
Amr Ahmed Hamed

Lecturer - Lecturer at Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Sohag, Egypt



Publications Which contain the keyword: DAS-ELISA

Differentiation Study Between Alfalfa Mosaic Virus and Red Clover Mottle Virus Affecting Broad Bean by Biological and Molecular Characterization
This study aimed to identifying the causal virus (es) inducing wilting and necrotic symptoms on broad bean plants. Amplification of total RNA extracted from infected broad bean yielded 200-550 bp using Comovirus-specific primers. The amplified cDNAs was cloned, sequenced and analyzed. Nucleic acid sequence analysis of smallest and biggest bands revealed of 100 and 95% sequence identity with other Red ... Read more

2018-10-19 17:32:51 Keywords DAS-ELISA, CMV, dot blot, Western blot, bioassay, nonspecific reactions,
Detection of cucumber mosaic virus in some ornamental plants and elimination of nonspecific ELISA reactions
During surveys carried out in 2008 in the nurseries of some ornamental and medical plants, about 90 plant samples belonging to six plant species were collected. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was detected by routinely double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) in most tested plants. In _Vinca rosea, Ocimum basilicum_ and _Pelargonium_ sp., which reacted positively for CMV, 100% of ... Read more

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