 180° C  Caramel has a pungent taste, is often bitter, is much less sweet than the original sugar from which it is produced & soluble in water nizamkm@live.com
  86. 86.  PROCESS OF CARAMELIZATION Melting of the sugar at high temperatures Foaming (boiling),sugar decomposes into glucose & fructose Condensation, individual sugars lose water and react with each other, for example difructose-anhydride Isomerization of aldoses to ketoses and further dehydration reactions Last reactions include both fragmentation reactions (flavour production) and polymerization reactions (colour production). Diacetyl is an important flavour compound, produced during the first stages of Caramelization. Diacetyl is mainly responsible for a buttery or butterscotch flavour nizamkm@live.com
  87. 87.  Commercial caramels are produced directly by heating sugar, or by heating sugar in the presence of co-factors, such as ammonia or sulphite  This results in caramels with different colours or charged caramels  These aspects are very important for the use of different caramels in foods  Caramels used to colour soft drinks should be negatively charged to prevent reaction with phosphates which causes precipitation and loss of colour  On the other hand, caramels used for bakery goods should be positively charged nizamkm@live.com
  88. 88.  The highest rate of the colour development is caused by fructose as Caramelization of fructose starts at lower temperature  Baked goods made from honey or fructose syrup thus are generally a bit darker than those made with sugar  Caramels are complex mixture of various high molecular weight components. They can be classified into three groups:  Caramelans (C24H36O18)  Caramelens (C36H50O25)  Caramelins (C125H188O80) nizamkm@live.com
  89. 89.  ESTERIFICATION  As monosaccharides posses hydroxyl groups (-OH), they form esters with acids  E.g., esterification of glucose to Glucose - 6- phosphate nizamkm@live.com
  90. 90.  OXIDATION REACTION  Mild oxidizing agents such as sodium hypoiodite (NaOI) & bromine water oxidize aldose to aldonic acids when –CHO (aldehyde group) of the aldose is converted to – COOH (Carboxylic group)  Ex. Glucose is oxidized to gluconic acid  On the other hand, strong oxidizing agents such as nitric acid oxidizes aldose to glucaric (aldaric) acid  Here both –CHO & CH2OH are oxidized to – COOH  Ex: Glucose is oxidized to glucaric acid nizamkm@live.com
  91. 91.  As ketoses don’t undergo oxidation, this reaction used to distinguish an aldose from a ketose  Dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) oxidizes only the terminal –CH2OH group with the formation of uronic acid  Glucose is then oxidized to glucuronic acid nizamkm@live.com
  92. 92. DERIVED MONOSACCHARIDES nizamkm@live.com
  93. 93.  DERIVED MONOSACCHARIDES  This group includes compound which are structurally similar to the monosaccharides but deviating from them in some regard  There are two important derivatives  DEOXY SUGARS  AMINO SUGARS nizamkm@live.com
  94. 94. DEOXY SUGARS Sugars in which one of the hydroxyl group is replaced by a hydrogen atom are known as deoxy sugars The common example is deoxy ribose found in nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids (DNA) nizamkm@live.com
  95. 95.  AMINO SUGARS  Sugars in which hydroxyl group has been replaced by an amino group are known as amino sugars  For example D- Glucosamine, D- galactosamine, D- mannosamine, all of these are found in a wide variety of biological materials  Glucosamine is the product of hydrolysis of chitin, the major polysaccharide of shells of insects & crustaceans nizamkm@live.com
  96. 96. OLIGOSACCHARIDES nizamkm@live.com
  97. 97.  OLIGOSACCHARIDES  The oligosaccharides are carbohydrates contain 2 to 6 monosaccharide units joined by a linkage known as glycosidic linkage  They are classified as di, tri, tetrasaccharides etc depending on the number of subunits  They can be hydrolyzed by acids or enzymes into their subunits nizamkm@live.com
  98. 98.  DISACCHARIDES  These are formed when 2 monosaccharide molecules joined together with the elimination of one molecule of water  i.e., these consists of two monosaccharide units/ molecules joined by glycosidic linkage  They have the general formula C12H22O11, upon hydrolysis which yield two monosaccharide molecules  Ex. of disaccharides are :-  Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose nizamkm@live.com
  99. 99.  SUCROSE  It is the ordinary household sugar  The most common sources are sugar cane & sugar beets  In sucrose both the carbonyl groups are involved in the formation of glycosidic bond  So sucrose contains no active group i.e., both the reducing groups are involved in linkage, so it is a non- reducing sugar nizamkm@live.com
  100. 100.  It is formed by the elimination of a molecule of water from α- D- Glucose & β- D- fructose  The figures in brackets indicate the position of the glycosidic linkage between the two monosaccharide units nizamkm@live.com
  101. 101.  MALTOSE  It is α–D glucosyl- 1, 4 – D glucose  Maltose is a malt sugar, found in germinating cereals, produced during digestion of starch into glucose  It’s a reducing sugar because only one reducing group forms the linkage  On hydrolysis yields two molecules of glucose nizamkm@live.com
  102. 102.  Maltose consists of 2 molecules of glucose with a glycosidic linkage formed between the anomeric hydroxyl of one glucose unit & the hydroxyl on the fourth carbon atom nizamkm@live.com
  103. 103.  ISOMATOSE  Its structure is similar to maltose, except it has an α- 1,6 glycosidic linkage α D glucopyranosyl (1,6)- α D glucopyranose nizamkm@live.com
  104. 104.  LACTOSE  It is milk sugar found in milk of mammals  Less sweet than sucrose  It’s a reducing sugar because the reducing groups of glucose doesn't take part in linkage  On hydrolysis yields one molecule each of glucose & galactose nizamkm@live.com
  105. 105.  LACTOSE INTOLERANCE  Lactose as such cannot be absorbed in blood stream unless it is first hydrolyzed into monosaccharide units  Lactase is an enzyme that specifically breaks the β 1,4 glycosidic linkage of lactose yielding equimolar mixture of glucose & galactose  Some individuals don’t have the capacity to produce enough lactase in their body so lactose is not hydrolyzed and absorbed. This condition is known as lactose intolerance  In lactose intolerant individuals, lactose ingested in large amounts in the form of milk causes watery diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pains etc. nizamkm@live.com
  106. 106.  TREHALOSE  It is found in mushroom, yeast, & fungi  It’s a non reducing sugar because both reducing groups of glucose are involved in linkage  On hydrolysis yields two molecules of glucose  It is α D-glucopyranosyl (1-1) α D glucopyranose nizamkm@live.com
  107. 107.  CELLOBIOSE  It doesn’t occur in nature  It is formed as an intermediate product during the acidic hydrolysis of cellulose  In structure it is similar to that of maltose except that it has the β configuration at its glycosidic component  On hydrolysis it yields glucose nizamkm@live.com
  108. 108.  TRISACCHARIDES  Some trisaccharides are freely available in nature  Trisaccharides are oligosaccharides composed of 3 monosaccharides with two glycosidic bonds connecting them  They are not common in food but are formed during breakdown of starch into simpler sugars nizamkm@live.com
  109. 109.  One important member of this group is raffinose, which is made up of the derivative of galactose, glucose & fructose  It is not hydrolyzed by enzymes of digestive tract of human beings, it passes to the colon where it is fermented by bacterial enzymes producing gas  Raffinose occur in small amounts in many foods and in fair amount in beetroot & cotton seed meal nizamkm@live.com
