
أ.د صلاح رشدى أحمد عبد اللطيف

استاذ - أستاذ التوليد وأمراض النساء بكلية طب سوهاج ووكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب

كلية الطب

العنوان: قسم التوليد وأمراض النساء. كلية طب سوهاج - ش جامعة سوهاج.مدينة ناصر .محافظة سوهاج.ص .ب 82524



المنشورات و المؤلفات التي تحتوي علي الكلمة المفتاحية: Osteocalcin

2018-09-29 06:59:18 الكلمات المفتاحية Osteocalcin, Osteoblastomas, Osteosarcomas,
Background/Aims: Osteoblastoma and osteosarcoma are primary bone forming tumors that show different radiological/pathological features and clinical behavior. This study aims to specify the expression profile of Ki-67 and osteocalcin in osteoblastomas and osteosarcomas. Methods: Ki-67 and osteocalcin immunoexpression were studied in 9 osteoblastomas and 30 osteosarcomas; including 27 osteoblastic osteosarcomas. Results: There was gradual significant increase (p إقراء المزيد

2018-09-29 08:27:06 الكلمات المفتاحية Osteocalcin, Osteosarcoma, Osteoblastoma, Immunohistochemistry,
Role of immunohistochemical cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and osteocalcin in differentiating between osteoblastomas and osteosarcomas
Background/Aims: Differential diagnosis between aggressive osteoblastoma and low grade osteosarcoma may be very diffi cult or even impossible on a small biopsy. This study was designed to assess the usefulness of immunoexpression of COX-2 and osteocalcin in the differential diagnosis of the two tumour types. Methods: Immunostaining of COX 2 and osteocalcin were studied in 9 osteoblastomas and 30 osteosarcomas. ... إقراء المزيد

2018-09-06 09:01:44 الكلمات المفتاحية Osteosarcomas, Osteoblastomas, Osteocalcin, COX 2,
Role of Immunohistochemical Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Osteocalcin Expression in Differentiating Osteoblastomas from Osteosarcomas
_BACKGROUND/AIMS:_ Differential diagnosis between aggressive osteoblastoma and low grade osteosarcoma may be very difficult or even impossible on a small biopsy. This study was designed to assess the usefulness of immunoexpression of COX-2 and osteocalcin in the differential diagnosis of the two tumour types. _METHODS:_ Immunostaining of COX 2 and osteocalcin were studied in 9 osteoblastomas and 30 osteosarcomas. _RESULTS:_ ... إقراء المزيد

2018-09-06 09:07:06 الكلمات المفتاحية Osteosarcoma, Osteoblastoma, Osteocalcin, Ki-67,
Ki-67 and Osteocalcin Immunostaining Expression in Osteogenic Tumors; Osteoblastoma and Osteosarcoma
_BACKGROUND/AIMS:_ Osteoblastoma and osteosarcoma are primary bone forming tumors that show different radiological/pathological features and clinical behavior. This study aims to specify the expression profile of Ki-67 and osteocalcin in osteoblastomas and osteosarcomas._METHODS:_Ki-67 and osteocalcin immunoexpression were studied in 9 osteoblastomas and 30 osteosarcomas; including 27 osteoblastic osteosarcomas._RESULTS:_There was gradual significant increase (pCONCLUSION:_ Ki-67 increased ongoing from osteoblastomas through low ... إقراء المزيد

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