

مدرس - مدرس بقسم الروماتزم والتأهيل

كلية الطب

العنوان: سوهاح - مدينة ناصر



rehabilitation for MD degree

2018-11-07 19:01:19 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
rehabilitaton of stroke, rehab of spasticity, rehab of SCI, rehab of rheumatological diseases, rehab of upper and lower limb nerve injury, rehab of burns,rehab of pressure ulcers,rehab of CP, upper and lower limb , prothesis and orthosis,spinal prothesis, gait analysis and pathological gait,therapeutic exercises إقراء المزيد

Rheumatology for M.D degree

2018-11-07 18:53:51 1 ملحق | 0 واجب
RA, SLE,scleroderms, gout, JIA, osteoarthritis, seronegative spondyloarthropathy, osteoporosis, vasculitis, infection , associated arthritis, arthritis associated with metabolic syndrome إقراء المزيد

Physical medicine for master degree Phoniatrics

2018-10-18 21:14:43 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
One weekly lecture for three months. In which the students studied rheumatology related voice disorders and rehabilitation. إقراء المزيد

Rehabilitation for master Degree

2018-10-18 21:12:59 0 ملحق | 0 واجب
In which the students studied rehabilitation of chronic diseases, orthopedic and neurological disorders. إقراء المزيد

Rheumatology for master Degree

2018-10-18 21:11:42 4 ملحق | 1 واجب
In which the students studied autoimmune connective tissue diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, scleroderma, Gout, JIA, PS, ankylosing spondylitis and vasculitis. إقراء المزيد

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