  110. 110.  TETRASACCHARIDE Stachyose is a tetrasaccharide It is made up of 2 molecules of galactose, 1 molecule of glucose, 1 molecule of fructose i.e., α- D galactopyranose (1,6), α D- galactopyranose (1,6), α- D glucopyranose (1,2) β D- fructofuranose nizamkm@live.com
  111. 111.  i.e., Raffinose & stachyose are formed by the addition of one & two galactose residue respectively to a sucrose molecules nizamkm@live.com
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  117. 117.  Galactose: - It is found in combination with glucose in the disaccharide lactose in milk. This sugar is converted to Glucose in human body nizamkm@live.com
  118. 118.  Ketoses – If the carbonyl group is present at any other position the monosaccharide is a ketone derivative and the sugar is called ketose sugar  E.g., Fructose: - It is the sweetest of all sugars & is also known as fruit sugar because it is found in fruits & honey. In human body it is converted to glucose & oxidized as a source of energy nizamkm@live.com
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  121. 121.  POLYSACCHARIDES  Polysaccharides are produced when many monosaccharide units are joined together by glycosidic linkage. Polysaccharides yield more than 6 molecules of monosaccharides on hydrolysis .Some polysaccharides are linear & others are highly branched  Chemically polysaccharides are of two types:-  Homo polysaccharides / Homoglycans  Which possess only one type of monosaccharides  E.g., Starch, cellulose, glycogen  Here glucose is the monosaccharide units  Hetero polysaccharides / Heteroglycans  Which are formed by more than one type of monosaccharides  E.g. Hyaluronic acid  Here monosaccharide units include glucuronic acid, N- acetyl glucosamine  nizamkm@live.com
  122. 122.  HOMOPOLYSACCHARIDE  STARCH :  Starch contains only glucose residues & is found as a storage carbohydrate in plants. Potato, wheat, rice, corn, tapioca etc are some of the common food sources of starch in our diet. It occurs as small granules with the size range & appearance characteristics to each plant species nizamkm@live.com
  123. 123.  Starch is mainly used in foods to modify texture & consistency, to bind H₂O, to thicken the foods & to form soft spoonable gels. Natural starch is insoluble in water & gives blue color when treated with iodine solution  Starch consists of two forms: - The straight chain polysaccharide called amylose, branched chain polysaccharide called amylopectin. Most natural starches are mixture of these two. Normally 65-85% of starch is amylopectin and 15-35% is amylose nizamkm@live.com
  124. 124.  AMYLOSE:  It is a straight chain polysaccharide formed by 250-300 glucose residues, linked by α (1→4) glycosidic linkage. Amylose is soluble in water and gives deep blue colour with iodine. Amylose increases gel strength  nizamkm@live.com
  125. 125.  AMYLOPECTIN:  It is a highly branched polymer of glucose. In this molecule branching occurs at intervals of 24-30 glucose residues. Glucose units of the main chain are joined by α (1→4) glycosidic linkage (similar to amylose) and the glucose units at the branch are joined by α (1→6) glycosidic linkage to the main chain. It has about 3000- 6000 glucose units. It is insoluble in water. Amylopectin with iodine gives red to violet colour. Amylopectin decreases gel strength and viscosity nizamkm@live.com
  126. 126.  Starch hydrolyzing enzymes:   Hydrolysis of starch by enzymes give shorter chain of glucose units called dextrins, maltose and finally D- glucose  Starch → Dextrins → Maltose → D-glucose  Dextrins are polysaccharides formed by partial hydrolysis of starch  There are different enzymes widely distributed in nature react with starch mainly:-  α -amylase:-  α -amylase cleaves both amylose and amylopectin molecules internally, producing oligosaccharides. The large oligosaccharides, may be singly, nizamkm@live.com
  127. 127.  doubly, triply branched through 1→6 linkages. Since amylase acts only on the 1→4 linkages of starch  β-amylase:  They release the disaccharide maltose sequentially from the non-reducing end of amylose & amylopectin, but it cannot cleave 1→6 linkages at branch points. So we use debranching enzymes like isoamylase and pullulanase. These enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of 1→6 linkages in amylopectin producing numerous linear but low molecular weight molecules  nizamkm@live.com
  128. 128.  PROPERTIES OF STARCH:   Starch gelatinization:  Starch is insoluble in cold water but in warm water it swells until its gelatinization temperature begins to lose its structure and leaches out its constituents. This act of converting into a substance like jelly is called gelatinization. It is a phenomenon which takes place in the presence of heat and moisture. Cooking the starch to 100° C disrupts H- bonding & causes swelling of the granule & solubilization of the constituent starch polymers. The suspension increases in viscosity, becomes less opaque & eventually forms a paste. This process is referred to as gelatinization. During gelatinization, water is absorbed & as a result, the starch granule swells irreversibly to several times of its size nizamkm@live.com
  129. 129.  Gelatinization occurs in 3 stages:  The first stage is imbibition (to absorb) 25-30% water. The viscosity of starch water mixture does not change. This change is reversible because the starch may be dried again with no observable change in structure  2nd stage occurs at approximately 65° C, when the granules begin to swell rapidly & take up large amount of water. The granules change in appearance. This change is not reversible. Some amylose are leached out from the granules  The 3rd stage is marked by more swelling, enlargement of starch granules & finally the granules ruptures; the viscosity of fluid increases & the starch granules stick together nizamkm@live.com
  130. 130.  The swelling of starch, particularly amylose, which results in an increase in viscosity of a starch-water mixture & the formation of a gel is occur through the binding of water  nizamkm@live.com
  131. 131. RETROGRADATION nizamkm@live.com
  132. 132.  RETROGRADATION  In a very dilute solution of starch the individual amylose molecules are not sufficiently entangled to produce a gel,so that the growing micelles eventually cause precipitation. This is known as retrogradation  Retogradation of cooked starch involves both amylose & amylopectin.  Amylose undergoing retrogradation at much more rapid rate than amylopectin  It is initiated after the removal of a gelatinized starch- water dispersion from the heat nizamkm@live.com
  133. 133.  i.e. retrogradation is a reaction that takes place in gelatinized starch ,when the amylose & amylopectin chains realign themselves causing the liquid to gel  When native starch is heated & dissolved in water the crystalline structure of amylose & amylopectin molecules are lost & they hydrate to form a viscous solution .If the viscous solution is cooled or left at lower temp. for long enough period ,the linear molecules of amylose & linear parts of amylopectin molecules are retrograded & rearranged themselves again to a more crystalline structure .This is due to intermolecular hydrogen bond formation b/w linear amylose molecules especially. nizamkm@live.com
  134. 134.  Rate of retrogradation depends on:-  Molecular ratio of amylose to amylopectin  Structure of amylose & amylopectin molecules  Temperature  Starch concentration  Presence of surfactants & salts  Quality defects occurs due to retrogradation are:-  Bread staling  Loss of viscosity & precipitation in soups & sauces  Deceased storage stability nizamkm@live.com
