
Khalaf Ali Fayez Abuamra

استاذ - أستاذ متفرغ

كلية العلوم

العنوان: قسم النبات والميكروبيولوجى -كلية العلوم -جامعة سوهاج



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: male

2018-10-14 23:50:09 الكلمات المفتاحية Circumcision, Harmonic, male, Penis, Phimosis, Sutureless,
Sutureless, bloodless, safe new circumcision technique
Background: Several techniques of circumcision are available such as conventional surgical technique, the device (Gomco, Plastibell), mono and bipolar diathermy and sutureless methods such as fibrin glue. Our knowledge, the first report of using harmonic scalpel in circumcision was published by Peng et al, in the Asian journal of andrology but the study was done on dogs, this one of ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-13 08:41:10 الكلمات المفتاحية Infertility, male, aflatoxins,
The Effect of Aflatoxins on Male Reproduction
ABSTRACT Background: idiopathic male infertility is a cause for increased concern of health caregivers. Semen quality abnormalities are not well understood; environmental factors such as aflatoxins may play a role. Aim: the study conducted to determine the effect of Aflatoxins on male production. Methods and subjects: semen samples from 108 adult men were examined for aflatoxins. Of whom, 60 males ... إقراء المزيد

2018-09-20 12:17:13 الكلمات المفتاحية aflatoxins, male, Infertility,
The Effect of Aflatoxins on Male Reproduction
Background: idiopathic male infertility is a cause for increased concern of health caregivers. Semen quality abnormalities are not well Aim: understood; environmental factors such as aflatoxins may play a role. the study conducted to determine the effect of Aflatoxins on Methods and subjects: male production. semen samples from 108 adult men were examined for aflatoxins. Of whom, 60 males with ... إقراء المزيد

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