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استاذ - أستاذ التوليد وأمراض النساء بكلية طب سوهاج ووكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الطب

العنوان: قسم التوليد وأمراض النساء. كلية طب سوهاج - ش جامعة سوهاج.مدينة ناصر .محافظة سوهاج.ص .ب 82524



Female fertility preservation: a fertile future?

2018-10-16 18:47:56 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Key content Fertility preservation is a rapidly evolving branch of reproductive medicine. Ovarian senescence, whether physiological or pathologically accelerated, limits the reproductive capacity of women. Given the increasing numbers of young women surviving cancer, along with increasing numbers of women deferring childbearing for social reasons, the ... إقراء المزيد

Abdominal incisions and sutures in obstetrics and gynaecology ...

2018-10-16 18:38:26 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Key content Selection of any incision must be highly individualised. Numerous options of skin closure have become available and it is paramount to choose the method tailored to each patient and surgical procedure. The ideal wound closure device should be easy to use, painless, provide good ... إقراء المزيد

Management of Endometrial Hyperplasia

2018-10-14 23:35:38 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Endometrial hyperplasia is defined as irregular proliferation of the endometrial glands with an increase in the gland to stroma ratio when compared with proliferative endometrium. Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological malignancy in the Western world and endometrial hyperplasia is its precursor.2 In the UK, ... إقراء المزيد

Hypertension in Pregnancy

2018-10-14 23:20:09 1 ملحق | 1 واجب
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal. Left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to ... إقراء المزيد

Urological complications following gynaecological surgery

2018-10-14 22:53:17 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Gynaecology surgery is the commonest cause of iatrogenic injury of the urinary tract. There is a need to minimize this risk with rapidly evolving surgical techniques and gynaecological training involving lesser surgical experience compared to previous years. Ureteric injury can often be unrecognized and results in ... إقراء المزيد

Gestational diabetes: aetiology and management

2018-10-13 23:56:29 0 ملحق | 1 واجب
It is well known that raised glucose levels in women with established diabetes increase both morbidity and mortality among their offspring due mainly to an increased incidence of congenital abnormalities and excessive fetal growth in the third trimester. Whether milder elevations of maternal glucose are clinically ... إقراء المزيد


2018-10-13 23:46:57 0 ملحق | 1 واجب
1.1 Definition According to Webster’s New World/Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary, Endometriosis (En’do-me-tri-o’sis) is “ectopic occurrence of endometrial tissue, frequently forming cysts containing blood.” The word Endometriosis is derived from the Greek words endon , meaning “within,” metra, meaning “uterus,” and osis , meaning “abnormal or diseased ... إقراء المزيد

Amniotic fluid embolism: an evidence-based review

2018-10-13 19:21:33 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare and often fatal obstetric condition, characterized by sudden cardiovascular collapse, altered mental status, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The presence of fetal debris in the pulmonary blood vessels of a mother who had died suddenly in labor was first ... إقراء المزيد

Gestational trophoblastic disease

2018-10-12 23:22:54 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
estational trophoblastic disease (GTD) arises from abnormal placenta and is composed of a spectrum of premalignant to malignant disorders. Changes in epidemiology of GTD have been noted in various countries. In addition to histology, molecular geneti studies can help in the diagnostic pathway. Earlier detection of ... إقراء المزيد


2018-10-12 21:50:37 15 ملحق | 5 واجب
ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FEMALE GENITAL TRACT REPRODUCTIVE TRACT INFECTIONS Sexually transmitted infections Pelvic inflammatory disease Lower genital tract infections Vaginal discharge Pruritus vulvae DISPLACEMENTS, TRAUMATIC LESIONS, AND UROGYNECOLOGY Genital Prolapse Retroverted flexion of the uterus Old, Complete Perineal Tear and Rectovaginal Fistula Genitourinary Fistula ... إقراء المزيد