  135. 135.  TO AVOID RETROGRADATION USE :-  Amylopectin starch which attract small side chains that will acts as a steric hindrance to re crystallisation  Modified starch nizamkm@live.com
  136. 136. STALING  The change in texture & flavor of starch based products during storage is called staling  The pdt becomes dry & hard often caused by starch retrogradation  Mainly occurs in bread  Stale bread is dry & leathery  Staling is not simply a drying out process due to evaporation .Bread will stale even in moist environment nizamkm@live.com
  137. 137.  Staling begins as soon as baking is complete & the pdt.begins to cool, because the basic cause of bread staling is a change in the nature of starch  i.e. in fresh bread the starch exist in alpha form .At temp.below 53 C the alpha form is unstable & some of its change to beta form  Alpha starch has a greater water holding capacity than beta starch & hence the change from alpha to beta starch is accompanied by an exudation of water from starch .This water was taken up by gluten  Above 55 C alpha starch is stable & doesn’t change to beta starch & hence bread stored at this temp. will not stale . But this is not a practical solution to the problem nizamkm@live.com
  138. 138.  Staling of baked goods is noted by an increase in crumb firmness & loss in product freshness  To retard crumb firming use :-  Glyceryl monopalmitate (GMP)  Sodium stearoyl-2- lactylate (SSL) These are incorporated in the dough of bread & other baked goods to increase shelf life  Staling can be delayed also by storing bread at -20 C .Bread that has staled with little loss of moisture can be refreshed by heating Rate of staling depends on:-  Product formulation  Baking process  Storage conditions nizamkm@live.com
  139. 139. STARCH DEXTRINIZATION  Dextinization of starch may occur in food items due to either enzymes ,heat or acid /alkali stress  Dextrinization or pyroconversion is brought about by the action of heat on dry powdered starch  Usually the heat treatment is carried out with added hydrochloric/ phosphoric acid at levels of 0.15 & 0.17 % respectively  After the addition of the acid, the starch is dried & heated in a cooker at a temp. ranging from 100-200 C  Two types of reactions occur:-  Hyrolysis  Transglucosidation nizamkm@live.com
  140. 140.  Hydrolysis:-  At low degree of conversion, hydrolysis is the main reaction & the resulting product is known as white dextrin  Transglucosidation:-  It involves initial hydrolysis of alpha 1,4 glycosidic bonds & recombination with free hydroxyl groups at other locations  In this manner new randomly branched structures or dextrins are formed ,this reaction happens in the more highly converted products known as yellow dextrins  The dextrins have film forming properties & are used for coating & as binders nizamkm@live.com
  141. 141.  For eg. When flour is heated until brown ,the starch granules undergo a process known as dextrinization  Dextrins are fragments of starch molecules composed of chains of glucose molecules .  As the starch undergoes dextrinization ,it loses its thickening power  Extensive dextrinization as occur when flour is browned with dry heat , may cut the thickening power as much as one half nizamkm@live.com
  142. 142.  MODIFIED STARCH:-  Food starches, which have one or more of their original characteristics altered by treatment in accordance with good manufacturing practice are referred to as modified starches  It can be either physical or chemical  It can be modified by acid treatment,enzyme treatment,cross bonding,substitution,oxidation & heat.  By slight & relatively simple modifications Positive attributes of starches can be greatly improved & or negative characteristics diminished nizamkm@live.com
  143. 143.  Modification of native starch are designed to change :-  Gelatinization temperature & cooking characteristics  Retrogradation characteristics  Resistance to change in viscosity of pastes due to acid conditions ,mechanical shear ,high temp. etc.  Uses of modified starch  To improve :-  Viscosity  Shelf stability  Texture  Appearance & emulsification nizamkm@live.com
  144. 144.  SOME IMP. MODIFIED STARCHES ARE:- 1. Pre-gelatinized starch :-  It is the major physically modified starch  It is an instant starch  Starch gelatinized dried pregelatinized starch  It subsequently swells in liquid without the application of heat  It is used in all cases where a cold water paste is needed such as in convenience foods & in instant pudding mixes nizamkm@live.com
  145. 145. 2. ACID MODIFIED STARCH:-  It is prepared by treating the suspension of native starch with dil.acid at temp. below the gelatinization temp.(50 C)  When the desired viscosity obtained after treatment the acid is neutralized & the starch is recovered by centrifugation / filtration & then washed & dried  It appears less viscous in hot form, but forms a thick gel upon cooling  It is used in the manufacture of gum candies nizamkm@live.com
  146. 146. 3.OXIDIZED STARCH (BLEACHING)  The bleach most commonly used is sodium hypochlorite  It is prepared by treating the starch slurry with sodium hypochlorite at 21-38 C  During the bleaching process the starch is oxidized  Small amounts of carboxyl /carbonyl groups are introduced & some glycosidic bonds are cleaved  The product obtained have hydroxyl group per 25-50 glucose residue nizamkm@live.com
  147. 147.  THE ADV. OF THIS STARCH IS :-  It decreases pasting temp.  Decreases thickening power  Decreases the tendency to retrograde  It is used as a lower viscosity filler for salad dressings & mayonnaise nizamkm@live.com
  148. 148. 4. STARCH ESTERS  Starch monophosphate ester is produced by dry heating of starch with alkaline orthophosphate /alkaline triphosphate at 120-175 C  The thickening & paste clarity properties of the esterified starch are better than in corresponding native starch  Esterified starch has an improved freeze thaw stability  It is used as thickeners & stabilizers in bakery products ,soups powders ,sauces & pudding nizamkm@live.com
  149. 149. PRODUCT CONTAINING MODIFIED STARCH & THEIR ACTION product Modified starch How does it work Instant desserts Enable the product to thicken without requiring heat Starch is added in a pregelatinized form which swells in cold water ,thickening the product without use of heat Jelly beans Produces a very strong gel coating Starch is treated with an acid to produce a very strong gel .this forms the shell of the jelly bean nizamkm@live.com
  150. 150. Battered Fish Improves the adhesion of the coating Oxidation of starch can improve its binding properties ,which can be used to increase the stickiness of foods, such as batter applied fish Canned soups Prevents product from separating on standing Bonding starch with phosphate allows the starch to absorb more water & helps keeps the ingredients of the soup together nizamkm@live.com
  151. 151.  RETROGRADATION  In a very dilute solution of starch the individual amylose molecules are not sufficiently entangled to produce a gel, so that the growing micelles eventually cause precipitation. This is known as retrogradation. Retrogradation of cooked starch involves both amylose & amylopectin, amylose undergoing retrogradation at much more rapid rate than amylopectin. Retrogradation is a reaction that takes place in gelatinized starch, when the amylose & amylopectin chains realign themselves causing the liquid to gel. When native starch is heated & dissolved in water, the crystalline structure of amylose & amylopectin molecules are lost & they hydrate to form a viscous solution. If the viscous solution is cooled or left at lower temperature for long enough period, the linear molecules of amylose & linear parts of amylopectin molecules are retrograded & rearranged themselves again to a more crystalline structure. This is due to intermolecular hydrogen bond formation between linear amylose molecules especially nizamkm@live.com
