Abstract: Introduction: The area of reproductive health is under investigated in Egypt due to cultural sensitivities.
The aim of this study is to explore the knowledge and attitude toward reproductive health of university students and
to identify factors affecting these knowledge and attitude. Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional study.
Well structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from students in Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.
Statistical analysis was performed using STATA program. Results: This study included 863 students (55% males
and 45% females). The knowledge score achieved was 56% with is no significant difference between males and
females. The score was significantly affected by faculty and grade of study, residence, religions of students, parents’
educations and work, and health education. The attitude score achieved was 60.5%. It was significantly affected by
faculty type, religions of students, parents’ educations and health education. Conclusion and recommendations:
The level of knowledge about reproductive health is low. We recommend that inclusion of reproductive health in the
curriculums will improve reproductive health of the students and will protect them from sexually transmitted