
Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Abu-Dief

Professor - Professor of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Faculty of science

Address: Behind hospital of Sohag University - Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Street



Publications Which contain the keyword: Lead

A Study of Degradation Phenomena of the Stained Glass in some Cairo Palaces from 1850 to 1950
ABSTRACT _Egypt’s palaces have various openings and architectures, the most significant of which were those openings containing stained glass. Due to the degradation of most stained-glass windows in the Egyptian palaces that are full of artistic works of high production quality and the increase of degradation factors, whether natural or artificial, they should be immediate conserved to keep this heritage ... Read more

Chemical Structure of Natural Products and Characterization  of Secretory Tissue of Sweet Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.)Under  Lead Stress
Abstract: The present study was done to test the effect of Pb treatments on secretory tissue and the chemical structure of the essential oils of basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.). Lead treatments were as follow: 100, 250, 500 and 7500 ppm in addition to control. The experiment was done on Ocimumbasilicum L. in a greenhouse, arranged as a randomized complete block design ... Read more

2018-10-14 20:28:09 Keywords cadmium, Lead, laban rayeb, Kareish cheese,
Assessment of cadmium and lead in buffalo’s raw milk and its rural products in some villages of Sohag and Qena governorates, Egypt.
ABSTRACT: Raw buffalo’s milk and house - made rural milk products including, Laban Rayeb, Cream, Samna, Kareish cheese and Mish cheese (252 samples) were collected from 14 villages of Sohag and Qena Governorates. These samples were applied to assess Cadmium and Lead. It was found that the average contents of Cadmium and Lead were 0.023 ppm and 0.09 ppm in ... Read more

Chemical Structure of Natural Products and Characterization  of Secretory Tissue of Sweet Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.)Under  Lead Stress
Abstract: The present study was done to test the effect of Pb treatments on secretory tissue and the chemical structure of the essential oils of basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.). Lead treatments were as follow: 100, 250, 500 and 7500 ppm in addition to control. The experiment was done on Ocimumbasilicum L. in a greenhouse, arranged as a randomized complete block design ... Read more

2018-10-13 08:58:14 Keywords cadmium, Lead, azoospermia,
Correlation between seminal lead and cadmium and seminal parameters in idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermic males
The exact causes of the decline in semen quality are not yet known, environmental factors have been considered to play an important role. Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) are two of the well-known reproductive toxicants to which humans are exposed occupationally and environmentally and can lead to negative effects on the testicular functions. The aim of this study was to ... Read more

2018-10-05 20:07:39 Keywords Lead, cadmium, salted fissh,
Assessment of lead and cadmium in some Egyptian salted and smoked fish
Lead (pb) and cadmium (cd) were determined in muscle of salted fishes (Moloha and Feseakh), smoked fish (Ringa) and salted water (water of Moloha) collected from different markets in Sohage city during summer 2013. In this study, sixty random samples (15 each of Moloha, Feseakh, Ringa and salted water) were analyzed for determination of lead and cadmium level using a ... Read more

2018-10-05 20:17:19 Keywords Lead, cadmium,
Estimation of lead and cadmium levels in flesh of some imported salted canned fish
Fish accumulates substantial amounts of metals in their tissues especially muscles and thus, consider one of major dietary sources of these metals for humans. The objective of the present study is to determine the concentration of lead and cadmium levels in flesh of some imported salted canned fish (Sardine, Salmon and Anchovies) by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Graphite furnace. Fourty ... Read more

2018-09-25 16:18:15 Keywords Lead, cadmium,
1.	Lead and Cadmium in Meat and Some Edible Offal of Slaughtered Cattle in Qena Abattoir
Heavy metals pollution is considered as one of the most important environmental problems in Egypt, in resulted from industrial and agricultural wastes that spread in air, water and soil. Among of these pollutants, cadmium and lead which have tendency to accumulate in tissues and organs of animal, birds, fish and humans being causing serious effects to different species. A total ... Read more

2018-09-27 23:57:22 Keywords vitamin E, testis, Lead, Ultra, Lead, testes,
The effect of lead acetate on testicular structure and the protective effect of vitamin E in  adult  albino rat.
Bachground: Lead is considered an important cause of the infertility among occupational workers .The present work was done to study the histological changes in the testicles of adult albino rats after lead treatment for different periods, and the role of vitamin E in minimizing these changes. Material and Methods: Forty five adult rats were used in this study. They divided ... Read more

2018-09-27 23:57:22 Keywords vitamin E, testis, Lead, Ultra, Lead, testes,
The effect of lead acetate on testicular structure and the protective effect of vitamin E in  adult  albino rat.
Bachground: Lead is considered an important cause of the infertility among occupational workers .The present work was done to study the histological changes in the testicles of adult albino rats after lead treatment for different periods, and the role of vitamin E in minimizing these changes. Material and Methods: Forty five adult rats were used in this study. They divided ... Read more