  152. 152.  GLYCOGEN  It is the storage polysaccharide found in the muscle & liver of animals & humans  It is a branched polymer having about 8-10 glucose units in each branch  Each glycogen molecules may contain 5000-10,000 glucose units  It is non-reducing, readily soluble in water & gives red colour with iodine  Like amylopectin, its straight chains are formed by alpha 1-4 glycosidic linkages & alpha 1-6 glycosidic linkages exist at branch points  It is similar to amylopectin in chemical structure but is much more branched & of high molecular weight nizamkm@live.com
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  154. 154.  DEXTRINS  These are the substances which are produced in the course of the hydrolytic breakdown of starch  Dextrins are polymers of D-glucose held by alpha (1,4) glycosidic linkages  Dextrins are formed due to partial hydrolysis of starch by enzymes such as salivary amylase, dil. mineral acids or heat  Dextrins form sticky solutions in water, when hydrolyzed yield maltose & finally glucose nizamkm@live.com
  155. 155.  CELLULOSE  It is the main constituent of plant cell walls  It is a polymer of beta-glucose with beta 1-4 linkages b/w glucose units  This doesn’t occur in the animal body  It is a homopolymer of glucose like starch, except the linkages joining the glucose units are beta 1-4 rather than alpha 1-4  Strong hydrochloric acid hydrolyses cellulose to glucose  Cellulose & its modified forms serve as dietary fiber because they don’t contribute significant calories as they pass through the human digestive system nizamkm@live.com
  156. 156. Beta (1-4) glycosidic linkage in cellulose nizamkm@live.com
  157. 157.  PECTIN  It is found in fruits & vegs. & mainly prepared from waste citrus peel & apple skin  It is generally soluble in water & insoluble in most organic solvents  Pectins are mainly used as gelling agents ,but also acts as a thickener, water binder & stabilizer nizamkm@live.com
  158. 158.  HETEROPOLYSACCHARIDES  GUMS  This large group of polysaccharides & their derivatives is characterized by its ability to give highly viscous solutions at low concentrations  Gums are widely used in the food industry as gelling, stabilizing, & suspending agents  This group includes naturally occurring compounds as well as their derivatives such as exudate gums, seaweed gums, seed gums, microbial gums etc. nizamkm@live.com
  159. 159.  SOME IMPORTANT GUMS SOURCES GUMS Algal polysaccharides Agar Alginate Carrageenan Seed Gums Locust bean Gum Guar gum Tree exudate gums Gum arabic Gum ghatti Gum karaya Gum tragacanth Microbial polysaccharides Xanthan gum Gellan Gum nizamkm@live.com
  160. 160.  FIBRES & THEIR ROLE IN HUMAN DIET  Dietary fiber is a complex mixture of plant materials that are resistant to breakdown by the human digestive system  i.e., Dietary fiber is the edible part of plants that are resistant to digestion & absorption in the human small intestine (can not be broken down by human digestive enzymes) although micro-organisms that live in the large intestine are able to digest fiber nizamkm@live.com
  161. 161.  COMPONENTS OF DIETARY FIBER:-  On the basis of solubility components are classified into:- INSOLUBLE DF SOLUBLE DF CELLULOSE PECTIN SOME HEMI CELLULOSE GUMS LIGNIN MUCILAGES/BETA GLUCAN nizamkm@live.com
  162. 162.  Insoluble fiber is most frequently found in whole-grain products such as whole-wheat bread, Wheat & corn bran, tomato peel etc  Insoluble fiber possess water attracting properties that help to increase bulk, soften stool & shorten transit time through the intestinal tract  Foods containing soluble fibers are fruits, vegetables, dry beans and peas, and some cereals such as oats  Soluble fiber undergoes metabolic processing through fermentation yielding end products with broad, significant health effects nizamkm@live.com
  163. 163.  HEALTH BENEFITS OF DIETARY FIBER   Both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre can promote a number of positive physiological effects, helping to prevent constipation, lower blood cholesterol levels and control blood glucose levels  A low fibre intake is associated with constipation and some gut diseases such as bowel cancer  Sources of insoluble fibre can act as bulking (laxative) agents and an increase in fibre intake should be accompanied by an increase in water intake thus help to prevent constipation  Soluble forms of fibre eaten in large amounts can help reduce blood cholesterol levels  They can also help people with diabetes to control their blood glucose levels  nizamkm@live.com
  164. 164.  DIETARY FIBER & COLON CANCER:-  Fruits, veg. & grains, in addition to fibre, also contain a variety of anti carcinogenic compounds which may contribute to this protective effect  Several mechanism have been formulated by which fiber may provide protection action against colon cancer .These include :-  Fibre that increases stool bulk results in the dilution of carcinogens  Fibre also decreases transit time thereby reducing the interaction of carcinogens with colonic mucosal cells  Fiber binds potential carcinogens nizamkm@live.com
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  166. 166. CELLULOSE  It is the main constituent of plant cell walls  It is a polymer of beta-glucose with beta 1-4 linkages b/w glucose units  This doesn’t occur in the animal body  It is a homopolymer of glucose like strach,except the linkages joining the glucose units are beta 1-4 rather than alpha1-4  Strong hydrochloric acid hydrolyses cellulose to glucose (i.e. hydrolysis of cellulose leads to cellobiose & finally to glucose ) nizamkm@live.com
  167. 167.  Cellulose & its modified forms serve as dietary fiber because they don’t contribute significant calories as they pass through the human digestive system  STRUCTURE OF CELLULOSE Beta (1-4) glycosidic linkage in cellulose nizamkm@live.com
  168. 168. SOME IMPORTANT FORMS OF CELLULOSE  POWDERED CELLULOSE  High quality cellulose can be obtained from wood through pulping & subsequent purification  The manufacture of powdered cellulose begins with wood pulp that undergoes a series of bleaching steps & drying ,following drying the pure white cellulose is cut into desired fiber length by mill/by cutters  Wood pulp bleaching steps drying (series) cut into desired fiber length pure white cellulose nizamkm@live.com
  169. 169. ADV: OF POWDERED CELLULOSE(P.C)  Reduced calorie baked goods made with P.C have an increased content of dietary fiber ,stay moist & fresh longer  The P.C used in foods has negligible flavor, color & microbial contamination  P.C is added to bread to provide non-calorie bulk nizamkm@live.com
  170. 170. CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE(CMC)  CMC is a linear, long chain, water soluble, modified polysaccharide  It is a derivative of cellulose made by its reaction with alkali & chloroacetic acid  Purified CMC is white to cream colored; tasteless, odorless, & free-flowing powder  CMC is soluble in cold water & mainly used for controlling viscosity without gelling nizamkm@live.com
