
Mahmood Ahmed Hamed Ahmed

Lecturer - Lecturer

Faculty of medicine

Address: Otorhinolaryngology Department, Sohag University Hospitals, Sohag, 82524, Egypt


Case report of congenital cholesteatoma in the oval window and posterior mesotympanum surrounding a dehiscent fallopian canal in a young adult
Congenital cholesteatoma is defined as cholesteatoma occurring behind an intact tympanic membrane (TM). In the middle ear, it has different stages according to its site and relation with surrounding structures. We report an unusual case which is congenital cholesteatoma in the oval window and posterior mesotympanum surrounding a dehiscent fallopian canal in a young adult without obvious lesion behind intact ... Read more

Retropharyngeal airway has no change in volume, but that morphological findings manifest change after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
Introduction: Recently, imaging study in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been improving on detection of severity and its classification. Some researchers focused on imaging study that describe pharyngeal morphology in patients with OSAS. Materials and methods: We report on the changes of upper airway volume in patient with OSAS before and after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) with the use of three-dimensional ... Read more