
Momen El-Damarany Ebrahhem

Professor - Prof of Parasitology

Faculty of science

Address: Zoology Dept., Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ.


Special Informations: Momen El-Damarany Ebrahhem
Full Name Momen El-Damarany Ebrahhem
Gender Male
birth date 1960-04-08
Faculty Faculty of science
Degree Professor
Address Zoology Dept., Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ.
Current Position Prof of Parasitology
Academic Information
General Specialization Zoology
Specialization parasitology
Title of Master Thesis in Arabic دراسات علي مرض الفلاريا والدور الذي يلعبه البعوض في نقل المرض في محافظة سوهاج
Title of Master's Thesis in English ◌ٍStudies on Filariasis and the role played by Mosquitoes in its transmission in Sohag Governorate
Title of PhD thesis in Arabic دراسات علي بعض الطفيليات التي تصيب بعض الأسماك النيلية في محافظة سوهاج
Title of PhD thesis in English Studies on some of the Parasites in some Nile Fishes in Sohag Governorate
Supervisory and administrative functions A member in Quality Unit at the Faculty of Science, Sohag. Univ.
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A brief about me

1- General Information 


DATE OF BIRTH:         APRIL 8TH, 1960

SEX:                               MALE





PHONE:          Work: 093-4602965 & 093-4601807 Egypt)

                     Home: 093-2156490                      

                    Mobil: 00201001646822 Egypt 


  1. 2- Education & Qualifications
  2. Degree


    University &Institute

    Subject(s) of  Minor/ Major



    Assiut Univ. Sohag Fac. of Sci.

    Parasitology/ Zoology



    Assiut Univ. Sohag Fac. of Sci.

    Parasitology/ Zoology

    B. Sc.


    Assiut Univ. Sohag Fac. of Sci.

    Zoology / Biology

3-Employment and Working History



- Associate Professor (Parasitology), Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., Egypt

Jul. 2003- up to now*
- Assistant Professor (Parasitology), Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., Egypt

* Feb. 1993-June 2003

- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., Egypt.

*Mar. 1988-Jan. 1993

- Demonstrator and Researcher, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., Egypt.

*Dec.1982 – Feb 1988

- Associate Professor, Clinical Laboratory Department, Al-Ghad International Colleges for Health Sciences. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Clinical Parasitology & Biology Courses)

*Mar, 2011 -2014

- General Coordinator and participated in the establishment, implementation of Quality Management System and Internal Auditor of ISO 9001-2008, Al-Ghad

International Colleges for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

*2009 - 2011

- General Coordinator and  participated in the establishment, implementation of Quality Management System and Internal Auditor of ISO 9001-2008, International Academy for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

*2007- 2009

- Coordinator of Educational & Academic Affairs, International Academy for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

*2006-  2011

4-Academic Researches & Scientific Supervision 

* Post-Doctoral Researches in the field of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Sohag University.