  171. 171.  As its viscosity drops during heating, it may be used to improve the volume yield during baking by encouraging gas bubble formation  Its control of viscosity allows use as thickener & emulsion stabilizer(eg. with milk casein )  CMC is used in the manufacture of ice cream  It contributes a good body & smooth texture, retards the enlargement of ice crystals during storage & improves the melting characteristics nizamkm@live.com
  172. 172. FOOD APPLICATION OF CMC FOOD FUNCTION PROPERTIES UTILIZED BAKED GOODS Adhesion Film formation, viscosity BEVERAGES Body, texturized stabilizer Rheological dispersant MILK & YOGHURT DRINKS Stabilization Interaction with milk protein, dispersant Sauces, syrups& Toppings Stabilization, thickening Rheological nizamkm@live.com
  173. 173. MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE  It is made by hydrolysis of purified wood pulp,followed by separation of the constituent micro crystals of cellulose  Two types of micro crystalline cellulose are produced 1. Powdered MCC 2. Colloidal MCC  Powdered MCC & Colloidal MCC are stable to both heat & acids nizamkm@live.com
  174. 174. POWDERED MCC It is a spray dried product Used as a flavor carrier Used as an anti caking agent (shredded cheese) COLLOIDAL MCC To make colloidal MCC considerable mechanical energy is applied after hydrolysis It is a water dispersible nizamkm@live.com
  175. 175. FUNCTIONS OF COLLOIDAL MCC  To stabilize foams & emulsions especially during high temp. processing  To improve adhesion  To replace fat & oil  To control ice crystal growth  Stabilize pectin & starch gels nizamkm@live.com
  176. 176. GLYCOGEN  It is the storage polysaccharide found in the muscle & liver of animals & humans  It is a branched polymer having about 8-10 glucose units in each branch  Each glycogen molecules may contain 5000- 10,000 glucose units  It is non-reducing,readily soluble in water & gives red colour with iodine  Like amylopectin, its straight chains are formed by alpha 1-4 glycosidic linkages & alpha 1-6 glycosidic linkages exist at branch points  It is similar to amylopectin in chemical structure but is much more branched & of high molecular weight nizamkm@live.com
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  178. 178. DEXTRINS  These are the substances which are produced in the course of the hydrolytic breakdown of starch  Dextrins are polymers of D-glucose held by alpha (1,4) glycosidic linkages  Dextrins are formed due to partial hydrolysis of starch by enzymes such as salivary amylase ,dil. mineral acids or heat  Dextrins form sticky solutions in water, when hydrolysed yield maltose & finally glucose nizamkm@live.com
  179. 179. INULIN  It is a starch found in tubers & roots  It can be hydrolyzed to give fructose  Inulin is a plant polysaccharide made up of fructose , soluble in warm water & doesn’t give any colour with iodine  Inulins have sweet taste & are present in many vegs. & fruits including onion, garlic, bananas, asparagus etc  Inulins are polymers consisting of fructose units that typically have a terminal glucose nizamkm@live.com
  180. 180. INULIN STRUCTURE nizamkm@live.com
  181. 181. PECTIN  Pectic substances are polysaccharides of galacturonic acid or of its methyl ester  It is an acidic structural polysaccharide ,found in fruits & vegs. & mainly prepared from waste citrus peel & apple skin  It is generally soluble in water & insoluble in most organic solvents  Pectins are mainly used as gelling agents ,but also acts as a thickener, water binder & stabilizer  Two types of pectin :- Low & High methoxyl & these forms different kinds of gels  Low methoxyl (LM) pectin has a degree of methylation of 25-50 % & forms calcium gel nizamkm@live.com
  182. 182.  In LM pectin gels, calcium ions acts as a bridge b/w neighboring pectin molecules  Low methoxy pectins form thermoreversible gels in the presence of calcium ions & at low pH (3-4.5)  The lower methoxy content ,the slower is the setting  High methoxyl (HM) pectin has 50-80 % methylation & forms acid gels  HM pectin gels require the presence of at least 55 % by wt. of sugar & a pH below 3.6  HM pectin gels are formed by non-covalent forces ,hydrogen & hydrophobic ,that arise from stabilization of the junction b/w molecules by the sugar ,which acts as a dehydrating agent nizamkm@live.com
  183. 183.  High methoxy pectins rapidly form thermally irreversible gels in the presence of sufficient sugar (eg.65% by wt) such as sucrose & at low pH  The chief products of the hydrolysis of pectic substances are galacturonic acid ,a derivative of galactose in which the 6-carbon is oxidized to a carboxyl group & methyl alcohol  The 1-4 link is an alpha ether link b/w the 1st carbon on one galacturonic residue & the fourth carbon on another alpha galacturonic acid + methyl alpha galacturonate nizamkm@live.com
  184. 184. FOOD APPLICATIONS OF PECTIN PRODUCT GROUP FUTN. OF PECTIN PCETIN LEVEL Jam ,jellies & preserves Gelling agent, thickener 0.1 - 1.0 Bakery fillings & glazing Gelling agent, thickener 0.5 - 1.5 Fruit preparations Thickener, stabilizer 0.1 - 1.0 Fruit beverages & sauces Thickener, stabilizer 0.01 - 0.5 Confectionery Gelling agent, thickener 0.5 - 2.5 Dairy products Stabilizer, gelling agent 0.1 - 1.0 nizamkm@live.com
  185. 185. HYALURONIC ACID  It is a heteropolysaccharides of animal tissues  It is a viscous polysaccharide made up of chains of N-acetyl glucosamine & glucuronic acid residues  The acid is found in the connective tissue & acts as an intercellular cement  Hyaluronic acid is more abundant in skin & soft tissues  Hyaluronic acid seems to be linear molecule ,these units are joined beta 1-3 & beta 1-4 nizamkm@live.com
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  187. 187. CHONDROITIN SULPHATE  This polysaccharide occurs in cartilage  Its structure is similar to that of hyaluronic acid HEPARIN:-  It’s a heteropolysaccharide  It is a mucopolysaccharide  Heparin is made up of chains of glucuronic acid & glucosamine containing sulfate ester groups nizamkm@live.com
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  190. 190. GUMS nizamkm@live.com
  191. 191. GUMS  This large group of polysaccharides & their derivatives is characterized by its ability to give highly viscous solutions at low concentrations  Gums are widely used in the food industry as gelling, stabilizing, & suspending agents  This group include naturally occuring compounds as well as their derivatives such as exudate gums, seaweed gums, seed gums, microbial gums etc. nizamkm@live.com
  192. 192. SOME IMPORTANT GUMS SOURCES GUMS Algal polysaccharides Agar Alginate Carrageenan Seed Gums Locust bean Gum Guar gum Tree exudate gums Gum arabic Gum ghatti Gum karaya Gum tragacanth Microbial polysaccharides Xanthan gum Gellan Gum nizamkm@live.com
  193. 193. ALGINATE  It is an algal polysaccharide  Alginates are produced by brown seaweeds  It is a copolymer of 1-4 linked beta mannuronic acid & alpha glucuronic acid  The commercially available alginates are white to cream coloured powders nizamkm@live.com
  194. 194.  FOOD APPLICATIONS  The alginate stabilizers possess good water holding properties, are readily dispersible in ice cream mixes & contribute good body properties & excellent texture production  The presence of alginate minimizes surface hardening & improves the texture of the processed cheese  The addition of 0.15 % alginate is sufficient to thicken cream & to act as a stabilizer upon whipping nizamkm@live.com
  195. 195.  LOCUST BEAN GUM It is a seed gum This is also called Carob bean gum It is extracted from the seed of the Carob tree Locust bean gum is slightly soluble in water at the room temperature & must be heated to 75 - 85 C for complete hydration & viscosity development nizamkm@live.com
