Herein, a novel method is presented for enhancing the thermal desalination process of saline water and seawater using atmospheric pressure plasma (APP). The efect of APP treatment combined with thermal heating (APP-TH) on the energy consumption, conductivity, and pH of seawater and saline water is investigated. Utilizing scanning electron microscopy and X-ray difractometry, the evolution of the morphology, structure, and chemical composition of precipitated crystals is characterized. The APP-TH method reduces the energy consumption for desalination by 40.5% for saline water and by 52.82%
for seawater when compared to the TH-only method. The pH value remains approximately unchanged, decreasing slightly for the saline water from 7.1 for untreated saline water to 7.05 after APP-TH treatment.
However, after APP-TH treatment, the pH value of the seawater increased slightly, from 7 to 7.8. The total dissolved salts decreased after APP-TH treatment, lowering the conductivity of the saline water from 65,000 µS/cm to 160 µS/cm and the conductivity of the seawater from 58,200 µS/cm to 243 µS/cm. Moreover, the size of precipitated crystals from saline water is 31.47 nm after APP-TH treatment, compared
to 55.59 nm after TH-only treatment. They also dropped from 41 nm to 39.5 nm for seawater. Compared with traditional approaches, this research proposes an optimistic solution to address global potable water
scarcity issues.