

Professor - استاذ مساعد بقسم الباثولوجيا الاكلينكيه كليه طب سوهاج

Faculty of medicine

Address: ش الجمهوريه امام النادي البحري سوهاج ثان- سوهاج



Publications Which contain the keyword: caffeine

2018-09-27 10:27:23 Keywords TGF β, Retinoic acid, caffeine,
Effect of maternal caffeine and retinoic acid intake on liver during pre- and postnatal development of mice, Mus musculus.
ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of caffeine and retinoic acid as the active metabolite form of vitamin A on the liver at pre- and postnatal periods of development. In either the pre- or the postnatal period of study, caffeine was able to perturb carbohydrates, increase calcium and decrease iron those accompanied with dowenregulated expression of ... Read more

2018-09-27 10:32:50 Keywords caffeine, Retinoic acid, Skele,
Effect of caffeine and retinoic acid on skeleton of mice embryos.
ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of caffeine and retinoic acid either in separate or in combination on the skeleton of the developing embryos of mice. Pregnant females were treated with either caffeine or retinoic acid at the onset of organogenesis (7th day of gestation). At morphological level no abnormalities in either caffeine or retinoic acid ... Read more

2018-09-08 13:00:06 Keywords Renal injury, caffeine, obese, Diabetes , ZSF1 rats,
Early renal injury induced by caffeine consumption in obese,  diabetic ZSF1 rats
ABSTRACT: Our previous studies indicate that prolonged caffeine consumption exacerbates renal failure in nephropathy associated with the metabolic syndrome. Reduced activity of the antioxidant defense system and beneficial effects of antioxidant therapy have been reported in diabetic rats and humans. The purpose of this study was to examine the early renal effects of caffeine consumption and the effects of concomitant ... Read more

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