  196. 196.  FOOD APPLICATIONS  It has been used as a basic ice cream stabilizer  It specifically retards ice crystal growth by forming structured gel at solid/ liquid interface  Bread flour supplemented with locust bean gum produces a dough with constant properties & enhanced water binding characteristics  Yields are improved & the baked products remain soft & palatable for long time nizamkm@live.com
  197. 197.  GUM KARAYA  It is a tree exudate gum  It is also known as Indian tragacanth  Gum karaya is water – swellable rather than water – soluble  At low concentrations it absorb water very rapidly to form viscous colloidal dispersions  At higher concentrations (20-25 %) gum karaya exhibits strong adhesive properties nizamkm@live.com
  198. 198.  FOOD APPLICATIONS  The water absorbing & water holding capacity of karaya, together with an excellent acid compatibility made it suitable for its use in foods  Karaya has effective foam stabilization properties which has been employed in stabilizing packaged whipped cream products & other aerated dairy products  Karaya has been used to prevent syneresis & improve the stability characteristics of cheese spreads …… nizamkm@live.com
  199. 199.  It is used as a good emulsion stabilizer for French style salad dressings  Karaya in combination with alginate or carrageenan is used to retard staling of bread & other baked goods  In ground meat products, karaya provides good water holding & binding properties to yield products with smooth, desirable textures & appearance nizamkm@live.com
  200. 200.  XANTHAN GUM  Xanthan gum is a microbial polysaccharide  It is completely soluble in hot or cold water  FOOD APPLICATIONS :-  Xanthan gum is mainly considered to be non- gelling & used for the control of viscosity  It gives enhanced mouth feel with full bodied taste  Xanthan gum solutions shows excellent stability at 80 C, this property has a practical utility for hot foods, such as gravies nizamkm@live.com
  201. 201.  The addition of xanthan gum is able to maintain freeze- thaw stability  The freeze thaw stability of starch based salad dressings can also be maintained by the addition of 0.1 % xanthan gum  It is utilized for the stabilization of low calorie & other aerated desserts, instant milk shakes, break fast drinks, soup & sauces nizamkm@live.com
  202. 202. DIETARY FIBER nizamkm@live.com
  203. 203. DIETARY FIBER  Dietary fiber is a complex mixture of plant materials that are resistant to breakdown by the human digestive system  i.e., Dietary fiber is the edible part of plants that are resistant to digestion & absorption in the human small intestine (can not be broken down by human digestive enzymes) although micro-organisms that live in the large intestine are able to digest fiber.  COMPONENTS OF DIETARY FIBER:-  On the basis of solubility components are classified into:- nizamkm@live.com
  204. 204.  Insoluble fiber is most frequently found in whole- grain products such as whole-wheat bread, Wheat & corn bran, tomato peel etc  Insoluble fiber possess water attracting properties that help to increase bulk, soften stool & shorten transit time through the intestinal tract INSOLUBLE DF SOLUBLE DF CELLULOSE PECTIN SOME HEMI CELLULOSE GUMS LIGNIN MUCILAGES/BETA GLUCAN nizamkm@live.com
  205. 205.  Foods containing soluble fibers are fruits, vegetables, dry beans and peas, and some cereals such as oats.  Soluble fiber undergoes metabolic processing through fermentation yielding end products with broad, significant health effects nizamkm@live.com
  206. 206.  Based on the location on the plant, DF components can be categorized as :- Plant cell wall constituents Non-plant cell wall Constituents LIGNIN GUMS CELLULOSE MUCILAGES HEMICELLULOSE PECTIN nizamkm@live.com
  207. 207. IMPORTANT COMPONENTS OF DIETARY FIBER Component Properties Foods High in Content Cellulose Water insoluble but can be modified chemically to be more soluble. Poorly fermented by colonic bacteria Bran, legumes, peas, outer covering of seeds, apples Hemi cellulose:- Its structure consists of heterogeneous group of polysacc - haride substances containing no. of It contain acids in their side chains are slightly charged & water soluble. Others nizamkm@live.com
  208. 208. sugars in its backbone & side chains. Sugars which form backbone include xylose, mannose, galactose. Sugars present in the side chain are arabinose, glucuronic acid & galactose. Hemic- elluloses are categorized on the basis of are insoluble. Ferment ability by intestinal flora is influenced by the sugars & positions e.g. hexose & uronic acids are more accessible to bacterial enzymes Bran & whole grains nizamkm@live.com
  209. 209. predominant sugar in their backbone, e.g. xylan, mannan, galactan Lignin:- Main non- carbohydrate component of fiber. It is a three- dimensional polymer composed of phenol units It is highly insoluble in water & responsible for the structural adhesion of plant cell wall components . It has hydrophobic binding capacity. It is not fermented by colonic micro flora Mature root vegetables such as carrots, wheat, & fruits with edible seeds such as strawberries nizamkm@live.com
  210. 210. Pectin They are water soluble & gel forming. They have ion binding potential .They are completely metabolized by colonic bacteria Apples, Guavas, Strawberries, citrus fruits Gums They are water soluble .They are highly fermented by colonic bacteria Oat meal, barley, & legumes nizamkm@live.com
  211. 211. Beta glucan/ Mucilage:- It is a polymer of glucose with mixed glucosidic bonds of both the beta(1-3) & beta (1-4) types It is soluble & hydrate, well forming viscous solutions & are often referred to as food gums or mucilage Grains, especially barley & oats nizamkm@live.com
  212. 212. HEALTH BENEFITS OF DIETARY FIBER  Both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre can promote a number of positive physiological effects, helping to prevent constipation, lower blood cholesterol levels and control blood glucose levels  A low fibre intake is associated with constipation and some gut diseases such as bowel cancer  Sources of insoluble fibre can act as bulking (laxative) agents and an increase in fibre intake should be accompanied by an increase in water intake thus help to prevent constipation, nizamkm@live.com
  213. 213.  Soluble forms of fibre eaten in large amounts can help reduce blood cholesterol levels  They can also help people with diabetes to control their blood glucose levels.  On the other hand, eating a diet low in fibre is associated with diverticulitis (where the bowel wall becomes inflammed and ultimately damaged) and bowel cancer  Improvements in gastrointestinal health  DIETARY FIBER & COLON CANCER:-  Fruits, veg. & grains, in addition to fibre, also contain a variety of anti carcinogenic compounds nizamkm@live.com
  214. 214. which may contribute to this protective effect  Several mechanism have been formulated by which fiber may provide protection action against colon cancer .These include :-  Fibre that increases stool bulk results in the dilution of carcinogens  Fibre also decreases transit time thereby reducing the interaction of carcinogens with colonic mucosal cells  Fiber binds potential carcinogens  High bile acid concentrations are associated with increased risk of colon cancer .Fibers absorb bile acids, thereby reducing the risk nizamkm@live.com
  215. 215.  Lignin may acts as a free radical scavenger, thus reducing the risk of cancer  Further fiber has been shown to lower serum oestrogen concentrations & therefore may have a protective effect against hormone related cancers  FIBER & CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES  A protective effect of dietary fiber for CHD, particularly viscous fibers that occur naturally in foods, which reduce total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol concentrations  Reduced rates of CHD were observed in individuals consuming high fiber diets  The type of fiber is important, oat bran (viscous nizamkm@live.com
