

Professor - استاذ طب الاطفال

Faculty of medicine

Address: 7شارع الجمهوريه سوهاج



welcome in my web 

my name  is Alzahraa Elsayed Ahmed Sharaf Elmasry

Iam a professor of pedatrics at Sohag University ,Faculty of Medicine since 2015 

My subsepicality is pediatric hematology

My Bachelor in Medicine at 1991 from Faculty of medicine,Assiut University

My M.Sc at 1996 from Faculty of medicine ,South Valley University

My MD.at 2003 From Faculty of medicine, South Valley University.

My Occupational Hierarchy

Assistant Lecturer since 10/7/1996

Lecturer since 16/2/2004

Assistant Professor since 23/2/2009

Professor since 26/4/2015

I had many researchs concerning of pediatrics and pediatric hematolog,and had many lectures for under graduates and post graduates in Hematolgy besides supervising on postgraduates master and MD and attending many conferences


2018-10-30 15:05:39
محاضرة لطلبة لبورد الأطفال المصري
إلقاء محاضرة في مالم}تمر العلمي لكلية الطب و ذلك في 1/11/2018 عن تنظيم الحديد في مرضي الثلاثيميا Read more

2018-10-30 14:53:39 | Keywords Abeer, health sectors., Zahraa, Pediatric, Children, hematological,
A correlation between transcranial findings and neurocognative functions  in sickle cell diseased children.
Changes in cerebral perfusion are an important feature of the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia. This study was designed to correlate between changes in cerebral perfusion and the impairment in neurocognitive function in a group of sickle cell diseased children. A total of 20 sickle cell diseased children from pediatric department of Sohag University hospital were evaluated by transcrainal color ... Read more