
Ramadan Aboelhassan Ahmed Mahmoud (Ramadan A mahmoud)

Lecturer - Lecture of Pediatrics

Faculty of medicine

Address: pediatrics departmet, sohag Faculty Of medicine, Egypt



Publications Which contain the keyword: challenges

2018-10-25 18:56:24 Keywords Threat, water shortage, Egypt, challenges, Opportunities,
The Threat of water shortage in Egypt - Challenges and Opportunities-
Egypt has a limited annual volume of water. Water resources can be divided into two kinds: (i) Conventional resources which include the Nile River water, groundwater, and rainfall and floods harvest. (ii) Unconventional resources which include reuse of agricultural drainage water, treated wastewater, and desalinated water. Table 2.1 shows that the Nile River is the main source of water in ... Read more

Beta-ketothiolase deficiency: Resolving challenges in diagnosis
Beta-ketothiolase deficiency is an inherited disorder of ketone body metabolism and isoleucine catabolism. It typically manifests as recurrent ketoacidotic episodes with characteristic abnormalities in the urinary organic acid profile. However, several challenges in the diagnosis of beta-ketothiolase deficiency have been encountered: atypical presentations have been reported and some other disorders, such as succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase and 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencies, can ... Read more

2018-09-05 08:55:03 Keywords challenges, critical care nurse, ICU, work crisis,
Challenges and work crisis facing critical care nurses
Background Nursing turnover and shortage are acknowledged as worldwide issues. Therefore, understanding the challenges that faces the nurses and overcome these challenges is essential in retaining them. Study was aimed to assess the challenges and work crisis facing critical care nurses Subjects and Methods Research design A descriptive, exploratory, qualitative research design was used Setting Trauma ICU, ICC unit, and ... Read more

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