  216. 216. fiber) significantly reduces total cholesterol ,but wheat bran (primarily non-viscous fiber) may not  Pectin can also helps to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood  Viscous fibers are thought to lower serum cholesterol concentrations by interfering with absorption & recirculation of bile acids & cholesterol in the intestine & thus decreasing the concentration of circulating cholesterol  The body eliminates cholesterol through the excretion of bile acids nizamkm@live.com
  217. 217.  Water soluble fiber binds bile acids, suggesting that a high fiber diet may result in an increased excretion of cholesterol  Thus it is important to note that with respect to CVD, only soluble fibers which are also viscous have been shown to reduce serum cholesterol nizamkm@live.com
  219. 219. 1. FUCTIONAL ROLE OF SUGARS IN FOODS  The most obvious role of sugar in foods is to impart sweetness  There are a number of other roles in food systems  In baked products, sugar not only contribute to the browning of the product ,but it may serve to tenderize the product through its action on both the gelatinization of starch & denaturation of protein nizamkm@live.com
  220. 220. 1. SWEETNESS:-  It is the most recognized functional property of sweeteners  The combination of sugar & fats in confections provide a sweet taste & texture  In beverages sucrose provides sweetness without altering the flavors of the beverages nizamkm@live.com
  221. 221. 2 . TEXTURE:-  Sugars make an important contribution to the texture of foods, commonly referred to as mouth feel  For e.g., Glucose syrups in ice-cream provide body & texture  Adding sugar syrups helps to prevent lactose crystallization, which would cause a sandy or grainy texture associated with frozen dairy products  Honey has a non-crystallization property & can therefore be used in confectioneries to maintain a soft & smooth consistency ……………… nizamkm@live.com
  222. 222.  In bakery applications, sugars are used to impart flavour, aroma & colour  Addition of sugar will ensure that gluten maintains an optimal elasticity, allowing the dough to expand & rise properly  Sugars allow the dough to rise at an optimal rate during leavening  Under appropriate conditions, the yeast cells break down the sugar crystals, releasing CO2 that causes the dough to rise …………… nizamkm@live.com
  223. 223.  Sugars naturally interact with proteins from the beaten eggs to stabilize the foam structure .This makes the egg foam more elastic, allowing it to expand as it takes up gases from the leavening process  Glucose, fructose, sucrose & maltose are used in bread making to increase dough yield & prevent excessive stickiness nizamkm@live.com
  224. 224. 3. PRESERVATION  Sugars play an important role in preservation  The addition of glucose, or fructose to jams & jellies inhibits microbial growth & subsequent spoilage  Both honey & invert sugar help to retain moisture due to their high fructose content  Sugars are added to canned vegetables both to maintain firmness & minimize oxidation nizamkm@live.com
  225. 225. 4. FERMENTATION  Ethanol is made by the fermentation of sugars  Zymase, an enzyme from yeast , changes the simple sugars into ethanol & CO2  Starches from potatoes, corn , wheat etc are used in the production of ethanol by fermentation  Starches must be broken down into simple sugars  Sugars such as sucrose, glucose, & fermentable corn syrups contribute to sweetness & softness in white breads  Sugars that remain after fermentation affect flavor, contribute to the colour, & texture of crusts & influence the overall texture of the product nizamkm@live.com
  226. 226. 5. APPEARNCE  The browning reactions are complex reactions which occur when foods are processed  In some cases the brown flavor is highly desirable  In coffee, the brown crust of bread, & all baked goods, potato chips, roasted nuts etc controlled browning is necessary  Non-enzymatic browning reactions have been recognized to occur in foods during processing  ADD CARAMELIZATION nizamkm@live.com
  227. 227. 6. FREEZING POINT  Sugars are effective in lowering the freezing point of a solution, which is important in manufacturing frozen desserts & ice cream products  Monosaccharides & corn syrups, containing a high proportion of low molecular weight sugars are more effective at lowering the freezing point  This property ensures smaller ice crystals & greater smoothness of the product nizamkm@live.com
  228. 228. 7. ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY  Many carbohydrates are excellent scavengers for metal ions  Glucose, fructose etc have the ability to block the reactive sites of ions, such as copper & iron  This characteristics of monosaccharides aids in food preservation by retarding catalytic oxidation reactions nizamkm@live.com
  229. 229. 2. FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF STARCHES  Starches have an enormous number of food uses, including :-  Adhesive  Bindings  Clouding  Film forming  Foam strengthening  Antistaling  Gelling, Moisture retaining  Stabilizing, Texturizing  Thickening etc nizamkm@live.com
  230. 230. FUNCTION OF STARCH EXAMPLES Thickener Puddings, sauces, pie fillings Binder Formed meats Encapsulation, emulsion stabilizer Flavors Water binder Cakes Free flowing / bulking agent Baking powder Releasing agent Candy making Fat replacer Salad dressing, baked goods, dairy products FUNCTIONS OF STARCHES nizamkm@live.com
  231. 231.  Starch is the main thickener in gravies, sauces, & puddings i.e. starch absorbs water & becomes a gel when cooked  As the starch swells up with water, the amylose leaches out & the amylopectin form the gel  Some starches have higher amylopectin content, & make better gels than those containing lots of amylose  As a thickener, the amylose has the main function  Starches are good at absorbing water & bulking /swelling up, they are important in the mouthfeel of many food products, & are used as fat substitutes ……………… nizamkm@live.com
  232. 232.  The water binding ability of starches can provide body & texture to food stuffs  Starches are added to processed meat (e.g, sausages) as a filler, binder, moisture retainer & fat substitute  They are used in extruded cereals, ready to eat breakfast cereals & snacks to hold the shape of the material ADD FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF :- Modified Starch & Cellulose, Pectin, Gums, Dietary fiber, Honey, Invert Sugar, Syrups, etc. nizamkm@live.com
  233. 233. INVERT SUGAR  True invert sugar is a 50:50 mixture of glucose & fructose produced by cleavage of the glycosidic linkage of sucrose with dil. Acid or the enzyme invertase  It is too sweeter than sucrose, because fructose is sweeter than either glucose or sucrose, invert sugar is sweeter than white sugar  Sucrose can be split into its two component sugars (glucose and fructose). This process is called inversion, and the product is called invert sugar.  Commercial invert sugar is a liquid product that contains equal amounts of glucose and fructose. nizamkm@live.com
  234. 234.  Invert sugar is sometimes referred to as artificial honey since its composition and properties are nearly same.  The Invert sugar is greater in demand than pure glucose as food and drink sweeteners, because fructose is sweeter than glucose  Invertase enzyme is used traditionally in the production of inverted sugars for industry, especially in the manufacture of candies and preserves  Invert sugar has a lower water activity than that of sucrose, so it provides more powerful preserving qualities (a longer shelf life) to products that use it. nizamkm@live.com
