
Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Abu-Dief

Professor - Professor of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Faculty of science

Address: Behind hospital of Sohag University - Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Street



Publications Which contain the keyword: weathering

2018-09-16 09:31:35 Keywords Petra, weathering, PM, Stereo M, XRD, SEM,
3.	Environmental impacts: Weathering factors, mechanism and forms affected the stone decaying in Petra
The decay of stones in a natural environment is governed by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Petra is exposed for centuries to the severe climatic conditions especially temperature (T), total monthly rainfall (TMR) and relative humidity (RH). In this regard, there are negative effects that result from these climatic elements on stone; which affect or are based on the chemical characteristics ... Read more

2018-09-16 10:01:56 Keywords XRD, EDX, Red spots, weathering, deterioration, Granite,
15.	Analytical investigations of disintegrated granite surface from the Un-finished obelisk in Aswan  Int. J. of ArchaeoScience, Vol. 35
The deterioration of natural stone monuments is subjected to different external reasons that take place through different weathering factors, in addition to other several factors concerning the stone itself “internal reasons” mainly pore structure and permeability index. All of these factors lead to the formation of altered surface layers, then damaging the original stone components. Here, red weathering, one of ... Read more

2018-09-16 10:05:09 Keywords Inherent, salinity, Crusts, Efflorescence, weathering,
16.	Chemical deterioration of Egyptian limestone affected by saline water I
Salt forms are aggressive deterioration problems, which occur on all stone surfaces, mortars and renderings through saline solutions transferred to the stone pores. Deterioration of Egyptian limestone is primarily due to water-soluble salts. The formation of these salts on calcareous stone is the most important chemical reaction involving saline water to cause stone degradation. The study explains the different deterioration ... Read more

2018-09-16 10:07:29 Keywords Crusting, Flaking, Limestone, Pitting, Scaling, Soiling, weathering,
17.	Investigation on limestone weathering of El-Tuba Minaret El-Mahalla, Egypt: A case study
The weathering phenomena that have affected El‐TUBA Minaret, one of the most important Islamic stone minarets in middle delta in Egypt; that has suffered from several factors of deterioration due to weathering phenomenon. The present investigations concern the weathering factors that may have affected the minaret via the following methods and techniques: a) Contact‐free methods used to study the chemical ... Read more

Reactive transport modelling of weathering processes in intensely stratified mine tailings
Reactive transport simulations have been applied to investigate possible effects of stratification on the potential of sulfide-bearing mine tailings to form protective cemented layers and to retain toxic elements. Our research is based on a German tailings site, where material is intensely stratified on a mm-cm scale. The computational domain was defined as an one dimensional column the size of ... Read more

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