  • * Supervisor of Ph.D. degree in the field of avian parasites (2004).
  • * Supervisor of Ph.D. degree in the field of Reptilian parasites (2003).
  • * Supervisor of M. Sc. degree in the field of Amphibian parasites (1996).
  • * Supervisor of M. Sc. degree in the field of Histopathology of Avian parasites (2002).
  • * Member of Examination Committee of B.Sc. Essay and Research Projects, Zoology Dept., Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., 1993-2003 (21 Students).5-Teaching Experiences (Parasitology Courses, Upper division Courses, Introductory Courses) 
  • General Parasitology
  • Applied Parasitology I (Postgraduate)
  • Medical Parasitology
  • Medical Malacology
  • Ecology of Parasites
  • Medical Entomology
  • Invertebrates
  • Animal Taxonomy
  • Cytology and Histology
  • Basics of Physiology
  • General Zoology and Biology
  • Specialized courses for students of Sc. Program
  1. Membership of Professional Societies & Associations
  • Member of Helminthological Society of Washington, 1998 until now.
  • Member of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Ain shams Univ., A.R. Egypt, 1986 until now.
  • Member of the Egyptian-German Society of Zoology, Cairo Univ., A.R. Egypt, 1990 until now.
  • Member of the Zoological Society A.R. Egypt, Cairo Univ., 1986 until now.
  • Member of the Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal Society, Assiut Univ., 1988-2004.
  • Member of Union of Arab Biologists, 2000 until now.
  1. Membership of Academic & Non- academic Committees
  • Member of the Scientific Council of Zoology Dept., Fac. of Sci., Sohag Univ., 1994- 1996 ,2000- 2004 and 2015- till now
  • Member of Higher Studies and Researches Committee, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ., (2000-2001).
  • A member of Environmental Protection & Development Society (Society Council), Egypt, 1984- now.
  • Member of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Youth Hostelling Association, Egypt, 2001- 2004.
  • Member of the Egyptian Youth Hostelling Association, Egypt, 1982-up to now.
  • Member of the different Committees of Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag Univ. (e.g., Curriculum & Syllabus Committee; Scientific field trips Committee; Scientific Museum of Zoology Dept; studying Time table; Auditorium and Gallery Committee;  and Laboratories Development & supervision Committee), 1993- 1997 and 2000- 2004.
  • Chairman, Central Examination Committee, International Academy for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2007- 2010
  • Member of the different Committees , International Academy for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (e.g., Academic supervision Committee; Quality Assurance ; Affairs of Academic Staff; and Curriculum committee), 2006- 2010
  • Co-founder and Co-ordination of E-Learning Project Committee, Al-Ghad International Colleges for Health Sciences. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2008-2010.
  • Member of the Academic Accreditation & Assessment Committee, Al-Ghad International Colleges for Health Sciences. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mar., 2011-Dec.; 2011.
  1. Training Courses & Workshops Attended
  • G 1 level of German Language examination (held in Assiut Univ., October 1991.
  • A training course in Electron microscopy (Techniques & Interpretation), held in South valley Univ., March., 8-11/ 1997.
  • Workshop on the better trends for developing community and environment, Assiut Univ., November 1995.
  • A Training Program on Selective Subjects of Teaching Methodology, Faculty & Leadership Development Project (FLDP) in the Egyptian Universities, South Valley Univ., 10-13 July 2005.
  • Workshop on the Integration between Head Office and Branches, International Academy for Health Sciences, 14 - 18 Oct., 2006
  • A Training on Time Management, International Academy for Health Sciences, 20 - 20 May., 2007
  • A Training on the Administrative Coordination, International Academy for Health Sciences, 22 - 24 Oct., 2007
  • A Training on the Administrative Leadership, International Academy for Health Sciences, 7- 8 Dec., 2007
  • A Training on Quality Management, International Academy for Health Sciences, Dec., 2007
  • A Training on the Administrative Supervision, International Academy for Health Sciences, 31 May- 3 June., 2007
  • A Training on the Administrative Planning , International Academy for Health Sciences, 21 - 24 June., 2007
  • A Training Program on Credit Hours System, Faculty & Leadership Development Project (FLDP) in the Egyptian Universities, South Valley Univ., 23-25 August, 2008.
  • An Applied Seminar on the Creative Leadership, International Academy for Health Sciences, 18 April., 2009
  • An Applied Seminar on the Strategic Planning, International Academy for Health Sciences, 19 April., 2009
  • An Applied Seminar on the Problem Solving & Decision Making, International Academy for Health Sciences, 20 April., 2009
  • Foundation & Internal Auditor Training, SGS inspection Services Saudi Arab Ltd, 22- 24 Dec., 2009