  235. 235.  Chemical reaction of the Inversion  Invert sugar is prepared by the hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose. This is achieved by subjecting a sucrose solution to acid and heat  C12H22O11 (sucrose) + H2O (water) → C6H12O6 (glucose) + C6H12O6 (fructose) nizamkm@live.com
  236. 236.  Some of the important applications of Invert Sugar are :-  Invert sugar is used mainly by food manufacturers to retard the crystallization of sugar and to retain moisture in the packaged food.  It acts as a humectant & a water binder & promotes non-enzymatic browning  Sweet-meat, bread, biscuits, chocolates, condensed milk, jams, jelly etc.  Beverages including aerated beverages  As a substitute for honey  Infant foods nizamkm@live.com
  237. 237. SYRUPS  Syrups are used in the canning of fruits  These are added to improve the flavor, fill the space b/w the pieces, & aid in the transfer of heat during processing  The syrup is made by hydrolyzing starch to produce a mixture of sugars  Syrups fall into two classes, those derived from sucrose from sugar refining or by complete or partial inversion & those derived from starchy materials, in particular corn starch, by hydrolysis nizamkm@live.com
  238. 238. SUGAR SYRUP:  Cane sugar is used for preparing syrups  The purity of sugar should be at least 99.5 % as sucrose & shouldn’t contain any residual sulphur dioxide which cause sulphur staining in the can  Preparation of syrups:-  Syrups are prepared by mixing sugar with water  Light syrup can be prepared without heating whereas heating has to be applied to prepare heavy syrup  To remove insoluble foreign matter, syrups should be passed through a fine screen or filtered through muslin cloth nizamkm@live.com
  239. 239.  SUCROSE / INVERT SYRUPS:-  These are mixtures of sucrose & invert sugar with varying proportion of other matter derived from the cane sugar liquor during refining  The latter give rise to golden or darker colors & distinctive flavors  Generally the flavor increases with the color  Common types of syrup are, golden syrup, they are recommended for biscuit manufacture on account of their pleasant flavors & stability of the flavor during baking  By combining sucrose & invert sugar it is possible to obtain more concentrated syrups which are stable in crystallization than with sucrose alone nizamkm@live.com
  240. 240.  INVERT SYRUP:-  It is relatively simple to make invert syrup  A solution of sucrose is acidified & heated  Normally dil. Hydrochloric acid is used, after 1hr at 75 C inversion is 95 % complete  Sodium bicarbonate is added to neutralize the acid. This is invert syrup. Thus invert syrup contains some salt ………………… nizamkm@live.com
  241. 241.  The sucrose is hydrolyzed into glucose & fructose  The hydrolysis can also be achieved with the enzyme invertase  The syrup is a clear liquid & has no particular flavor other than sweetness  HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFCS)  It is manufactured from corn starch  The corn starch is hydrolyzed by acid or enzyme & then the resulting glucose is inverted into fructose  The % of inversion can be changed by altering the processing conditions nizamkm@live.com
  242. 242. HONEY  Honey is produced by honeybees  They suck up nectar from flowers or other sweet saps found in living plants, store the nectar in their honey sac, & enrich it with some of their own substances to induce changes  When the bees return to the hive, they deposit the nectar in honey combs for storage & ripening  Honey production starts immediately after the flower pollen, nectar is collected & deposited in the Bee’s pouch (honey sac)  The mixture of raw materials is then given to worker bees in the hive to deposit it in the six- sided individual cells of the honeycomb nizamkm@live.com
  243. 243.  The changing of nectar into honey proceeds in the cell in the following stages :-  Water evaporates from the nectar, which then thickens  The content of invert sugar increases through sucrose hydrolysis by acids & enzymes derived from bees, while an additional isomerization of glucose to fructose occurs in the honey sac  Absorption of proteins from plant & bees, & acids from the bee’s body; assimilation of minerals, vitamins & aroma substances & absorption of enzymes from the bee’s salivary glands & honey sacs ……….. nizamkm@live.com
  244. 244.  When the water content of the honey drops to 16 – 19 % , the cells are closed with a wax lid & ripening continues, as reflected by a continued hydrolysis of sucrose by the enzyme invertase & by the synthesis of new sugar  The flavor & color of honey are influenced by the kinds of flowers from which the nectar originates nizamkm@live.com
  245. 245.  COMPOSITION OF HONEY  Honey is essentially a concentrated aqueous solution of invert sugar ,but it also contains a very complex mixture of other carbohydrates, several enzymes, amino acids & organic acids, minerals, aroma substances ,pigments etc  WATER  The water content of honey should be less than 20 %  Honey with higher water content is readily susceptible to fermentation by osmophilic yeasts  Yeast fermentation is negligible when the water content is less than 17.1 % nizamkm@live.com
  246. 246.  CARBOHYDRATES:  Fructose & glucose are the predominant sugars in honey  The content of sucrose varies appreciably with the honey ripening stage  ENZYMES:  The most prominent enzymes in honey are alpha glucosidase (invertase), alpha & beta amylases, glucose oxidase, catalase & acid phosphatase nizamkm@live.com
  247. 247.  AMINO ACIDS:  Honey contains free amino acids at a level of 100mg/100g solids  Proline, which originate from bees, is the prevalent amino acid fraction  ACIDS:  The principal organic acid in honey is gluconic acid, which result from glucose oxidase activity  Other acids present in honey only in small amounts are acetic, butyric, lactic, citric, succinic, formic, malic & oxalic acids  AROMA SUBSTANCE:  These are esters of aliphatic & aromatic acids, aldehydes, ketones, & alcohols nizamkm@live.com
  248. 248.  PIGMENTS:  The amber colour appears to originate from phenoloic compounds & from products of the nonenzymic browning reaction between amino acids & fructose  STORAGE  Honey color generally darkens on storage  The aroma intensity decreases depending on pH, storage time, & temperature  Honey should be protected from air moisture & kept at temperatures lower than 10 C when stored  The desired temperature range for use is 18 - 24 C nizamkm@live.com
  249. 249.  USES:  Honey is used primarily to impart flavors  It is a very special syrup used in baking particularly for its flavor  It is used in the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages by mixing with alcohol or by fermentation into honey flavored wine in addition to providing its unique flavor & humectancy  Honey can enhance spicy or fruity flavors in fruit jelly candies, mint creams  It is more costly than HFCS, sucrose, or invert sugar nizamkm@live.com
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  257. 257.  The chemical structure of water is H2O  Water molecules are dipoles in which the hydrogen atoms are slightly +ive represented by the symbol δ+ and the oxygen atom slightly –ive represented by the symbol δ-  Within a water molecule the H- atoms are bonded to Oxygen by a covalent pair of electrons, but the angle between these atoms is 105º nizamkm@live.com