
   Back ground: Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax are oral parasites considered by some reports to have pathogenic effects. We aimed to decide the best available method for diagnosis of both parasites. Subjects and methods: 45 swab samples from the mouths of patients with periodontal infections were taken from the attendants of the dentistry of Sohag University Hospitals, Sohag University, Upper Egypt from February- June. Samples were examined by, wet mount method, stained slides with Giemsa and Iron haematoxylin stains and cultured on TYSGM-9 medium.  Results: out of the 45 samples, 5 (11.1%) showed E. gingivalis by the culture method, 2(4.4%) of them by the direct smear and Giemsa staining methods (with 40% sensitivity to both). Three (6.7%) of them were revealed by Iron haematoxylin stain (60% sensitivity). As for T. tenax, 6 (13.3%) gave positive results with wet direct smear. Only 3 of them (6.7%) were detected, by both the culture and Giemsa stain technique and 1 (2.2%) by Iron haematoxylin stain. Conclusions: Culture on TYSGM-9 medium was the best method used in our study for detection of Entamoeba gingivalis and direct smear was the best for T. tenax.