
أ.د/ محمود السيد مراد

استاذ - وكيل كلية الآداب لشؤون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الآداب

العنوان: سوهاج - كلية الآداب - قسم الفلسفة



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: الكلبية

2020-03-15 17:21:01 الكلمات المفتاحية فيلسوف, متفلسف, فلسفة, أرسطو, ديكارت, الكلبية, السفسطائية,
متفلسفة الشوارع
العقل هو القوة التي تميز الإنسان عن بقية المخلوقات ، والنشاط الأصلى لهذه القوة هو التفكير واعمال العقل في الكون لفهم مشاكل الحياة ومحاولة تحقيق السعادة .. والتفلسفة هو هذا النشاط الفكرى للعقل البشري ... ومن هنا تحاول هذه الورقة اظهار كيف يمارس رجل الشارع التفلسف دون أن يدري . إقراء المزيد

SOCRATICA 2008  Studies in Ancient Socratic Literature
In the last few years interest in a multi-faceted approach to Socrates and the Socratics has grown considerably. Not only have the So$ kratikoi logoi been studied with more and more attention; the historical and literary contexts to which the protagonists of these logoi belong have also been tackled extensively. The need to consider Socrates within a broader context has ... إقراء المزيد

The Present State of Socratic Studies: an Overview
Scholarly literature on Socrates and the Socratics is growing constantly and steadily. The number of editions, translations, monographs, collections and articles is increasing from year to year,1 contributing to a boost of knowledge about Socrates and his pupils as well as to new ways of interpreting such knowledge. Well established hermeneutical paradigms spanning from Olof Gigon’s ‘skeptic’ approach to Gregory ... إقراء المزيد

The Concept of Mimesis: Evolution From Plato to Longinus
Scholarly literature on Socrates and the Socratics is growing constantly and steadily. The number of editions, translations, monographs, collections and articles is increasing from year to year,1 contributing to a boost of knowledge about Socrates and his pupils as well as to new ways of interpreting such knowledge. Well established hermeneutical paradigms spanning from Olof Gigon’s ‘skeptic’ approach to Gregory ... إقراء المزيد

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