
Ghada Galal

Professor - Head of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department

Faculty of medicine

Address: Sohag, Egypt



Publications Which contain the keyword:

2022-09-03 11:27:04 Keywords ZnS film, thermal evaporation, ,
Effects of Thickness and Ag Layer Addition on the Properties of ZnS Thin Films
Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films, with different thicknesses and different silver (Ag) middle layer thickness, were prepared on glass substrates using thermal evaporation. The structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. The X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that ZnS films have cubic structure with (111) preferential orientation, whereas the diffraction patterns sharpen ... Read more

2018-09-25 00:42:41 Keywords Maintenance, Pavement, Distresses, , Distresses, Management System, Survey, Ranking,
Developing Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) for Small Cities, Aswan City Case Study
A pavement maintenance management system (PMMS) was developed for the city of Aswan as a model of a small city to provide the road maintenance department in Aswan city with the capabilities for comprehensive planning of the maintenance activities needed to put the internal pavement network into desired physical condition in view of maintenance budget constraints. The developed system consists ... Read more

2021-07-01 00:01:06 Keywords Thermal ageing, Light ageing, ,
The Effect of the Accelerated Laboratory Ageing Factors on Linen Textiles Dyed with Turmeric Dye
Archaeological linen textiles in uncontrolled museums are exposed to many different damage factors. It is noticed in some Egyptian Museums that the differences in temperature and use of inappropriate light bulbs are the most enemies of dyed historical textiles. This article presents interesting results about the effect thermal and light ageing on optical,chemical and mechanical characterization of dyed linen textiles. ... Read more

2021-05-21 23:17:38 Keywords KEYWORDS: Geopolymer concrete, ,
"Effect Of Curing Period On Geopolymer Concrete Incorporating GGBS ,Fly Ash And Silica Fume
ABSTRACT : Cement industry is one of the major contributors to the emission of greenhouse gasses. So, efforts are needed to make concrete more environmental friendly by using fly ash which helps in reduce global warming as well as fly ash disposal problem. This paper presents study of effect of curing period on mechanical properties of fly ash based geopolymer ... Read more

2021-05-21 23:12:15 Keywords KEYWORDS: Geopolymer concrete, ,
"Structural Behavior of Axially Loaded Geopolymer Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Subjected to Elevated Temperatures"
ABSTRACT: The current experimental study included testing ten geopolymer concrete short columns and ten conventional concrete short columns under vertical axial loads. In addition, the behavior of the tested columns was studied in terms of ultimate load , cracking loads , modes of failure, toughness, stiffness and ductility at ambient temperature and elevated temperature of 3000C &5000C for exposure periods ... Read more

2020-12-20 17:00:14 Keywords Magnetic water, saline water, ,
The effect of saline water magnetization on physiological and agronomic traits of some bread wheat genotypes
The present work relates to estimate the effect of magnetically-treated saline water on physiological and agronomic traits of 22 bread wheat genotypes and to determine the changes in soil properties. Replicated pot experiments involving potable water, saline water (2500 and 5000 ppm) and magnetically treated (2500 and 5000 ppm saline water) were conducted in greenhouse during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 winter ... Read more

2020-12-20 16:50:43 Keywords Bread wheat (T. aestivum L.), ,
Grain Yield Stability of New Bread Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) under Normal and Heat Stress Conditions
FORTY-TWO bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) were evaluated in eight environments in Egypt: two locations and two planting dates during the two 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 growing seasons. The objectives of this study were to estimate grain yield, number of spikes plant-1, 1000-kernel weight and plant height of these 42 bread wheat genotypes under different environments and to determine their ... Read more

2020-11-28 15:56:07 Keywords Eocene, Bivalvia, Nile Valley, ,
Elattaar, A. A. & Seddik, A. A. (2017): The Bivalve Fauna of the Eocene Succession of the Maghagha Area, East and West of the Nile Valley, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Geology, 61:521-568, 3 text-figs, 3 tables, pls. 1-6.
Forty one bivalve species belonging to thirty one genera, twenty two families, sixteen superfamilies, six orders and three subclasses are identified from the Middle Eocene successions exposed in the Maghagha area, east and west of the Nile Valley. The bivalve fauna studied herein came from six sections, five of them are located on the eastern side of the Nile Valley ... Read more

2020-11-15 04:08:51 Keywords Flow cytometry, DNA contents, ,
1	2015 Marine Pollution of Chemicals Detergents Contamination Induced Apoptosis and Necrosis in Fish Liver (Sardine aurita) by Flow Cytometry DNA Measurements
AUTHOR Listed: Tito N. Habib* (Molecular Genetics' Lab, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt) Mohamed F. El-Sayed (Physiology Lab, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt) Fathi M. Ali (Environmental Science department, Faculty of science, Azzaytuna University, Tarhouna, Libya) Tawfiq M. Almsatar (Environmental Science department, Faculty of science, Azzaytuna University, Tarhouna, Libya) Registered: ABSTRACT Background: Presently, there ... Read more

2020-05-01 17:16:28 Keywords FLOORING MORTARS, PROTEINS , ,
Detecting organic additives in ancient mortars is significant to be carried out as far as mineralogical, chemical, and physical investigations. That characterisation allows understanding the technology of those mortars and is important to make appropriate decisions in conservation works. Previous characterisations of organic additives in mortars, including jointing and flooring ones used in the Red Monastery located next to Anba ... Read more