
فاطمة نصرالدين ثابت حمدون

مدرس - مدرس بقسم الأراضى والمياه بكلية الزراعة جامعة سوهاج

كلية الزراعة

العنوان: 2 شارع مستشفى الدكتور جمال عبد اللطيف - طريق سوهاج أخميم - سوهاج



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: irrigation

2018-10-25 18:40:55 الكلمات المفتاحية Sustainable development, irrigation, Egypt,
Sustainable economic management of irrigation water in Egypt : challenges and opportunities
Egypt has limited water resources. It depends mainly on the Nile water with an annual share 55.5 km3/yr. Although, the water resources in Egypt equaled about 70.9 km3 in 2007,most of them were indirectly related to the Nile water; most of the groundwater from the Nile valley and Delta, reuse of agricultural drainage water, and treated wastewater. Thus, the Nile ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-25 18:49:18 الكلمات المفتاحية shortage, irrigation, summer crops, production,
灌漑水不足下の主要夏季作物生産: エジプトの 2 つの村の事例 (production of main summer crops under irrigation water shortage)
Egypt has a limited share of the Nile water about 55.5 km3/yr. The water flows are controlled by a long and complicated irrigation network. As a result of water shortage, the irrigation water decreases dramatically from Southern to Northern Egypt. This Chapter focused on the impacts of irrigation water shortage on the production of the main summer crops. It compared ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-25 19:02:52 الكلمات المفتاحية Egypt, water shortage, irrigation, economic impacts,
Economic Impacts of Irrigation Water Shortage – A Case Study of Two Villages in Egypt
To evaluate the different situations of irrigation process in the first and last parts of irrigation network in Upper and Northern Egypt respectively, the study focused on the two villages. Firstly, West Alsawamah Village is located in the first part of irrigation network (Upper Egypt). Secondly, Elarkoub Village is located in the last part of irrigation network (Northern Egypt). Figure ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-25 19:13:36 الكلمات المفتاحية Egypt, water shortage, irrigation, winter crops, production,
Production of Main Winter Crops under Irrigation Water Shortage – A Case Study of Two Villages in Egypt-
Egypt suffers from water shortage. Rainfall is very low, and it is irregular and unpredictable. The available water from the Nile River is limited (55.5 BCM/yr). Because the irrigation water is the most important input for crops production; the irrigation water shortage affects strongly both the productivity and profitability of the main winter crops in Egypt. This study tries to ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-17 23:59:11 الكلمات المفتاحية Sprinkler, drip, irrigation, amenments, soil, El-Kawamel, Sohag,
تأثير الرى بالرش ومحسنات التربة على خواص التربة بمزرعة الكوامل بسوهاج – دراسة حالة
Effect of sprinkler and drip irrigation as well as soil amendments on some soil properties of El-Kawamel farm, Sohag Fatma N. Th., M. A. Gameh, K. K. Attia and M. S. Ibrahim. Elkawamel farm, Sohag University is about 150 feddans located in the western border of the Nile Valley in the desert newly reclaimed sandy soil about 15 km south ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-18 00:21:07 الكلمات المفتاحية drip, Sprinkler, soil properties, irrigation, amendments, sandy soil,
تأثير طرق الرى بالرش والرى بالتنقيط وكذلك اضافة محسنات التربة على بعض خواص التربة بمزرعة الكوامل بسوها ج– رسالة الماجستير
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION A newly reclaimed area in the sandy western desert border of the Nile Valley of about 150 feddans was taken to evaluate the effect of soil managements such as methods of irrigation (drip and sprinkler) and adding some of amendments. According to a study was carried out in 1999 to evaluate the soil salinity, it was found ... إقراء المزيد

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