  • Workshop of the 1st International Saudi Conference for Health Education & Training, Riyadh Military Hospital, KSA, 17 – 21 Jan., 2009
  1. Conferences
  • The 5th Conference of Egyptian German Society of Zoology, held at South Valley University, Egypt, April, 1994
  • The 6th Scientific Congress, at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Nov., 20-22, 1994.
  • The 1st International Scientific Congress for Basic Sciences and Advanced Technology, at Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, Nov., 9-12, 1996.
  • The 8th Conference of Journal of Union of Arab Biologists, at Faculty of Science, Fayoum, Cairo University, November, 2001
  • The 8th Conference of Egyptian Society of Zoology, at Faculty of Science, Fayoum, Cairo University, March, 2002
  • The 1st International Saudi Conference for Health Education and Training, held at Riyadh Military Hospital, KSA, January 19-21, 2009
  • The 1st International Conference on E-Learning & Distance Learning, “Creating Learning for Future”, held in Riyadh, KSA, March 16-18, 2009
  1. Publications
  • El-Damarany, M. (1988), Studies on Filariasis and the Role Played by Mosquitoes in its Transmission in Sohag Governorate: Sc. Thesis, University of Assiut, Egypt.
  • El-Damarany, M. (1993), Studies on some Parasites which Infecting some Nile Fishes in Sohag Governorate: D. Thesis, University of Assiut, Egypt.
  • Abdel-Aal; A.A; El-Naffar, M.K; Soliman, F.M. and EL-Damarany, M. (1990). The population density and seasonal distribution of mosquitoes in Sohag Governorate, A.R.Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., 19 (2-E), pp. 111-130.
  • El-Naffar, M.K; Abdel-Aal, A.A; Soliman, F.M. and   EL-Damarany, M. (1990). Studies on Filariasis and the role played by mosquitoes in its transmission in Sohag Governorate, A.R.Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci. 19 (2-E), PP.   131-148.
  • Aboul-Dahab, H.M; Abdel-Salam, F.E. and EL-Damarany, M. (1993). An Aspidogastrean parasite, Rohdella anodontiase sp.nov. from the freshwater mussel,  Anodonta rubens. Assiut Vet. Med. J.Vol.29 (57), pp. 81-88.
  • El-Nazer, M.; and  EL-Damarany, M. (1995). Studies on some intestinal helminth parasites recovered from stray cats in Sohag, Upper Egypt. Egypt. J. Med. Sci., 16(1), pp.259-270.
  • Soliman, F.M. and  EL-Damarany, M. (1995). Prevalence of helminth infection among some Nile fishes in relation to some biological aspects. J. Egypt. Soc.  Zool., Vol. 16 (D), pp. 253-275.
  • Mazen, N.A.M; Sayed, F.G.; El-Nazer, M.; and EL-Damarany, M. (1996). Studies on some Parasitic Nematodes of Reptiles in Assiut Governorate. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 25(3-E), pp.1-10.
  • EL-Damarany, M., El-Nazer, M.; and Mazen, N. (1997).On some Trematodes recovered from Bats (Chiroptera) in Sohag, Southern Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., Vol. 22(C), pp. 43-58.
  • El-Damarany, M. (1997). Helminth and Arthropod parasites of sandy fox, Vulpes ruppeli (Fissipedea, Carnivora) from Sohag, Egypt, with redescription of Platynosomum fastosum (Digenea: Dicrocoeliidae). J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol., Vol 27(B): 755-773
  • Abdel-Rahman, M.A; Monib, M.E.M; Hassan, A.A; Ghanam, M.E.; Shataat, M.A; and El-Damarany, M. (2001). Studies on the Megatrypanum trypanosomes of the Egyptian bat (Pipistrellum kuhli) from Sohag Governorate Egypt. J. Egypt. Parasitology, 31 (1): 87-93.
  • AL-Bassel, D.A. and El-Damarany. M. (2001). On Infundibulostomum anisotremi and Hysterolecthia Sogandaresi (Digen: Trematoda) redescribed from the fish Mullus Surmuletus from the Mediterranean Sea in Lybia. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., 36 (d): 141-151
  • El-Damarany, M. and AL-Bassel, D.A. (2001). A morphometeric study on the growth of Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae Baylis, 1947 (Acanthocephala: Quadrigyridae). Egypt. J. Zool., 36: 191-205
  • El-Damarany, M. (2001). Neoechinorhynchus anguillum sp.n. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from the freshwater eel, Anguilla anguilla, in Sohag, Egypt. Egypt. J. Zool., 36: 249-206
  • AL-Bassel, D.A.; and El-Damarany, M. (2002). On the Morphology of Pharyngodon mamillatus (An Oxyurid nematode) from Tarentola annularis from Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., 37(D): 1-8
  • El-Damarany, M. (2003). Seasonal dynamics and maturation of Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae (Acanthocephola: Quadrigyridae) infecting Nile Bolti, Oreochromis niloticus, from Sohag, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., 42 (D): in press
  • El-Damarany, M. (2003). Spinitectus pentapapillae n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae).from the Common Carp Fish in Sohag, Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Zool., 42 (D): in press
  • El-Damarany, M. and Amer, O.S.O (2012). The Histopathological Effects of the Cestode Ophiotaenia aegypti n. sp. in the small intestine of the water Snake Natrix tessellate. (in preparation).
  • 11=References

    References and supporting documentation furnished upon request
