
Hoda Mostafa Ahmed

استاذ مساعد - Head of Physiology departement

كلية الطب

العنوان: Sohag University - Faculty of Medicine - Physiology departement



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: pruritus

2018-10-31 08:32:20 الكلمات المفتاحية nerve growth factor, pruritus, cirrhotic patients,
Nerve growth factor (NGF) expression in correlation with severity of pruritus in cirrhotic patients.
BACKGROUND: Hepatic pruritus is a very common symptom among different chronic liver diseases, particularly in those related to cholestasis. Its prevalence is variable among liver diseases, ranging from 5% in chronic hepatitis C virus infection to 70% in primary biliary cirrhosis. Its etiopathogenesis remains poorly understood. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a member of neurotrophins. many studies clearly demonstrate their ... إقراء المزيد

2018-10-23 11:22:51 الكلمات المفتاحية nerve growth factor, TrKA, Chronic renal failure, pruritus,
Expression of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and its receptor (TrKA) in chronic renal failure patients with pruritus.
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a progressive loss in renal function over a period of months or years. It is differentiated from acute kidney disease in that the reduction in kidney function must be present for over 3 months. In Egypt; end stage renal disease (ESRD) is growing by 100% annually; the estimated annual incidence of ESRD ... إقراء المزيد

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