
Prof.Dr.Asran Mohamed Hassan Asran

Professor -

Faculty of science

Address: Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University



Publications Which contain the keyword: Um Gheig

Petrographical and geochemical characters of the selected pebbles from some occurrence of the basal Hammamat conglomerates, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
The Hammamat Group includes a thick succession of unmetamorphosed clastic sediemnts in the eastern desert of Egypt. The unconformity relationship with the underlying Dokhan volcanics and older rocks is recorded in several occurrences. However, it is established that the Hammamat sediments and DOkhan volcanics were formed penecontemporaneously. The present study deals with detail study of two occurrences of basal conglomerates, ... Read more

Petrographical and geochemical characters of the selected pebbles from some occurrence of the basal Hammamat conglomerates, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
The Hammamat Group includes a thick succession of unmetamorphosed clastic sediemnts in the eastern desert of Egypt. The unconformity relationship with the underlying Dokhan volcanics and older rocks is recorded in several occurrences. However, it is established that the Hammamat sediments and DOkhan volcanics were formed penecontemporaneously. The present study deals with detail study of two occurrences of basal conglomerates, ... Read more

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